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China way ahead on border infrastructure

I have read about the Sino-Indian war and please do tell me which part of my post is meaningless? Obviously, you don't understand my post.

Yes, this is a miltary forum...that is correct.

Yes, very basic knowledge is also important...that is correct.

But before all that, next time you shoot your mouth, atleast try to understand what is written.

If you have troubles, just ask for clarification, I'll be happy to provide.

an india guy had some correct understandings on that war and you said it is "interesting". since when having the correct understanding could ever possibly become "interesting"?

please do provide some clarification on this. thanks.

my understanding:

when 1 billion people (here 1 billions indians) got brainwashed and had the incorrect view on that part of history largely due to the daily brainwashing and nationalism is not anything remotely close to "interesting", it is sad.

when 1 billion people got fooled by the regime and one guy does have correct view on history, it is not called "interesting", it is called lucky for him.
an india guy had some correct understandings on that war and you said it is "interesting". since when having the correct understanding could ever possibly become "interesting"?

please do provide some clarification on this. thanks.

my understanding:

when 1 billion people (here 1 billions indians) got brainwashed and had the incorrect view on that part of history largely due to the daily brainwashing and nationalism is not anything remotely close to "interesting", it is sad.

when 1 billion people got fooled by the regime and one guy does have correct view on history, it is not called "interesting", it is called lucky for him.

I think I understand why you got upset, you thought I said India was the victim in the '62 war.

Majority of Indians believe China was the aggressor in the conflict, so that's why I said it was interesting for an Indian member to say otherwise.

Do you undrstand now?.
china represents how a feudal third world country can rise to become a major power and challenge the power of the western 'whites'...i dont think such a promising country should hold grudges with another rising asian country....prior to my joining this forum...i had thought of the chinese being appreciative of my country....many people in my country...see the chinese rise as a promise...i hope we dont have to brace for a war from up north...
I guess you've rightly hoped: I don't think it is logically right for China to wage any war against any its neighboring countries.

My observation seems to tell that

1)A handful Indian politicians, for their own benefit, not the benefit of India, have treated/is treating China as #1 enemy (or potential enemy #1). Take your former defence minister, perhaps your national hero to some Indians, Mr. Fernandez for example. On the other side, have you seen any Chinese government officer officially proclaim that India is # 1 enemy of China?

2)As you perhaps know that China is the country with the most netizens. It is not rare, or rather, very frequent, that Indian forumers/mods are so hostile against Chinese forumers or pro-China voices. :crazy: To their myopic, yet thoroughly washed brain, if you don’t curse China, you are “commis” or living in Pakistan. :rofl: Your news papers always give freaking reports/analysis about how in x number of days India can capture Tibet or overrun China. :rofl: Those hostilities expressed by limited number of your internet capably Indians are, unfortunately, spreading at the speed of light in Chinese internet world.

What would you expect ordinary Chinese to react?

What you would react if you were a Chinese?
I guess you've rightly hoped: I don't think it is logically right for China to wage any war against any its neighboring countries.

My observation seems to tell that Take your former defence minister, perhaps your national hero to some Indians, Mr.

1)A handful Indian politicians, for their own benefit, not the benefit of India, have treated/is treating China as #1 enemy (or potential enemy #1). Fernandez for example. On the other side, have you seen any Chinese government officer officially proclaim that India is # 1 enemy of China?

2)As you perhaps know that China is the country with the most netizens. It is not rare, or rather, very frequent, that Indian forumers/mods are so hostile against Chinese forumers or pro-China voices. :crazy: To their myopic, yet thoroughly washed brain, if you don’t curse China, you are “commis” or living in Pakistan. :rofl: Your news papers always give freaking reports/analysis about how in x number of days India can capture Tibet or overrun China. :rofl: Those hostilities expressed by limited number of your internet capably Indians are, unfortunately, spreading at the speed of light in Chinese internet world.

What would you expect ordinary Chinese to react?

What you would react if you were a Chinese?

yeah, I often surf rediff. It is very funny that it is full of stupid articles and comment such as " China gives India's rebel weapons" ,"china help **** subvert India", "china will callpase", "India will surpass China in X years"...bah bah.....

If just judging from the comment on rediff, lots of Indian people seems to still live in a world of dream and imagation.
yeah, I often surf rediff. It is very funny that it is full of stupid articles and comment such as " China gives India's rebel weapons" ,"china help **** subvert India", "china will callpase", "India will surpass China in X years"...bah bah.....

this is called nationalism.

when their education systems intentionally disadvantage 500 million hard working female citizens, when their defense sector solely relies on foreign weapons, when their citizens are dying at early 60s due to the failure of their health care systems, when the fake democracy blocked reasonable economic development, when the cast system is still disadvantage people, when more than 100+ million Muslims live in india couldn't get proper respect from the rest population - the ONLY choice for the regime is to install some large scale nationalism to its vast population to make them believe 1) their security is under threatening from the out side world, 2) they are the best.

not surprise to me at all.

