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China way ahead on border infrastructure

you are dead wrong. this successfully proved you know nothing about our relationship with Taiwan and Japan.

Taiwan is a province of our nation, the current ruling party of Taiwan (KMT) even wants to get back the whole mainland. Currently, we don't have any real problem with the current administration of Taiwan. You can also read more article on history about how the DPP took office in 2000 and 2004, you can just ask yourself whether it is just by criminal approach and rely on some good luck.

For Japan, we have never called it our biggest enemy. Please check our economic stats, you can clearly see that Japan is the only major developed country that can make money from trading with us. Believe it or not, one day, Japan would be our ally, just like what they did 800 years ago.


Chinese reunification as espoused by the KMT means , the nationalists (with US help) takes over the PRC , when Mao Zedong's communist policies fail. KMT thinks they are the Republic of China and PRC is a renegade state !! The politics of ROC is much different. DPP obviously believes in Taiwan independance, and most Taiwanese in my view, take a middle line to all this

China and Indian dynamics are different. The Chinese neighbour hood is more tougher. You have Russia , a military superpwer, Japan an economic super power, the two Korea's , ROC (backed by the USA) and India , that you need to consider about. Indians have to worry about China mostly.
In Oceania where i grew up indians are so annoying they are very racist to asian people especially to the chinese people . cao ta ma de
you are wrong.

indians would never be our ally. no matter whether we had that war or not. the thing is indians are in general aggressive, they had so many full scale war with its neighbor Pakistan which shares almost same culture and history with india.

of course, it is still possible for we two nations to become ally, india can just destroy all its nuclear and guided weapons (missiles, fighter, subs etc, they can keep rifle and tanks for defence) and sign a security pact with China for the promised security.
wake up,my friend.you should know,USSR and US both sent many weapons and assistance to Nehru in 1962,that's why he feel confident about the war.

don't be misled by them,look at the Jews and Arabians.always someone want to mislead people who never hostility before into deadly enemy.just like the snake in Garden of Eden,mislead poor Innocent Adam and Eve punished by GOD.
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