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China’s disappearing farming land

Tiananmen square protests in 1989 is a clear evidence abt the class conflict in China, dont try to deny it, and it soon will happen again :pop:

Class conflict happen everywhere (specially in developing countries, but its much softer in VN .
answer my question: did you just free from ban?
answer my question: did you just free from ban?
I'm free from ban or not has nothing to do with the topic, and what I say is always the Truth. We can wait and see the riot soon will happen again in China due to its corruption in land bragging from poor people and due to more arable land is disappearing :pop:
I'm free from ban or not has nothing to do with the topic, and what I say is always the Truth. We can wait and see the riot soon will happen again in China due to its corruption in land bragging from poor people and due to more arable land is disappearing :pop:
ok, I know you just get out from ban, you may get it again soon
The same sad story everywhere.

One has only to drive for 30 minutes in any direction after the ring road in Delhi / NCR to see farmlands going concrete.

A growing population, reducing farmlands and dependence on rain is a huge -huge risk .
ok, I know you just get out from ban, you may get it again soon
And its doesnt help Chinese farmer stop losing their land . U should dare to stand up and ban ur corrupted crooks for grabbing land from poor Chinese instead of talking nonsense abt me :pop:
Time for the government to address the issue and start massive reclaimation projects.

China’s disappearing farming land

China’s Ministry of Land and Resources has announced new regulations on effective use and better conservation of land.

Although China is the world’s third largest country in terms of territorial area, only 13 percent of its land is arable.

Moreover, soil erosion and industrial pollution have meant that even that number is rapidly shrinking.

Key facts:

    • Over 8 percent of China’s arable land is polluted.
    • Nearly 30 percent of China’s soil is eroded.
    • Around 27 percent of the land is decertified, affecting more than 400 million people.
    • Desertification is expanding at a rate of 250,000 hectares every year.
Compounding the problem is the fact that even this limited arable land is often wasted on large-scale construction projects.

For instance, in a number of villages, land has been sold to developers to build golf courses in the hope of attracting tourists.

really only 13% is arable?

Is it because much of the countryside is mountains?
It is mostly from Guangdong and Fujian, since these two provinces are too exposed to the pro-West mentality.

And you won't hear any province from North China doing something like this, not even Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

BTW, Zhejiang sucks too, the home of the pro-KMT retards.

CPC is now disrupting this trend, and please read the official news.

违法高尔夫球场成执法盲区 十年整治陷越治越乱怪圈-新华网
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And its doesnt help Chinese farmer stop losing their land . U should dare to stand up and ban ur corrupted crooks for grabbing land from poor Chinese instead of talking nonsense abt me :pop:
No, it explains why you accumulated so many bullshits to vent out at this time.
Yeah, just like what Karkl Marx said: the main conflict in the world is the conflict between 2 classes: proletariat and bourgeoisie ( or the rich and the poor)

The rich in China is getting richer, greedier and more corrupted when the poor is much poorer with unemployment rate getting higher, so, there will be a big riot of proletariat class will happen in China to fight against the corrupted Govt. :pop:

China Gov.t is trying to drive its heat inside China to the conflict in SCS(east sea), but seem like it has No use, and it only a waste of tax for China in the conflict:pop:
Quoting Karkl Marx words, very interesting, you know too much, do your Father and Mother know these? you should join government, you can be PM.

Tiananmen square protests in 1989 is a clear evidence abt the class conflict in China, dont try to deny it, and it soon will happen again :pop:
Well, expert, mind to tell us when? hehe.

Class conflict happen everywhere (specially in developing countries, but its much softer in VN .
Hehe, from the protest against China, I know it is very "soft".

Tell you government, man, let them don't worry, lease the protest against China, it will help you government put pressure on China, hehe.

I'm free from ban or not has nothing to do with the topic, and what I say is always the Truth. We can wait and see the riot soon will happen again in China due to its corruption in land bragging from poor people and due to more arable land is disappearing :pop:
Truth again, The word "Truth" become very cheap, hehe.

Soon?! glad you tell us these, I have seem a riot in Vietnam, and you government press the riot, mind share the experience with China?! hehe.

And its doesnt help Chinese farmer stop losing their land . U should dare to stand up and ban ur corrupted crooks for grabbing land from poor Chinese instead of talking nonsense abt me :pop:
Seems you like popcorn, do that can cure orange agent?
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Vietnam has good arable land. Take note.

@Chinaese Military Control Central
Quoting Karkl Marx words, very interesting, you know too much, do your Father and Mother know these? you should join government, you can be PM.

Well, expert, mind to tell us when? hehe.

Hehe, from the protest against China, I know it is very "soft".

Tell you government, man, let them don't worry, lease the protest against China, it will help you government put pressure on China, hehe.

Truth again, The word "Truth" become very cheap, hehe.

Soon?! glad you tell us these, I have seem a riot in Vietnam, and you government press the riot, mind share the experience with China?! hehe.

Seems you like popcorn, do that can cure orange agent?
i don't see any fact in your comment
Quoting Karkl Marx words, very interesting, you know too much, do your Father and Mother know these? you should join government, you can be PM.

Seems you like popcorn, do that can cure orange agent?
Born in communist nations with father working for the Govt. of course I learned abt Lenin-Karl Marx since I was a child. I also use Karl Marx's thought abt capitalism to decide when should I trade Gold or stock or buying house to make money. 'Das Kapital' of Karl Marx help me a lot in understanding the rules of capitalism and figure out when economy recession.will happen

When using Karl Marx thought to analyze China, people can see clearly a serious conflict between 2 classes: proletariat and bourgeoisie ( or the rich and the poor) , and base on what Karl Marx said: it will lead to a serious riot in the future bcz rich Chinese getting richer , greedier in land grabbing and more corrupted while poor Chinese is getting poorer with their jobs losing every day :pop:
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