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China won, but never wanted, Sino-Indian war

You forgot 1965 war which you did not win 1965 war which was a stalemate due to fact that you fail to take Lahore one of your objects but defended the area you controled.Our objective to take Indian controled part of Kashmir failed but we defended Lahore Succesfully and wars are won by completing objectives.

Indian Objective:

*Defending your controled area.(Completed)
*Capturing Lahore.(failed)

Pakistan Objectives:

*To defend our area.(Completed)
*To capture Indian controlled Kashmir.(failed)

In the end it was a draw.:coffee:

India's motive was not to capture Lahore . India's motive was to simply force Pakistan to vacate Kashmir that is why we attacked Lahore . Some General just jokingly said that he wanted to drink at the Gymkhana club in Lahore and Pakistanis started considering it as one of India's military objectives .We wanted you out of Kashmir , we did . Capturing Lahore never made any sense for India anyway .India has no claim to Lahore .
lets worry about our country people who are still bellow powerty line,
lets worry about our people who do not have basic health care in rural villages
lets worry about our our leades looting the government funds
lets worry about our people first and then think global. As far as the SCS nations are considered, they know how to protect them. they did not come to our door step asking for a military action, even if they do we can not do anything other than arrange for a bilatral talks.

so poverty, looting is not happening in China. Right as per you? its only in India. what say?
arent u like the chinese going into Indian poverty and all off topic which got nothing to do with protecting India's national security.

u mean to say sit like we did when they took over Tibet? u mean to say let them take over whole neighbourhood and wake up only when the devil knocks on ur door. right? people thinking like this caused India's demise in 62 and let India down.

and anyhow I seen ur posts. u r a false flag. u r out the moment u need to protect the chinese and ccp... i have seen ur numerous posts.. guys beware of him..
Relations between India and China was fine at the beginning of Indian Independence and the founding of the Chinese Peoples Republic. It was India that sold China out and broke all friendly relations by harbouring the Dalai wolf and acting all beligerant accross the border.
Ironically China found friendship with Pakistan to be far more enduring with both sides displaying mutual respect. Contrast this with the turbulent relationship with India - like a nagging, loquacious and sometimes hysterical women.
so poverty, looting is not happening in China. Right as per you? its only in India. what say?
arent u like the chinese going into Indian poverty and all off topic which got nothing to do with protecting India's national security.

u mean to say sit like we did when they took over Tibet? u mean to say let them take over whole neighbourhood and wake up only when the devil knocks on ur door. right? people thinking like this caused India's demise in 62 and let India down. ..
ya ya, NEHRU forgot that the nation is not ready for a war and provoked the CHINESE with his forward policy claiming territories that the CHINESE have heavly invested in building rail routes.
1962 was one old fool one big mistake. Either we should have taken a military action during tibet or should have been quite (boolean) rather whining in the international level has done nothing. INDIA was just a few years old nation in the making during the TIBET take over. what where the developed and powerful countries doing at that time. they do not want peace in the ASIAN region so that they can sell weapons to both parties and benifit a long. Dont call them DEVIL because we do not become the GOD to face them rather we become a COUNTER DEVIL.
and anyhow I seen ur posts. u r a false flag. u r out the moment u need to protect the chinese and ccp... i have seen ur numerous posts.. guys beware of him..
dai kana punda, i am from Tamil Nadu (Coimbatore).
i have been here in this forum for a long time to see fools like you with hatred come and vanish in no time.
u mean to say sit like we did when they took over Tibet? u mean to say let them take over whole neighbourhood and wake up only when the devil knocks on ur door. right? people thinking like this caused India's demise in 62 and let India down.

and anyhow I seen ur posts. u r a false flag. u r out the moment u need to protect the chinese and ccp... i have seen ur numerrous posts.. guys beware of him..
Mate the China of 1962 is not China of 2012, both Indian and Chinese policy makers are not stupid enough to risk a nuclear confrontation for a land for which there is hardly any value.
I will advice you to go to Nathula pass you will see both Indian and Chinese soldiers living side by side with zero animosity.
Another cold war in Asia is not for the best interest of neither of the nation

Regarding 1962 war both side were at fault, Nehru implemented forward policy that aggressive patrolling in border areas.
You have to understand the mentality of Mao Zedong who believed power flows through the barrel of a gun.
Remember Korean war when nuclear armed US was advancing along with NATO troops Mao attacked because he felt threatened by such a move. The way he reacted to Nehru forward policy was not surprising although if Sun Tzu would have been alive he would have been very disapointed with him.