If just judging from the comment on rediff, lots of Indian people seems to still live in a world of dream and imagation.

this is very good for us.

we have successfully proved that in just a couple of decades we change largely change our own nation while indians are all sitting their enjoying their fake democracy and dreaming.

what we really need to do in the next 2 decades is to keep upgrading our economy and political system into a democratic one - that need to be done under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.

I have been asking myself for long, why those 1 billion indians failed to develop themselves and their country, everytime I ask myself this question the only reasonable answer I can have is because they don't have any real political party like the Communist Party of China that we have which can represent the interests of the nation.

We should all check the current crap life in india and how their people are suffering on a daily basis, by doing so, we then could really understand how great is the Communist Party of China.

don't have any real political party like the Communist Party

Infact it shows the naiveness on your part, but we do have communist party in India.

what we really need to do in the next 2 decades is to keep upgrading our economy and political system into a democratic one - that need to be done under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.

Know that is the paradox, under the leadership of communist party it starts morphing itself to a democratization. Does that make sense to you!!! The meaning of democracy is that the country elects the governing body to rule, basically the people have a say in the ruling of the country. And also one comes to ponder after the great excitement from you regarding the communist parties great achievement, why change it to democratization, you will become like India!!!
Infact it shows the naiveness on your part, but we do have communist party in India.

please don't troll. when you don't have anything to say, please just do say anything. personal attack won't help.

1. do you have any political party that successfully increased the life quality of your citizens in just 2 decades? you don't. your people are dying at 64 on average (compared to 81 in my hometown Shanghai), and your cities are in general dump sites in our standard. look at Mumbai and New Delhi, not for human really.

2. do you have any political party that successfully earned the international status as a major power for your nation? you don't. you have to kiss US's *** to get the approval to be a "nuclear state". a foreign nation 10000km away from your homeland decides whether you are nuclear state or not, so funny!

3. do you have any political party that largely increased the human rights in your nation? you don't. 500 million female are in general treated like second class citizens, with a shocking literacy rate of <50&#37;. where are human rights for those 500 million people?

according to my standard, if you political system failed to develop your country, you should just admit it as a failure. however, the strong nationalism won't allow this to happen which is indeed good for us.

Know that is the paradox, under the leadership of communist party it starts morphing itself to a democratization. Does that make sense to you!!! The meaning of democracy is that the country elects the governing body to rule, basically the people have a say in the ruling of the country. And also one comes to ponder after the great excitement from you regarding the communist parties great achievement, why change it to democratization, you will become like India!!!

because the democracy we are going to have is not anything directly copied from US/UK. this is the major difference. we would come up with a true democracy that can fit into our culture/economic status and make sure the democracy we are going to have would be a driven force for our economic development, not to block the human rights/development like the one in india.

please don't troll, you can just tell me why 60+ years of democratic development, you are still damn poor and about 30 years lag from our current status. I tell you the truth, because the fake democracy you copied from the UK blocked your development. that is you can vote again and again, you can have debate in your society again and again, that would just make things worse. because fundamentally, the system itself is already a failure, anything built on top (election, debate, etc.) would be a part of that failure.

I can also tell you how to fix the problem - to vote to stop the current fake democracy and learn the way how we Chinese develop ourselves. then in 2 decades, you can come up with a real democracy that can fit well into your culture/economy.

last but not least - it is shameful to copy the political system of the UK, suffer from such failure and then claim you are a democracy.
this is called nationalism.

when their education systems intentionally disadvantage 500 million hard working female citizens, when their defense sector solely relies on foreign weapons, when their citizens are dying at early 60s due to the failure of their health care systems, when the fake democracy blocked reasonable economic development, when the cast system is still disadvantage people, when more than 100+ million Muslims live in india couldn't get proper respect from the rest population - the ONLY choice for the regime is to install some large scale nationalism to its vast population to make them believe 1) their security is under threatening from the out side world, 2) they are the best.

not surprise to me at all.

this is very good for us.

we have successfully proved that in just a couple of decades we change largely change our own nation while indians are all sitting their enjoying their fake democracy and dreaming.

what we really need to do in the next 2 decades is to keep upgrading our economy and political system into a democratic one - that need to be done under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.

I have been asking myself for long, why those 1 billion indians failed to develop themselves and their country, everytime I ask myself this question the only reasonable answer I can have is because they don't have any real political party like the Communist Party of China that we have which can represent the interests of the nation.

We should all check the current crap life in india and how their people are suffering on a daily basis, by doing so, we then could really understand how great is the Communist Party of China.

Ju as as a Chinese joke on internet,&#21360;&#24230;&#29616;&#22312;&#23601;&#24046;&#20004;&#20010;&#20154;&#20102; &#19968;&#20010;&#38472;&#32988; &#19968;&#20010;&#21556;&#24191;&#8221; ( now India needs two guys: one is Victor Chen,the other is Broad WU")

note: Victor Chen and Broad WU were two famous leaders of rebel in CHina's history. the rebel led by them destroyed Qin Empire, CHinese first empire on 209 BC.
I think I understand why you got upset, you thought I said India was the victim in the '62 war.

Majority of Indians believe China was the aggressor in the conflict, so that's why I said it was interesting for an Indian member to say otherwise.

Do you undrstand now?.

