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China's accumulated debts($18.4 trillion) touch 215% of GDP

What a poor excuse, and a pathetic attempt at diversion.

I was the one who asked you to get the list, now you're asking me? :rofl:

Again, China does NOT release figures for Accumulated Debt, so where is this blog getting the numbers from?
Again I am repeating. Independent entities dont wait for official govt figures to calculate something. Accumulated Debt is calculated out of formulae which include certian figures which govts around the world release. Thats why i said, you need to understans economics to understand all these figures and their true meaning.

Simply talking on forums by finding govt figures dont help u.

1st understand Accumulated debt. Then find the reason in what manner it affects an economy and then debate that why it is imprtant or not important.
Again I am repeating. Independent entities dont wait for official govt figures to calculate something. Accumulated Debt is calculated out of formulae which include certian figures which govts around the world release. Thats why i said, you need to understans economics to understand all these figures and their true meaning.

Simply talking on forums by finding govt figures dont help u.

1st understand Accumulated debt. Then find the reason in what manner it affects an economy and then debate that why it is imprtant or not important.

You clearly don't understand what you are talking about.

What is China's Accumulated debt, and how did you get the figure since it has never been officially released?
Total Debt in Selected Countries Around the World | Global Finance
A country’s “total debt” includes government debt as well as the debt of financial institutions, non-financial businesses and households. For the 10 largest mature economies (Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, South Korea, UK and US), total debt stood at nearly 350% of GDP in 2011. If one considers the economies of the PIIGS countries (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Spain and Greece,) those worst hit by the debt crisis in Europe, total debt was almost 400% of GDP.


China's total debt is only 215% of GDP even less than the smallest one(more than 250%) among the 15 countries listed in upon fig, and national debt is 40.64%, while India national debt is 49.9%(927billion $), by the way what's the number of India total debt??
India Debt Clock :: National Debt of India
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You clearly don't understand what you are talking about.

What is China's Accumulated debt, and how did you get the figure since it has never been officially released?
Just go to 1st post to know Chinese Accumulated Debt. Now, posting a paragraph from my Economics Book. Do temme what do u understand by Accumulated Debt.

When examining the effects of the stock of debt on growth, it is also important to consider the potential interaction between the stock and flow of credit. The burden of debt and the risks associated with it depend on the stock of accumulated debt. Knowing this, both lenders and borrowers may begin to restrain the future flow of credit after the stock of debt has passed some critical point. A diminished flow of credit may, in turn, hamper growth.
by the way what's the number of India total debt??
Not big. Because, Indian financial sector is highly regulated. But, just google " Credit Bubble in China" and you will know how much bad loans are given by Chinese banks to finance growth. That bad loan is not guaranteed.
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Just go to 1st post to know Chinese Accumulated Debt. Now, posting a paragraph from my Economics Book. Do temme what do u understand by Accumulated Debt.

When examining the effects of the stock of debt on growth, it is also important to consider the potential interaction between the stock and flow of credit. The burden of debt and the risks associated with it depend on the stock of accumulated debt. Knowing this, both lenders and borrowers may begin to restrain the future flow of credit after the stock of debt has passed some critical point. A diminished flow of credit may, in turn, hamper growth.

You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. :rofl:

I have asked you a simple question 5 times already, you keep avoiding it by posting bullsh*t.

Just answer the question, or admit that you cannot. :lol:
don't waste your time teaching him. :disagree: The term "accumulated loan" is enough. He should find a dictionary to know the meaning of these words.
You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. :rofl:

I have asked you a simple question 5 times already, you keep avoiding it by posting bullsh*t.

Just answer the question, or admit that you cannot. :lol:
I simply laugh at ur ignorance. I am sure, U dint care to read what I posted. I am not here to give economic lessons to be frank and simply giving numbers wont teach u anything either.

chinese Accumulate Debt is 18+ Trillion Dollors against 8.23 Trillion. Indian Accumulated Debt is 950 billion against 1.8 Trillion. Now what?

What do u understand by this?
I simply laugh at ur ignorance. I am sure, U dint care to read what I posted. I am not here to give economic lessons to be frank and simply giving numbers wont teach u anything either.

chinese Accumulate Debt is 18+ Trillion Dollors against 8.23 Trillion. Indian Accumulated Debt is 950 billion against 1.8 Trillion. Now what?

What do u understand by this?

Avoiding the question again. :lol:

Now answer my question and find me a source, or else I won't bother to respond when you clearly have no idea what you are even talking about.
al debt is 40.64%, while India national debt is 49.9%, by the way what's the number of India total debt??
I simply laugh at ur ignorance. I am sure, U dint care to read what I posted. I am not here to give economic lessons to be frank and simply giving numbers wont teach u anything either.

chinese Accumulate Debt is 18+ Trillion Dollors against 8.23 Trillion. Indian Accumulated Debt is 950 billion against 1.8 Trillion. Now what?

What do u understand by this?
You misunderstand the definition, India's national debt is 950billion not total debt, your pointed number is only borrowed by government, pls give me a link on India's total debt!
India Debt Clock :: National Debt of India
The cheenia are a creature blinded by nationalism. They will not be able to handle this fact and will use any fallacy to avoid addressing it. As I posted in another thread:

Why are cheenia so insecure about a country that is much more poor than them, grows slower than them, has worst infrastructure? It seems to me that India is their new opium. They wake to the thought of India, think of Hindustan during the day, and fall asleep to Bharat. At night they dream of Aryavarta.
The cheenia are a creature blinded by nationalism. They will not be able to handle this fact and will use any fallacy to avoid addressing it. As I posted in another thread:

You misunderstand. Chinese people don't care about India.

We care that Indians insult China, so in return we insult India. Which is the easiest thing in the world, so I don't know why Indians keep inviting others to attack their country.
People grow up to experience difference stages, like youth and adult. Economy too.

At the beginning or high-speed stage, people are insane. Government-leading investment helped the economy growth dramatically, and simultaneously, in order to achieve urbanization, debts raised to implement infrastructure exceed the reasonable and tolerable rate.

But when turning into steady growth stage, every entity, individual become sane, they won't seek for extravagant profits which finally results in bubbles, like real estate bubbles in high speed stage. People will follow the regular pattern rather than speculation to maximize profits.

16 provinces in China have more than 100% debt rate. Now, it's time to let private equity in. Or, economy collapses, we can't print unlimited money to repay the debt. Unlike state-owned investment entities whose only job is to get the job designated from upper level administration done. They usually ignore the actual need and real capacity of the market (let's say, ghost city). Private entities perform more efficiently, because they use their own money to invest. They will fill the shortage of economy.
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