The best thing for both nation to do is to bury the hatchet and look for a brighter future.
Relations between India and China was fine at the beginning of Indian Independence and the founding of the Chinese Peoples Republic. It was India that sold China out and broke all friendly relations by harbouring the Dalai wolf and acting all beligerant accross the border.
Ironically China found friendship with Pakistan to be far more enduring with both sides displaying mutual respect. Contrast this with the turbulent relationship with India - like a nagging, loquacious and sometimes hysterical women.
sorry man, we can not abandon people who have not done crime and are not in the INTER POLS list of wanted men, he seeked asylum fearing procecution for resisiting CHINESE invasion, so he came to INDIA to voice his regret for CHINAs occupation.
we have made sure that he and his group will not do terrorist activity against CHINA in any means justifying it with the moto of "FREEDOM FIGHTERS". IS THAT NOT ENOUGH?
ya ya, NEHRU forgot that the nation is not ready for a war and provoked the CHINESE with his forward policy claiming territories that the CHINESE have heavly invested in building rail routes.
1962 was one old fool one big mistake. Either we should have taken a military action during tibet or should have been quite (boolean) rather whining in the international level has done nothing. INDIA was just a few years old nation in the making during the TIBET take over. what where the developed and powerful countries doing at that time. they do not want peace in the ASIAN region so that they can sell weapons to both parties and benifit a long. Dont call them DEVIL because we do not become the GOD to face them rather we become a COUNTER DEVIL.

no wonder u speak the ccp language... what about China claiming Large parts of India specially Akshai Chin and AP much before the forward policy of Nehru.. no wonder u dont know about it like expected from ccp puppets...

it was nothing but chinese back stabbing in claiming Indian lands after grabbing tibet, which resulted in acrimony in Indo-China relations much before the forward policy and dalai's escape to India.... But obviosuly u pretend otherwise for obvious reasons...

and knowing some language u dont become from that area..

and so u say give SCS to china so that there is no war..?? so why dont u say same thing to the Chinese to give up their ridiculous claims on AP and SCS to avoid war?

tell me arent Chinese claims on SCS ridiculous and unjust and unacceptable. similar to their claimson AP and Akshai chin?

Chinese dont care too hoots about war for taking over others resources and lands, and u r saying ASEAN and India to not think of protecting even their own lands!!

U said above --> "India was just a nation few years in the making"

I can quote thousands of Chinese posters here using same line, saying India only born in 47. EACH AND EVERY INDIAN opposed it. Coz Indian civilisation is the oldest in the world. But U use same language as ccp. I know u r not what u pretend. I dont trust you one bit.
no wonder u speak the ccp language... what about China claiming Large parts of India specially Akshai Chin and AP much before the forward policy of Nehru.. no wonder u dont know about it like expected from ccp puppets...
and knowing some language u dont become from that area..
kids these days do not grow, how old are you?
the war was part of the Aksai Chin which falls north of Mc Mohan line. in 1960's CHINA has already built rail routs to that land, and were operating there, besides that AC is a land that is not hospitable for human civilization to florish. the above reasons are enough for nehru to have abondoned his claim on Aksai Chin, but he did not.

As far as AP is considered, its a bargain chip that CHINA uses to make peace not only with them but also with the PAKISTANIS on their part of the occupied KASHMIR.

The wise decession for every one right now is to settle with the land that they already have and not claim on the land that is admistered by the other party.
For example lets give our claim on AKSAI CHIN for that of AP, lets give our claim on glitsbaltistan/asad kashmir which is admistered by PAKISTAN for the rest of J & K which we are in possestion of and make LOC and LOAC as International border.

WIN - WIN for every one, and what you are proposing is a long standing rivalry between all ASIAN nations, so that the west can benifit over our rivalry.
when you call me a ccp agent, can i call you an agent of the west for polting against peace and friendship in the ASIA
kids these days do not grow, how old are you?
the war was part of the Aksai Chin which falls north of Mc Mohan line. in 1960's CHINA has already built rail routs to that land, and were operating there, besides that AC is a land that is not hospitable for human civilization to florish. the above reasons are enough for nehru to have abondoned his claim on Aksai Chin, but he did not.

As far as AP is considered, its a bargain chip that CHINA uses to make peace not only with them but also with the PAKISTANIS on their part of the occupied KASHMIR.

The wise decession for every one right now is to settle with the land that they already have and not claim on the land that is admistered by the other party.
For example lets give our claim on AKSAI CHIN for that of AP, lets give our claim on glitsbaltistan/asad kashmir which is admistered by PAKISTAN for the rest of J & K which we are in possestion of and make LOC and LOAC as International border.

WIN - WIN for every one, and what you are proposing is a long standing rivalry between all ASIAN nations, so that the west can benifit over our rivalry.
when you call me a ccp agent, can i call you an agent of the west for polting against peace and friendship in the ASIA

:lol: typical diversionary tactics.

first u claimed Indian responsible for 1962.

then u said ASEAN and India should not be aggressive in protecting their own lands!!

u said India is just born in 47.

and when i caught u on all 3 points, u come n tell me what India should do :lol:

why should we give up our land? So if tomorrow China claims NE you would give up AP also then? so if a party claims two lands. U say ok boss keep one let me keep other, when both belong to you?

and u urself said China build roads in Indian areas of Akshai Chin. So when u write this urself, and then u claimed earlier india responsible for 1962. is it a joke.

and still u dont dare to say that China's claims on SCS and AP are ridiculous. :Lol: so is it because there is ban on saying this by ccp :lol:
:lol: typical diversionary tactics.

first u claimed Indian responsible for 1962.

