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China’s Communist Party meets worker anger with plan to raise retirement age for greying population


Sep 8, 2017
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If CCP plans to raise the retirement age I hope they do it and succeed. In Poland there once was a party "PO", they raised the level to 67 years for both women and men, but after a few years, they were succeeded by populist party "PIS" who returned it to the previous state of 60 years for women and 65 for men. Because of this move, the younger generations of Polish people will pay the price.

Paywall, anyone can post it?

If CCP plans to raise the retirement age I hope they do it and succeed. In Poland there once was a party "PO", they raised the level to 67 years for both women and men, but after a few years, they were succeeded by populist party "PIS" who returned it to the previous state of 60 years for women and 65 for men. Because of this move, the younger generations of Polish people will pay the price.
Is it a bad news for young Cnese, making them harder to find job ??
The current welfare system was not set up for the growing life expectancy of today's population. Children born today can actually be expected to live up to 100 years old. If people expect to retire at 60, that means the state would have to provide for 40 years of pension. Retirement age for women is currently 55 for women, and 60 for men. That's not sustainable.

I agree with raising the retirement age to 15 years under current life expectancy. If life expectancy is 80, then 65 should be fine.
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The current retirement age has to change. Right now Chinese women retire at age 50, yes FIFTY, while the life expectancy at birth for women is 79.2 so women will finish university and start working at 22, work for 28 years then retire and draw pension for 29+ years. Not going to work.
Women retired at age 50 is too early, even at 55 is consider early. 60 to 65 would be more appropriate for today's life expectancy and increasingly high costs of living for the old people.

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