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China’s bullet trains facilitate market integration and mitigate the cost of megacity growth

High-speed rails can transport China's values with them across world

By Gong Fangbin (Global Times)

08:33, September 18, 2014


(Illustration: Liu Rui/GT)

The world sticks to two principles. First, only big powers that stand above human civilization can play a leading role and make their rise. Second, countries exist in three levels. Third-class countries export products, second-class ones export standards and rules, and first-class ones export culture and core values.

It is likely that for a long time from now on China can export standards in a few fields. Injecting culture and core values into these standards should become a strategic goal in line with the notion of the Chinese dream.

This should be attached importance to and made into concrete plans. The reality shows that exporting high-speed railway can become a primary goal.

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang once said he felt confident when promoting China's high-speed rails. This is based on the rapid development and successful operation of China's high-speed rails.

At the same time, we should think: Besides economic benefits, what else is involved in high-speed rails export?

China's standards and rules, as well as cultural and core values should also be exported too. These belong to soft power.

We can borrow a helping hand from the lifestyles of people across the world, together with the advancement and compatibility of our products and China's active role on the global stage.

There have been many successful models. When China negotiated its entry into the WTO, the US cared most about the export of its cultural products to China, rather than its industrial products. Now we have clearly felt the Americans' intentions and strategic thinking.

Therefore, we need to work on several aspects of the high-speed rail project. The first is making exporting high-speed rails a national strategic project.

Top leaders can promote them at diplomatic occasions, and other sectors such as military and commerce should also help to ensure China's high-speed rails can expand to the world more rapidly.

The high-speed rails can become a national symbol, the influence of which can be like the impact of Japanese electronics when entering the Chinese market.

We should export the technology and rules at the same time. This is what Western countries have been doing since the industrial revolution.

Even a US-brand hamburger is made with the US standards. Exporting high-speed rails, an economic activity with broader influence, should certainly have its own standards and rules too. We should bear in mind that China's rise essentially lies in the standards and rules that China makes, instead of the consumer goods that it exports.

Last but not least, Chinese culture and core values should be exported together with the high-speed rails, so as to make the world recognize and accept the China model.

Speed and integration are China's new international image in terms of high-speed rails. It means that the speed of the rails integrates with that of China's development.

China, a new power, plays a supportive role in global development. Speed shortens time and space, and China is connecting with the world in a faster pace.

This indicates that the integration of China and the world will create a community of common destiny, rather than separate the two.
Suzhou tram Line 1 on test-run

Line 1, 18.7km, located in Suzhou high-tech park will open next month October.



Suzhou High-tech Park will build 6 tram lines, 80km long in total.:enjoy:


(小S) and bigdog
CSR's super-capacitor tram to run on Guangzhou‘s Haizhu Line

The tram has 4 units, with max speed 70kmph.

It's 100% powered by its capacitor, charged while passengers onboard/offboarding. One charge can power the train to run 4km.


Shijiazhuang Bus Rt2 to provide WIFI service:enjoy:


Shenyang Railway Station

Shenyang, Liaoning Province
18-platform, 22-lines

East hall opened October 1 1910; West hall opened February 15 1950 and west elevated waiting hall opened July 30 2012.

East hall



West hall



Elevated waiting hall


Jilin West, Jilin Province

A Grade II station, originally built in 1929, renovated in 2009

I heard the total cost would be over 200 billion yuan. I doubt if it's really worth.

It may be worthful in 20 or 30 years. The system build in 3rd. Reich of Hitler is still working in Germany, of course some project did not gain back at that time, but it benefits the public in long term.
It is likely that for a long time from now on China can export standards in a few fields. Injecting culture and core values into these standards should become a strategic goal in line with the notion of the Chinese dream.

This should be attached importance to and made into concrete plans. The reality shows that exporting high-speed railway can become a primary goal.

That's one strong statement.

With the creation of values and the strengthening of the old ones through strong material build-up, China can declare its "way of life" the red line in dealing with the rest of the world.

Remember Bush said, "They targeted our way of life, our freedoms," when several material structures were hit. It is because he saw values inherent in these material objects, which is meaningful.

I guess the HSR is reinforcing the notion of a Chinese "way of life."
Guiyang-Guangzhou HSR

CRH380A tests run has begun in Guangxi, South of China.




Sep 27

Guangle expressway opens

Guangle expressway: Guangzhou-Hunan, 302.6km
Construction: Dec 2009 ~ Sep 2014
Cost: 33.34 bln yuan

There are many tourist interests along the new expressway. With opening of Guangle Expressway the total expressway mileage of Guangdong province surpasses 6000km.

Hefei-Fuzhou HSR to open July 1 2015 :enjoy:

Being part of the Beijing-Fuzhou HSR, Hefei-Fuzhou HSR crosses Anhui, Jiangxi and Fujian Provinces. It passes scenic sites of Mount Huang, Wuyuan, Mount Wuyi etc. The track laying will complete this month. The whole line will open July 1st 2015.

Hefei-Fuzhou HSR:

Length: 808km, 22 stations
Design speed: 350km/h
Cost: 117.32 bln yuan
Construction: 12/22/2009 ~ 7/1/2015


Tongling Yangtse Bridge (Railway/Expressway bridge) - under construction


Do you means 10,000 RMB is average income in China ? Or your relatives are rich ?
How a basic worker could spend 600 - 1200 RMB for return ticket of this high speed , while total earning of them is just 2,500 - 3000 rmb / month ?
They would use it 1 year 1 time ?

I said that this is for rich guys . Am I wrong ?? Can you do math ?

why should they take the train every month?
it is not a intra-city train, it is national train.
Zhengzhou-Wanzhou Railway got approved - construction imminent

Zhengzhou-Wanzhou HSR

Total length: 785 km
Design speed: 250 km/h
Cost: 97.43 billion yuan
Construction: 5 years

An artery connecting Central and Western China。:enjoy:
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