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China warns Obama against meeting Dalai Lama

For indian

China finishes border demarcation with 12 land neighbors - People's Daily Online February 02, 2010

China has completed border demarcation with 12 land neighbors, accounting for some 90 percent of the total land boundary.

China has also singed guiding principles on solving border issues with India and a Declaration on Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea with countries bordering the South China Sea. China has also reach principled consensus with Japan on the East China Sea issue.

In addition, Chinese border and coastal defense departments have held border and maritime exercises with neighboring countries, conducted joint patrol of the China-Vietnam Beibu Gulf and joint fisheries enforcement between China and the United States. Furthermore, China initiated a joint scientific expedition with Vietnam and the Philippines.

Meanwhile, Chinese border and coastal defense departments have strengthened control of key places along borders to ensure security and stability in border areas.

Since 1994, Chinese ships were dispatched on more than 4,400 sorties and Chinese aircraft have flown more than 3,700 sorties to patrol and aid.

China has the world's most land-based neighbors, the longest border and most complex condition of the boundary. China has a land border of over 22,000 kilometers, bordering 14 countries and the length of coastline totals 18,000 kilometers, with 8 countries adjacent or opposite each other.

By People's Daily Online
No more comments, and think what about indian by yourself.BTW: Any one who wanna reply my post need to be reasonable. If you just wanna troll, plz ignore my post and enjoy your trolling.
Whatever China's position on these issues, it will not be popular within China. :agree:
Whatever China's position on these issues, it will not be popular within China. :agree:

As if the what was popular in China ever stopped the Communist government before ? The Communists have always done what they wanted.

Most Chinese citizens don't care about Dalai Lama at all, the only people who care about Dalai Lama are the Communist Party leadership in China which doesn't want competition at the top and wants to forever rule china without opposition. They can't stand somebody who tires to defy their ideology. They don't understand how Tibetans would follow this old man in a robe even though he has little money, no armies or anything. There is no other reason for China to behave so childishly by issuing "warnings" (which it cannot back-up either economically or militarily) to anybody who tries to meet an Old man in a robe!

The only people who are supporting Dalai Lama are the Communist Party in China that is constantly putting him in the spotlight.
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