then u said ASEAN and India should not be aggressive in protecting their own lands!!

u said India is just born in 47.

and when i caught u on all 3 points, u come n tell me what India should do :lol:
why should we give up our land? So if tomorrow China claims NE you would give up AP also then?
and u dont dare to say that China's claims on SCS and AP are ridiculous.

po da kana punda, its imposible for emotional idiots like you to get to a solution, rather you keep on whining with what is at hand and will not do any counstructive action.
so as per you CHINA is devil and so nuke here and in return they will nuke us, is this what your aim is.
you want to have a brave death, then go to the local gounda who is terrorising your locality and have a fist fight with him rather than expanding your chest here in PDF
po da kana punda, its imposible for emotional idiots like you to get to a solution, rather you keep on whining with what is at hand and will not do any counstructive action.
so as per you CHINA is devil and so nuke here and in return they will nuke us, is this what your aim is.
you want to have a brave death, then go to the local gounda who is terrorising your locality and have a fist fight with him rather than expanding your chest here in PDF

when did i say Nuke. show me. dont put words in my mouth like ccp puppets.

I only said ASEAN and India and world should protect their sovereignty (and be ready for war to protect it). So to you that sounds like using NUKES. :lol:

meanwhile you are yet to say something on, isnt China's claims on SCS and AP outrightly ridiculous?

the simple point is China cannot be allowed to have SCS. If ASEAN and US fight then India shoul also attack China. The whole world should resolve to fight China and not allow it to have SCS.

Japan, Korea,US, Australia, ASEAN, India, NATO, Russia, all should come togther and make sure SCS does not become China property. or u will see even more BELLIGERENT ccp and China post SCS takeover by China.
when did i say Nuke. show me. dont put words in my mouth like ccp puppets.

I only said ASEAN and India and world should protect their sovereignty (and be ready for war to protect it). So to you that sounds like using NUKES. :lol:

meanwhile you are yet to say something on, isnt China's claims on SCS and AP outrightly ridiculous?
i am fed up replying to you, you do not understand global politics, and please you wanted to be so, you are not ready to see form every prespective to understand why it is happening so.
as far as protecting and ready for war, do you think that a war between nuclear nations will remain conventional.
i am fed up replying to you, you do not understand global politics, and please you wanted to be so, you are not ready to see form every prespective to understand why it is happening so.
as far as protecting and ready for war, do you think that a war between nuclear nations will remain conventional.

so now u r doing nuclear blackmail, that China will launch nuclear strikes on other countries if they go on war with China to protect their share of SCS and AP etc. (because India,US,JAPAN, KOREA, NATO, ETC and ASEAN wont use nukes on China first.) ?

I knen when u used the word nuclear in ur post earlier on this thread, that it is a veiled warning of nuclear threat from China/ u and ur ccp puppets. its like listen give us SCS and AP and ur resources and lands, and dont wage war against me or I will annihilate u with my nukes..!! isnt it.

meanwhile I have asked u thousands times. Isnt Chiniese claims on SCS and AP and other Chinese claims illegitimate and Ridiculous? why u keep avoiding it outrightly. what r u afraid off.
:lol: typical diversionary tactics.

first u claimed Indian responsible for 1962.

then u said ASEAN and India should not be aggressive in protecting their own lands!!

and u urself said China build roads in Indian areas of Akshai Chin. So when u write this urself, and then u claimed earlier india responsible for 1962. is it a joke.

and still u dont dare to say that China's claims on SCS and AP are ridiculous. :Lol: so is it because there is ban on saying this by ccp :lol:

who responsible for 1962 is not yours and his opinions. you need to read the facts. Google has a lot articles on this war.

second, you know nothing about SCS. you know nothing about Far East. China found those islands no later than in 600s year ago and mapped them in number of dynasties. After WWII, UN handed SCS islands from Japan to China -- nobody had a word of argument until late 1970s. Even on today conflict with Philippine, US agreed the island belongs to China.

you said "to say that China's claims on SCS and AP are ridiculous.", actually you are clueless and are ridiculous.
who responsible for 1962 is not yours and his opinions. you need to read the facts. Google has a lot articles on this war.

second, you know nothing about SCS. you know nothing about Far East. China found those islands no later than in 600s year ago and mapped them in number of dynasties. After WWII, UN handed SCS islands from Japan to China -- nobody had a word of argument until late 1970s. Even on today conflict with Philippine, US agreed the island belongs to China.

you said "to say that China's claims on SCS and AP are ridiculous.", actually you are clueless and are ridiculous.

ooh yes why dont u hand me the ccp textbook u teach in china, so i come to know how relevent ur claims to SCS and AP and other claims are. :lol: if to someone the chinese claims on SCS are relevent, even the mental patients in agra hospital will be better then that fellow..

and for 62 war obviosly its China who is responsible.. as it claimed Indian terriroty much before dalai escapted to India or forward policy... that sowed the seeds of discord... u guys backsabbed and then the relation was to deteriorate from there on obviously...

u cant claim SCS and others terriroties and then lay the blame for war or bad relations on other... :lol:

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