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China’s ‘Belt and Road’ Plan in Pakistan Takes a Military Turn

In football there is a term known as being offside. The Americans are now realizing how much offside they have become in Pakistan. They are not even in the game anymore. There is a reason why the Trump regime is sucking up lately.

We wish America well with their partner India.

Pakistan firmly belongs in China camp. Russia and China have replaced the US. Pakistan is now focusing on the region instead of a foul bully that resides on the other side of the ocean. The bully has tried every trick in the book, but is simply a losing spectator.

LOL the Americans thought they could bully and blackmail Pakistan into submission through arm twisting. The Americans are finding out the hard way what it means to fvck around with Pakistan. There is no doubt.
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In football there is a term known as being offside. The Americans are now realizing how much offside they have become in Pakistan.

We wish America well with their partner India.

Pakistan firmly belongs in China camp. Russia and China have replaced the US.
If true than it's the time to panic for the US Establishment....

Unfortunately, stuffs aren't running to the US's favor....
If true than it's the time to panic for the US Establishment....

Unfortunately, stuffs aren't running to the US's favor....

They are in extreme panic. The NYT and the likes are CIA mouthpieces. Any reporting from such outlets is usually the narrative of US security establishment. We already knew about US sour grapes vis a vis China Pakistan, but this is just an official acknowledgement.

I have said it so many times in the past and I stand vindicated. India will cost America an arm and a leg. It is now costing the whole body and it is for everyone to witness.

Pakistan is out of US sphere and the Americans are screaming and shouting. There is no one there to hear the screams.
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Pakistan firmly belongs in China camp.

China doesn't place exclusionary condition on its great relationship with Pakistan. Pakistan is a sovereign country and China fully respects that. It is beneficial for Pakistan to have a working relationship with U.S. as well as long as it based on fair and equal terms.

Now, back to this NYT article, it is just one of many hit pieces on China with insinuations and misinformation.
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ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — When President Trump started the new year by suspending billions of dollars of security aid to Pakistan, one theory was that it would scare the Pakistani military into cooperating better with its American allies.

The reality was that Pakistan already had a replacement sponsor lined up.

Just two weeks later, the Pakistani Air Force and Chinese officials were putting the final touches on a secret proposal to expand Pakistan’s building of Chinese military jets, weaponry and other hardware. The confidential plan, reviewed by The New York Times, would also deepen the cooperation between China and Pakistan in space, a frontier the Pentagon recently said Beijing was trying to militarize after decades of playing catch-up.

All those military projects were designated as part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, a $1 trillion chain of infrastructure development programs stretching across some 70 countries, built and financed by Beijing.

Chinese officials have repeatedly said the Belt and Road is purely an economic project with peaceful intent. But with its plan for Pakistan, China is for the first time explicitly tying a Belt and Road proposal to its military ambitions — and confirming the concerns of a host of nations who suspect the infrastructure initiative is really about helping China project armed might.

full article

hmmm, muricans worrying?
Why Americans won't come up with a plan to counter chines hardware by offering American hardware? It's very easy no need to cry come on table simple
One thing them western fools don't understand, For pakistaniz and China A stronger Military and economy of Pakistan is stronger china and vise versa. China's strength is strength of Pakistan. other countries might see this differently but chinese and pakistani military ties go back 60 to 70 years. every thing pakistan and china do is for security of each other.

there should be no doubt in anyone's mind western or otherwise , for 70 years Both nations china and pakistan have made each other stronger and in past 70 years. everything these two nations have done in the past and will do in the past will have military and security dimensions this is not new.

people who fear china and pakistan's alliance should know, if you don't have any amibition against these nations or if u dont try and disturb their peace you will have no problem. but since a few countries and governments have been identified as trying to destabalize western pakistan and western china. Both pakistan and china might Strike with an iron hand and any nations sorry and crying later won't have any help from anyone they will be left alone infront of the Chinese and pakistani Wraith. these countries have unmaksted themselves when time comes these will be struck down.

besides western countries two nations in south asia are very active against china and pakistan in wesntern regions. and both of these nations lie east of pakistan and south of china.
In last five years no Pakistani military official have visited US, every few month a military delegation visits China...this must hurt

American are permanently on ignore button

It is sour grapes and jealousy all at once. You should read the comments section LOL Indians and Americans are fantasazing about cornering Pakistan and China LOL
It is sour grapes and jealousy all at once. You should read the comments section LOL Indians and Americans are fantasazing about cornering Pakistan and China LOL

I wish, I hope, I pray that Americans fall for this Indian trap and then find out the real strength of India. Once US declares a war against China...all phone in India will be be off hook
I wish, I hope, I pray that Americans fall for this Indian trap and then find out the real strength of India. Once US declares a war against China...all phone in India will be be off hook

The Americans fully know India's limitations. They just don't have any options at all to counter China. India is their best bet, but a horrible one at that. China is simply out of American reach. The Chinese are walking over the Americans. You just have to guage these headlines:


The United States will always be in a state of war and looking out for new enemies. Today it is China and Russia. Tomorrow it will be a new adversary.
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