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China Ocean Shipping Magazine
Today at 14:00 from Haiqiangguo Road Super Talk

[The deep-sea equipment comprehensive research ship is launched]

On the morning of March 20th, the world's largest by displacement, the deep-sea equipment comprehensive research ship was slowly moved out of the dock with the tugboat, and successfully docked at the pier! Completely independently developed in China, all-steel welded structure, seven-blade side propeller, DC network integrated electric propulsion, quantitative acoustic design, whole-ship vibration and noise reduction technology...Deep-sea equipment comprehensive research ship, is such a features rich SWATH (small waterplane area twin-hull) research vessel.

来自 海洋强国路超话​

China Ocean Shipping Magazine
11-29 22:44

[Trial of the deep sea equipment comprehensive test ship]

At 9:56 on the morning of November 29, the deep-sea equipment comprehensive test ship left the port for trial sailing on the north shore of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, and began sea trials from the Bohai Sea to the Yellow Sea. The comprehensive test ship for deep-sea equipment is completely independently developed in China. The largest domestic 6000-ton classed large fully welded steel structure, double pitch propeller, DC grid integrated electric propulsion, and DP-1 dynamic positioning capability small waterplane area catamaran. The ship adopts the overall design technology based on acoustics to design and build a deep-sea experimental ship with excellent comprehensive sailing performance, quiet and comfortable, safe and reliable, green environmental protection, powerful functions, unique characteristics, and international leading.



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