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China warns India: ‘Don’t provoke us’

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Your Chinese friends like to talk about the genocide of Hindus in the Hindu-Kush mountains yet you do not see the double standards of that?

BTW the word 'Japs' is a racist term for Japanese :)
Timur was only defending himself against Indian aggression... just like PLA in 1962. You boast, provoke, get spanked and then cry about it. Indians deserve what you get.... whether your 1000 year humiliation or the massive humiliation PLA is mobilizing to deliver to you :azn:
Timur was only defending himself against Indian aggression... just like PLA in 1962. You boast, provoke, get spanked and then cry about it. Indians deserve what you get.... whether your 1000 year humiliation or the massive humiliation PLA is mobilizing to deliver to you :azn:

Okay please come and teach us another lesson its about time :blah:
Nobody on Earth can compare to India's 800 year humiliation...

Humiliated so bad even today Timur sends shivers down your spine :rofl:

lol!! I like the frustration of yours... :omghaha: :rofl:

What's the point in this trolling? Concentrate on the two terrorist states in Tokyo and Washington D.C.

Chill down, and ignore others trolling, and stop trolling yourself.

Spot On friend!! :)
and.........the trolls have now officialy taken over and will eventually consume us all : argh:
Chinese govt clariified that their General's remark should not be taken seriously and Chinese Govt doesn't stand on his remark.
PS: General made fun of himself.
Why does this news not surprise me? lol
This is pretty much, a useless "warning". The same as the one where someone in India was fantasizing about a two-front war against India.
Seems like there is some paranoia on both sides, yet there is no need to be. Both have been good neighbours, and 1962 incident shouldn't play any major role anymore.

Border issue should be just solved very easely, which is to accept the border as they are today, and move along for better relations.

I am glad that relations are improving, and I don't think any general in India or China, decides what happens. We all know who would be the winner of any conflict between India and China, that would be the U.S. laughing theis a-s-s off all the way to the bank.
Both countries are nuclear powers, and been peaceful since the first days of modern civilizations.

India har much more important enemies, and the same goes for China. If someone succeed in making India and China fight in any way, then both lose. It's pretty simple. There is no winner in New Delhi, and there is no winner in Beijing if two gigantic countries that have border with each other, start any kind of war with one another.

It is also a waste of resources if India puts forces against China, or if China puts forces against India.
Remember during the Cold War, China was kept down because someone was stupid to trust the U.S. against Russia.

Now that Russia was naive and paid their price for "getting democrazy", those same "allies", turned against China, while relationship between China and Russia is today at it's best ever, for the past 22 years.
It's only a shame that a country needed to collapse in order for that to happen, because the only winner was the U.S. back then, and now once again, the U.S. would have been av winner, one more time.
The U.S. has been sanctioning India from 1998 until mid-2000s, and now suddently, they are "friends". Tomorrow, who knows what the U.S. decides.

Therefore, there is no doubt that the U.S. doesn't like Indian Navy or the Chinese Navy getting stronger, since both will be "eating" areas that the U.S. Navy is used to dominate since 1991. Neither does the U.S. like Russia to start coming back to their "old" areas of operation.

Absolutely agree with you.

But the solution that you suggested , turning the LoAC into international border is not acceptable to China anymore. They have grown "too powerful" for that , apparently.
Good luck cheen warn us again, and again. All talk no action.
no more chinese last warnings please
^^^ That was totally unnecessary.

Too many people post like it's their daddy's forum.
I have never insulted India like this ever in any posts here or elsewhere.

Some people like to talk tough sitting behind their computer screens, I wonder how they'd react in real life.
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