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China's defense machine eyes Europe instead of Russia

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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China's defense machine eyes Europe instead of Russia

European Union may lift the embargo on arms deliveries to China. The embargo was put in effect in 1989, after the bloody suppression of youth protests on Beijing's Tiananmen Square. EU High Representative Catherine Ashton is one of the ardent supporters of the intention to lift the arms shipments embargo, AFP reports.

It seems that there are no prerequisites for lifting the embargo on China. The Asian giant has not learned to respect democratic values in the Western perception of this term. So what is the reason for such a drastic change?

The chairman of the Department for the European Security of the Institute for Europe, Dmitry Danilov, told Pravda.Ru that the issue of defense cooperation with China had been on the agenda of the European Union for years.

"They conduct negotiations on the subject. A considerable part of the EU leadership would like to lift the embargo on China. However, the wish runs into Europe's position about violations of human rights in China. The problem is that one should win the support of all European leaders for that. Some of them believe, though, that human rights should stay the first priority for the European Union.

"A crisis is a good time to make things move. Many Europeans believe that political decisions must be based on material and pragmatic interests. One should pay attention to the fact that the EU is developing a new tool - the European External Action Service.

The service is said to play a serious role in elaborating foreign political approaches of the European Union. A positive decision of the issue regarding the arms embargo would be an important approbation for the new service.

"It became clear during the recent years that China was growing into one of Europe's most important trade partners. There are economists who say that China is becoming the third largest commercial partner for Europe, after the USA and Russia. Many in Europe realize that they need to conduct a constructive dialogue with China, taking into consideration the fact that the USA, the "stronghold of world democracy", develops its ties with China very actively.

"Europe has not been able to develop defense cooperation with America on equal terms. The Americans consider European arms makers only as subcontractors. One should also bear in mind the fact business structures, including arms makers, lobby their interests through politicians. The competition on the arms market is tight, and the Europeans would not mind establishing firm positions in China. It will be a hard nut to crack for them because they have not been on the Chinese market for over 20 years.

Choosing between economic interests and human rights, Europe chose the latter back then. In addition, European arms are more expensive than both Russian and American analogues.

"However, resuming defense cooperation with China is an extremely important political decision for developing economic cooperation with the European Union in the future," the expert concluded.

In other words, Russia will soon have to deal with tough competition on the Chinese market, where Russia was making billions of profit. Russia is losing this market speedily. China is no longer interested in the products of the Russian defense industry because it does not offer anything new. The Chinese have purchased and copied everything that they wanted.

A recent article published in Kanwa Asian Defence said that China would soon refuse from large purchases of arms from Russia and concentrate on acquiring only heavy military cargo planes and S-400 missile systems.

China currently needs qualitatively new arms systems. It is possible to achieve this goal through the synthesis of best Russian and European developments. China obviously plans to use Europe just like it used Russia - to purchase and copy everything that they need. As soon as China studies the issue in detail, the volume of defense cooperation between China and the European Union will drop considerably.

Europe is now prepared to develop defense cooperation with China because there is no other country, as it seems, that could help the EU economy. China is ready to help Spain and other economically troubled European countries, but Europe has to lift discriminating sanctions in return.

China's defense copy machine eyes Europe instead of Russia - English pravda.ru
If EU lifts ban on China and every kind of equipment would be made available to China ,then China should go for their Fighter aircrafts like EF-2000 or Rafale,there may be a less chance for EF-2000 but Rafale will have good chance specially when we know french just run after dollars and Rafale is not making any sales for them ,also french has been guilty of selling few tech to China

By inducting western fighters will give China inside of their tech as well as will eliminate the edge of indian MRCA to some extent
If EU lifts ban on China and every kind of equipment would be made available to China ,then China should go for their Fighter aircrafts like EF-2000 or Rafale,there may be a less chance for EF-2000 but Rafale will have good chance specially when we know french just run after dollars and Rafale is not making any sales for them ,also french has been guilty of selling few tech to China

By inducting western fighters will give China inside of their tech as well as will eliminate the edge of indian MRCA to some extent

China won't be interested in systems only parts and only a few at that. The EU is strapped for cash, this can be the only rationale for the decision.

It's a take it or leave it proposition for China and personally I'd rather they leave it.
Things that China can Grab from EU
1-Sub Tech (German,Sweden, France)
2-Advanced HMDs (UK,Germany)
3- Engine Tech (Snecma, Eurojet, RR)
4- Civilian technologies
European helicopters like EH-101 are good choice. License production them instead, and with TOT. Russian designed helicopters are cheap to buy but costly on maintenance.
I doubt RR would transfer engine tech to China. Remember back in the 1980's, during the Sino-West "honeymoon", RR refused to transfer Spey 205 single-crystal turbine tech to China that would boosted the thrust of Spey 202/WS-9 by at least 10~15%.
Snecma, OTOH, may just provide the breakthrough needed to make WS-10 reliable enough for single-engine ops.
But all these could be solved within reasonable time without foreign assistance, albeitly with greater investment in time & $$$.

Nevertheless, China NEEDS assistance with high-bypass turbofan for jet transports, if they want something working within the next 10 years.
Right now, Boeing & Airbus are profiting from the cross-Strait transit boom; whereas Chinese can only drool.
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The truth is the defence machine is eyeing neither. It is the Europeans who are desperately wanting to end the embargo.

Exactly, the Europeans are desperate to push through whatever it is left that they know China might be interested and cash in whilst they still can. They know the technological gap is closing. However, they would still like to put up some kind of political posture to show that they are in control. By the looks of things, the embargo will sooner or later be lifted.
End the embargo. China only wants large transport and some sub-systems. Nothing more.

China is clearly not interested in Rafale nor Eurofighter.
We can't know for sure what China will or will not buy from Europe once the embargo is lifted.

People need to remember how China paid billions of $$$ to France to buy nuclear reactors without ToT, and how the head of China National Nuclear Corp was later found to be well oiled by the French.

Once the embargo is lifted it's free game, political pressure or commercial bribery, whatever it takes to sell weapons. And China is far from immune to these things.

So overall I still think it's best if EU keeps the embargo.
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