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China's anti-stealth radar can detect U.S. aircraft in Pacific


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China's anti-stealth radar can detect U.S. aircraft in Pacific

By Elizabeth Shim | April 4, 2018 at 9:38 AM




The Chinese military is making advancements in anti-stealth radar technology, according to state media. File Photo by Stephen Shaver/UPI
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April 4 (UPI) -- The Chinese military has reportedly reached a "significant milestone" in its development of new radar capable of detecting stealth airplanes.

Chinese state tabloid Global Times reported Wednesday Chinese scientists have developed new military radar technology that could detect stealth bombers and fighters in areas of the Pacific Ocean beyond Chinese borders.

Hu Mingchun, director of the No.14 research institute under the China Electronic Technology Group Corp., said the radar has reached a pinnacle in development.

"China's radar technology is comprehensively approaching world-class level or is as advanced as foreign technology in general. Now we are at the stage of moving up to the leading role," Hu said.

"In some areas, China already uses the most advanced radar technology in the world, such as ship-based multi-function phased array radar and airborne early warning radar."

China's state-owned Defense News reported the technology is being developed as "in recent years, the [United States] and its allies have deployed multiple stealth aircraft around China in the Asia-Pacific region."

Chinese state media referred to a report from Jane's 360 that confirmed 12 U.S. F-35A fighter jets arrived in Japan in October 2017.

Hu said the United States developed the F-117 in 1981, and that "increasing development and deployment of the stealth aircraft have brought serious challenges to other countries' homeland air defense."

"The technological competition between stealth and anti-stealth technologies will not stop in the long term," Hu said.

Song Zhongping, a commentator on Phoenix TV, told the Global Times China's "anti-stealth radar can detect all kinds of stealth aircraft that the U.S. has deployed in the Asia-Pacific region, including the F-22, F-35 and B-2."

Technology being used in China's missile defense system is being tested at a defense laboratory at Beijing Institute of Technology, the South China Morning Post reported Saturday.

The device can track mosquito-size targets, according to the report.

they are not stealth if they can be detected simply concept of stealth dead
There are 2 variants of the anti-stealth radar revealed so far. The mobile version looks like a traditional radar array. While the stationary variant appears like an uneven height antenna array. It is said to operate in the manner of compound eyes of an insect. There are no blind spots.




The radar is able to distinguish objects close together with high accuracy. It is able to identify targets in close formation attempting to fool the radar.
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China is not the first to make the claim that they have a radar technology that can detect US low observable aircrafts. The Russians said it and nothing came out of it. The Czechs said it with their Vera systems and nothing came out of it. Even the Iranians got into the act.
China is not the first to make the claim that they have a radar technology that can detect US low observable aircrafts. The Russians said it and nothing came out of it. The Czechs said it with their Vera systems and nothing came out of it. Even the Iranians got into the act.

It is possible right? At least it is possible to detect the stealth air crafts through low band radars. Is it not?
China is not the first to make the claim that they have a radar technology that can detect US low observable aircrafts. The Russians said it and nothing came out of it. The Czechs said it with their Vera systems and nothing came out of it. Even the Iranians got into the act.

According to Chinese radar experts, they have developed the world first and only 4th generation anti-stealth radar and generations ahead the nearest competitors, so just stay tuned.
It is possible right? At least it is possible to detect the stealth air crafts through low band radars. Is it not?
I have been saying on this forum for yrs: In radar detection, nothing is invisible.

The US never said 'invisible'. The official line is 'low radar observable'.

If you take a long wavelength enough, yes, you WILL detect the F-22. But the problem is that you cannot produce a firing solution with those long wavelengths. I explained why, along with indisputable sources, yrs ago. To produce a missile solution, you must use the centimetric (cm) bands, which is what the F-22 was designed against.

Every few yrs, someone always come up with something that COULD detect 'stealth', but nothing came out of what he claimed. The key words are 'could', 'perhaps', 'maybe', and 'should'. In journalism, the real kind, not the kind practiced by state employees, those words are called 'weasel words'.

...words and phrases aimed at creating an impression that a specific or meaningful statement has been made, when instead only a vague or ambiguous claim has actually been communicated.
Weasel words are used when the writer is either too busy or too lazy to do basic research. So he uses these loaded words to allow the readers uses their imagination. Could the J-20 surpass the F-22? Absolutely, but the reader is going to subconsciously change 'could' to 'would' because of his biases. Speculations becomes facts in his mind. The gullible does not care. For him, a journalist confirmed his biases and that is good enough.
@gambit ...Just a small query, assuming that the Chinese have the capability to detect LO fighters, but how would those radars fare against something like F18 Growlers. What if F35 and F22 fly escorted by EA F-18G.
China is not the first to make the claim that they have a radar technology that can detect US low observable aircrafts. The Russians said it and nothing came out of it. The Czechs said it with their Vera systems and nothing came out of it. Even the Iranians got into the act.
Iran did detect f 22.
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