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China's chance to take over the leadership role of the world!

If PDF is blocked in China, how do the numerous PDF poster who show China location flags gain access? Does coming to PDF, or other blocked sites, give a Chinese citizen a negative social rating score?
Gosh... I was in China just over a year ago and I could access everything ... Google, YouTube, Twitter, WhatsApp etc. And I even posted a YouTube video on PDF from there.
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Hey pal, i did used your valuable LINK regarding Americans eating "BBQ Bats" to debunk some anti-Chinese Pakistani of our so-called unhuman taste HERE https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/chin...top-uk-think-tank.659991/page-3#post-12205039
thanks again

The virus didn't come from eating bats. We already know that as a fact. But most people are ignorant idiots so they keep repeating the mantra. The virus also most likely did not come from the wet market even though I strongly believe China needs to overhaul its regulation of wet markets. But the first cluster did not come from the wet markets so we still do not know where this virus originated currently. It definitively DID NOT COME FROM EATING BATS though.

If PDF is blocked in China, how do the numerous PDF poster who show China location flags gain access? Does coming to PDF, or other blocked sites, give a Chinese citizen a negative social rating score?

Ever heard of a VPN? Not that hard man. All the time I've traveled to China, I was able to easily access Google, Youtube, Facebook, etc. Most well educated Chinese who speak English have VPN programs and can easily access blocked pages.
If PDF is blocked in China, how do the numerous PDF poster who show China location flags gain access? Does coming to PDF, or other blocked sites, give a Chinese citizen a negative social rating score?
Chinese pdf posters use an evil tool called Vpn (for little monthly fee at a internet service provider) to circumvent government control. Xi Jingping won’t be amused. The Vpn camouflages the source IP address that suggests they are foreigners.
Chinese pdf posters use an evil tool called Vpn (for little monthly fee at a internet service provider) to circumvent government control. Xi Jingping won’t be amused. The Vpn camouflages the source IP address that suggests they are foreigners.

VPN isn't illegal in China. Their firewall was designed this way. Only the more educated would have full access to global information while the less educated would not.
Well if this was an American bioweapon then it's a sign of how incompetent the US government is because the American economy is on the verge of collapse.

This was in the plans for decades if China ever is on the verge of overtaking the US. Top policy of the US is to stop any rival from overtaking them them by various means to isolate or even to false flag. The trade war did not work to stop the rise of China. When you know that 9/11 was a false flag, you come to the realization that this is another false flag.

Before the deadly virus was released during the Wuhan Games...

President Trump ordered US firms to ditch China, but many already have and more are on the way


trump wants to bully the entire world to abandon trade with China to stop China from overtaking the US economically and militarily. It is about the survival of the DoD and CIA and State Dept.

America’s political and military mission in the post-cold-war era is to ensure that no rival superpower is allowed to emerge in Western Europe, Asia or the territories of the former Soviet Union..The classified document makes the case for a world dominated by one superpower whose position can be perpetuated by constructive behavior and sufficient military might to deter any nation or group of nations from challenging American primacy. US Department of Defense, The New York Times, March, 1992.
Ever heard of a VPN? Not that hard man. All the time I've traveled to China, I was able to easily access Google, Youtube, Facebook, etc. Most well educated Chinese who speak English have VPN programs and can easily access blocked pages.

It is a victory if the US supply chains abandon China. A greater victory if China is sued. And even greater victory if US bullies Europe into dropping China and Huawei.

The four most powerful rogue governments from Washington are Beijing, North Korea, Tehran and Rome. Three were hit with the worst bioweapon. North Korea is already isolated.

Taking over the world?? A typical western thinking.

However, it shows the urgency to stop the rise of China. "Can't allow China to be top", same idiots ordered the bioweapon attack for this very reason. Release a virus, blame on China, China isolated. They still have the very motive of releasing the virus.

They want the world to trust those in the US who worship Satan:


Same group that runs Hollywood is the same group that runs Washington.

A well respected local doctor in the US announced on the doctor's radio show that there are many many wet markets in the world and there has not been any problem with them. What this virus looks to be is from an escape from a biological lab in the United States or Isreal. I am not providing audio link or any ID to the show to protect the identity of the doctor.
Taking over the world?? A typical western thinking.
Nah, there's something to it. I used to think that the world would be in an extended period of multipolarity (bipolarity, actually). I don't think that anymore - I think the world is becoming unipolar again.
Using bio weapon to prevent China from overtaking US is a miscalculated move. China is the first country to stabilize the disease while Europe and US are struggling at the early stages. The economy is restarting already but in the West it is lockdown following the footsteps of what China did. This pretty much hurts Europe and US and nobody knows when this is contained. The one that threw the boomerang was struck in the head and is suffering a major cerebral hemorrhage.
VPN isn't illegal in China. Their firewall was designed this way. Only the more educated would have full access to global information while the less educated would not.

VPN cannot be regulated by any authoritarian country, this is why most if not all authoritarian government cannot do anything on it. But using VPN is not safe. This is why only few Chinese in mainland China use VPN, we can know it since only few Chinese who comment on Youtube in any anti China Youtube channel.
Crypto AG owned by US intelligence, VPN users be aware

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