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China’s disappearing farming land

I know, i was joking with my previous post. It's going to take time but will see improvements within the next decade.

In my opinion, it might even be necessary for the Chinese Central Government to execute corrupt environmental officials who turn a blind eye to industrial sites due to corruption (bribery cases). China is known for its necessary use of force to ensure all segments of the People's Republic abide by the Laws. So i'm actually in agreement for China to use 'tough' enforcement of the environmental laws.

It is imperative that China preserve not only the cultural beauty of the land, but also the natural environment , it is the responsibility of government to preserve the natural environmental niches for future generations of Chinese.

So on that note, I'm actually supporting for tough environmental laws.
IOne critical issue that China really has to deal with is the eutrophication of river basins, lakes and ponds , which negatively affect the fish population and even the native aquatic vegetation..

That's only a tiny issue. What you should really be worried about is the heavy metals and toxic chemicals that are by-products of manufacturing that are dumped into rivers and settle to the bottom. This is what ruins rivers permanently. The only way to clean it up is to dredge it all out.

It can take decades.
This was started in 1980: Superfund - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Map of Superfund sites in the contiguous United States. Red indicates currently on final National Priority List, yellow is proposed, green is deleted (usually meaning having been cleaned up). This map is as of March 2010.

40 Years of Achievements, 1970-2010 | EPA@40 | US EPA
"On April 22, 1970, 20 million Americans one in every ten Americans at the time stood up to demand a cleaner and healthier environment. This first Earth Day was one of the largest grassroots demonstrations in the nations history and it worked. By the end of the year, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency was created and tasked with both cleaning up the damage already done to the environment, and establishing guidelines to help Americans make a cleaner and safer environment a reality."

Can you imagine what China's superfund map is going to look like!
The map above isn't just rivers,it's toxic chemicals dumped by hundreds of manufactures on-site seeping into local ground water, it's hazardous smoke stack stuff landing in farmland, and all imaginable disasters.
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That's only a tiny issue. What you should really be worried about is the heavy metals and toxic chemicals that are by-products of manufacturing that are dumped into rivers and settle to the bottom. This is what ruins rivers permanently. The only way to clean it up is to dredge it all out.

It can take decades.
This was started in 1980: Superfund - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, good point. Heavy metals such as cadmium, lead, zinc, copper, pose an environmental concern for the homeostasis of fisheries and vegetation. The United States' kettle lakes , which were centers for industrial plants during the Industrial Revolution, were subject to environmental insults.

Thanks for sharing that, buddy. :tup:
Yes, good point. Heavy metals such as cadmium, lead, zinc, copper, pose an environmental concern for the homeostasis of fisheries and vegetation. The United States' kettle lakes , which were centers for industrial plants during the Industrial Revolution, were subject to environmental insults.

Thanks for sharing that, buddy. :tup:

When the standard of living jumps to a point where super-consumerism hits China and their industrial output doubles their superfund map is going to be beyond scary. They will have poisoned a large portion of their country.
When the standard of living jumps to a point where super-consumerism hits China and their industrial output doubles their superfund map is going to be beyond scary.

By then, I hope that the Central Government will have implemented more robust environmental policies that forces the industrial sites in the country to adhere to these laws. Given, China has been the manufacturing center of the world market now for a good time; the government has been lax in terms of environmental control to appease the growing demand of manufacturing services, and courting further international offshore sites. One of the cost of industrialization and modernization are these environmental foibles.

As China eventually moves from a manufacturing based economy to a consumer oriented economy, we can expect these environmental situations to reduce, in conjunction with enforcement of their environmental protection laws.

China is not the only country to consider these environmental issues, India is another story....
By then, I hope that the Central Government will have implemented more robust environmental policies that forces the industrial sites in the country to adhere to these laws. Given, China has been the manufacturing center of the world market now for a good time; the government has been lax in terms of environmental control to appease the growing demand of manufacturing services, and courting further international offshore sites. One of the cost of industrialization and modernization are these environmental foibles.

As China eventually moves from a manufacturing based economy to a consumer oriented economy, we can expect these environmental situations to reduce, in conjunction with enforcement of their environmental protection laws.

