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China’s ‘Belt and Road’ Plan in Pakistan Takes a Military Turn

In Pakistan, China has found an amenable ally with much to recommend it: shared borders and a long history of cooperation; a hedge in South Asia against India; a large market for arms sales and trade with potential for growth; a wealth of natural resources.

Now even foreign powers are recognizing our natural resources wealth. Exxon Mobile is drilling off shores in Pakistani waters. Hopefully Pakistani citizens start seeing the benefit and change in their economic wellbeing soon.

out of interests the author seems to have a huge strap-on for sri lanka and now Pakistan but next to nothing about india! not to mention a weird name.


A Lebanese (I think Christian) working in New Delhi, reporting on Pakistan for Jew York times, going by here tweets, desperate to know the CPEC finer details!

How obvious it could be as to who she is really working for.
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