Believe me mate. It was Nehru who ordered the forces to advance . China was not interested and would not attack anyone. If chinese were the agressors , they would not retreat on their own rather will keep hold of what they have won. Chinese are not invaders. They have suffered long invasion from foreign forces like India did.

it was a conflicting interest of Zhou Enlai and Nehru. Zhou Enlai didn't agree on Aksai chin and Nehru didn't agree on North east india.

However Nehru got enough chances (more than 3 times) to make some compromises that would be a compromise of both end PRC and india and settle the border issues. Nehru quite bluntly rejected Zhou's offer all the time.
He was a real crazy man to have misguided us to war.

No respect for Nehru at all. never.

you may look up records of either China government or Indian government,or,maybe US library,if you are really interested about this issue.

I suppose most of my countrymen are not upset by Indians,but by someone want to see conflict between China and India,they try to mislead Nehru in 1962,and will continue trying mislead other Indian government official or maybe some Chinese government official.

in fact,I real doubt why Nehru took such a risk so confidently.who had promised him victory.USSR or otherwise,or both.

people all over the world knows there was honeymoon period between China and India.we are almost being allies before border conflict.which would frighten somebody.in fact we are both victims for losing so big a neighbor allies.who was the one laughing behind?
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people all over the world knows there was honeymoon period between China and India.we are almost being allies before border conflict.which would frighten somebody.in fact we are both victims for losing so big a neighbor allies.who was the one laughing behind?

you are wrong.

indians would never be our ally. no matter whether we had that war or not. the thing is indians are in general aggressive, they had so many full scale war with its neighbor Pakistan which shares almost same culture and history with india.

of course, it is still possible for we two nations to become ally, india can just destroy all its nuclear and guided weapons (missiles, fighter, subs etc, they can keep rifle and tanks for defence) and sign a security pact with China for the promised security.
you are wrong.

indians would never be our ally. no matter whether we had that war or not. the thing is indians are in general aggressive, they had so many full scale war with its neighbor Pakistan which shares almost same culture and history with india.

of course, it is still possible for we two nations to become ally, india can just destroy all its nuclear and guided weapons (missiles, fighter, subs etc, they can keep rifle and tanks for defence) and sign a security pact with China for the promised security.

or the other way around . china can just destroy all its nuclear and guided weapons (missiles, fighter, subs etc, they can keep rifle and tanks for defense) and sign a security pact with USA for the promised security. and USA with power is welcome to India hence. there will be no tussle.
i don't know how can u make such illogical comments mr shchinese. how old are you 6 yr old ? its not a childs play these are big countries politics which you will never understand.
there are no permanent enemy and no permanent friends in world politics!!!!
Why MUST there be democracy all over the world?
China's communist party and its iron fist + their reforms are the sole reason China is on its way to become the world's nr. 1.
No whining, no protesting, just work hard, earn your money, do as you wish, but do not cross the line nor insult the government.
See how far the Chinese have come with that, strong leadership.
Pakistan can learn a lesson or two from them, I mean, we only get corrupt lawyers and idiots who protest on the streets instead of being at work or trying to MEAN something for their nation and people.
Musharraf should've stayed as President and he should've destroyed any uprisings or riots, put the people back to work, let our economy grow, and after a while, everyone would know who's in charge and what their leadership has given them, which is improved quality of safety and life in Pakistan.
But no, our people never learn.
Inspired by American and western democracy, we only had 60+ years which is simply not enough to adopt democracy at its finest, and sometimes it's just not suitable.
Ohwell, it's not up to me to decide what happens and whatnot. :coffee:
or the other way around . china can just destroy all its nuclear and guided weapons (missiles, fighter, subs etc, they can keep rifle and tanks for defense) and sign a security pact with USA for the promised security.

we had a war with the US, we committed about 2 million troops and forced the US to sign a ceasefire without winning, that is the first time in their history. that war is called Korea war.

have you ever achieved anything remotely comparable?

and USA with power is welcome to India hence. there will be no tussle.
i don't know how can u make such illogical comments mr shchinese. how old are you 6 yr old ? its not a childs play these are big countries politics which you will never understand.
there are no permanent enemy and no permanent friends in world politics!!!!

there are no permanent enemy and no permanent friends, that is very true. however, Pakistan has proved itself as an ALL season fridays, and for that reason any attempt to invade Pakistan would result in war with China.

what harm could china do to taiwan all this while ?and their greatest enemy japan????
what harm could china do to taiwan all this while ?and their greatest enemy japan????

you are dead wrong. this successfully proved you know nothing about our relationship with Taiwan and Japan.

Taiwan is a province of our nation, the current ruling party of Taiwan (KMT) even wants to get back the whole mainland. Currently, we don't have any real problem with the current administration of Taiwan. You can also read more article on history about how the DPP took office in 2000 and 2004, you can just ask yourself whether it is just by criminal approach and rely on some good luck.

For Japan, we have never called it our biggest enemy. Please check our economic stats, you can clearly see that Japan is the only major developed country that can make money from trading with us. Believe it or not, one day, Japan would be our ally, just like what they did 800 years ago.
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