The problem is with 1.3 billion plus people...manufacturing is what keeps them going. They can try and do what the USA did and outsource it to some other country (my guess North Korea) but then they will have the same issue the US had with the loss of manufacturing jobs. That's going to cause some huge headaches as a portion of the population are going to be the "haves" (who were mainly higher paid white-collar professionals who made tons of money and will keep their jobs) while the "have nots" (those who were blue-collar in manufacturing jobs and just barely getting by) suddenly see their work get outsourced. That can cause social upheaval - especially in what supposedly was a Socialist country. The US tried to contain that portion of the population by moving them into service and farming jobs but in reality the welfare roles shot up. Next strategy is to import as many professionals as possible to offset things.

This is just history repeating itself. The average US citizen didn't realize the damage that was being done by super industrialization. The government wasn't standing up pointing it out. If anything they were hiding it or glossing over it. I'm sure China is significantly passed the pollution level the US was in 1970.

You can safely swim in the rivers around New York City again (you couldn't in 1970 due to upstream polluting)...if you can't in major cities where you live then that should be a red flag something is severely wrong and it isn't going to be easy to undo.
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Communist Party is directly responsible for this. This regime is corrupt to the bone stealing the land of innocent hardworking people so they can build golf courses for Yankee maggots. Not only is land wasted but precious water is wasted too.

Golf should be banned in China and anyone promoting or playing it should be arrested and promptly executed and the organs given to people that need a transplant.

Utterly shameful and disgusting that the corrupt communist regime have not been able to stop this crime against the hardworking people.

It's time for a revolution to topple this shameful regime. These scum are pro-Yankees and have their children in Yankee universities and have assets in Yankee banks.

Golf is a sport that's primarily played by rich, racist western goons.

This kind of sh*t makes me so mad.
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Communist Party is directly responsible for this. This regime is corrupt to the bone stealing the land of innocent hardworking people so they can build golf courses for Yankee maggots. Not only is land wasted but precious water is wasted too.

Golf should be banned in China and anyone promoting or playing it should be arrested and promptly executed and the organs given to people that need a transplant.

Utterly shameful and disgusting that the corrupt communist regime have not been able to stop this crime against the hardworking people.

It's time for a revolution to topple this shameful regime. These scum are pro-Yankees and have their children in Yankee universities and have assets in Yankee banks.

Golf is a sport that's primarily played by rich, racist western goons.

This kind of sh*t makes me so mad.
Yeah, just like what Karkl Marx said: the main conflict in the world is the conflict between 2 classes: proletariat and bourgeoisie ( or the rich and the poor)

The rich in China is getting richer, greedier and more corrupted when the poor is much poorer with unemployment rate getting higher, so, there will be a big riot of proletariat class will happen in China to fight against the corrupted Govt. :pop:

China Gov.t is trying to drive its heat inside China to the conflict in SCS(east sea), but seem like it has No use, and it only a waste of tax for China in the conflict:pop:
Yeah, just like what Karkl Marx said: the main conflict in the world is the conflict between 2 classes: proletariat and bourgeoisie ( or the rich and the poor)

The rich in China is getting richer, greedier and more corrupted when the poor is much poorer with unemployment rate getting higher, so, there will be a big riot of proletariat class will happen in China to fight against the corrupted Govt. :pop:

China Gov.t is trying to drive its heat inside China to the conflict in SCS(east sea), but seem like it has No use, and it only a waste of tax for China in the conflict:pop:
you sutipid lunatic start to bullshit the moment you come back this forum, aren't you just relieved from the ban?
you sutipid lunatic start to bullshit the moment you come back this forum, aren't you just relieved from the ban?
Tiananmen square protests in 1989 is a clear evidence abt the class conflict in China, dont try to deny it, and it soon will happen again :pop:

china isnt alone, India faces the same problem ... law's are there, but they arent followed ... need some serious whacking
Class conflict happen everywhere (specially in developing countries, but its much softer in VN .
Class conflict happen everywhere (specially in developing countries, but its much softer in VN .

its not class conflict, its over-development, one has to analyse population expansion and food requirement before expanding such rapidly
its not class conflict, its over-development, one has to analyse population expansion and food requirement before expanding such rapidly
Anyway,I think that problem still lead to a serious riot in the future
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