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China welding apartment doors shut to enforce zero Covid policy

do you even have fire trucks and fire brigades?
Good question, ask these 38 Roasted Chinese a week back maybe?

Can you read? do you even have fire trucks and fire brigades?
China does not disclose any stats, barely any incidents, what makes a wumao think anyone with a functioning brain would believe some unknown website?
Good question, ask these 38 Roasted Chinese a week back maybe?

China does not disclose any stats, barely any incidents, what makes a wumao think anyone with a functioning brain would believe some unknown website?
Every country has fire incidents, but on global scale, India claims one of the very top posts again.

Insulted Other Member/Nationality
Every country has fire incidents, but on global scale, India claims one of the very top posts again.

Damn wumao stop spamming the same stuff again and again; filthy China does not provide any statistics for fire related incidents. Just like China reported ONE death due to Covid in the last 6 months!

There's an old saying in China, you don't need to give any compensation if you can't identity the victim, it's not easy to identify a charred body!
No identification, no compensation! Problem solved!

Anyway, how many got roasted in this airplane?

I guess it was very hot back then!
Damn wumao stop spamming the same stuff again and again; filthy China does not provide any statistics for fire related incidents. Just like China reported ONE death due to Covid in the last 6 months!
LoL, Wurubi


There's an old saying in China, you don't need to give any compensation if you can't identity the victim, it's not easy to identify a charred body!
No identification, no compensation! Problem solved!
Must be an old Indian saying, never heard about in China, you let wild dogs to claim the charred bodies on river banks in India


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LoL, Wurubi

View attachment 901308

Must be an old Indian saying, never heard about in China, you let wild dogs to claim the charred bodies on river banks in India

View attachment 901310
View attachment 901312
These are dead bodies that are cremated, just like some dead bodies are cremated in fire, some by electrical cremator, some by burying, likewise some by cremating into water.
It does not matter what nature intends to do with organic matter after that, atleast in India our dead bodies are not founds without organs! Haha

Anyway, what happened to these roasted Chinese in a restaurant? Did Chinese make best use of it?

I can find hundreds of fire reports about India, Way more Indians die from fire than those in China.

Ofcourse you can, India does not hide it's fire incidents unlike a shithole whose inhabitants light up every now and then!
You don't hide? lool... your covid deaths could be 10 times more

They are 100 times more, 500 million to be exact!

That should not take us away from the fact that everything burns in China.
I mean in how many countries do you see skyscrapers burn like cardboard? Well, China numbah waaan always!

They are 100 times more, 500 million to be exact!

That should not take us away from the fact that everything burns in China.
I mean in how many countries do you see skyscrapers burn like cardboard? Well, China numbah waaan always!

I can post a hundreds such posts about India, every country has fire problem, we just need to check the data to find out how serious the fire problems for different countries

I can post a hundreds such posts about India, every country has fire problem, we just need to check the data to find out how serious the fire problems for different countries

Haha poor wumao!

Everything burns in China, maybe because China belongs to the Fire Nation in the lore!

Damn wumao stop spamming the same stuff again and again; filthy China does not provide any statistics for fire related incidents. Just like China reported ONE death due to Covid in the last 6 months!

There's an old saying in China, you don't need to give any compensation if you can't identity the victim, it's not easy to identify a charred body!
No identification, no compensation! Problem solved!

Anyway, how many got roasted in this airplane?

I guess it was very hot back then!
@waz @LeGenD

Look this foul mouth. I think he need a warning or ban.
Haha poor wumao!

Everything burns in China, maybe because China belongs to the Fire Nation in the lore!

Lo., rich five roupee, are you him? a very nice apartment by the way

Thanks, wish some of your brethren working like slaves in the warehouse could afford that.... 🥲

Every country has fires, but due to the lack of fire control and management, India is the one of the worst, check out the detailed data.

As a country, India has been witness to fire hazards of various magnitudes. Most of these fire incidents are caused due to lack of Safety equipment and training to arrest the Fire in time. In 2021, India sadly recorded 1.6 million fire accidents, with 27,027 innocent lives lost.Aug 20, 2022

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