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China Wanted to Show Off Its Vaccines. It’s Backfiring.

It’s better to tell us why the United States passed laws in advance not allowing people to sue vaccine companies.
The Pfizer vaccine was tested on 40,000+ people before approval. With any drug, there will be statistically outliers that will result in negative reactions and even deaths. So with 23 deaths and other negative reactions that doctors are saying were compounded by other factors, it will make these deaths even more outlying. Whereas the Sinovac vaccine have a failure to prevent infection rate of %50. Depending on the country's health care system, that %50 who got sick despite receiving the Sinovac drug may go much higher than Norway's 23 senior deaths. No one likes the Sinovac odds.

FDA's phase 3 standards call for testing only for symptom prevention, not PCR testing. That is to say, efficacy is defined as preventing symptoms, NOT preventing infection. Pfizer's own reports state that their reported efficacy was for symptomatically moderate and severe COVID-19.

The so called 50% efficacy for Sinovac was for PCR testing, while it was 100% effective for symptomatically moderate and severe cases. Apples to oranges comparison since the quoted figures are for different measures. A comparison by Fortune magazine shows that Pfizer has thousands of unconfirmed potential mild cases that would lower its quoted efficacy.
Americans who got red faced after 4 years of Trump shouldn't even talk. The Americans making fun of Chinese vaccine need to have a look at corona pandemic in their own country. America is today the worst affected country. Where is the US vaccine making an impact?

Indians supporting their American brethren are soon going to find out there is no way out of two front war.
Rather I am wondering when is your country going to grow some balls, as India and china already face to face from 8 months . How much more time you need to gather a spoon ful of courage.
Why is the West so afraid of China vaccines that they have to generate so many lies and fake news?
Vaccines are vaccines and folks are lucky if they have a choices.
As for me they are the safest so far and that will be my choice.

Turkey has place an additional order for 10 million doses which will be delivered within days.
More than 10 Head of States have been been injected with them and why is the Western News Media hiding these facts.

Israel has reported over 12,000 cases of side effects from these artificial virus Pfizer and Bio-NTech vaccines, why are the Western News Media silent on this? :coffee:
The world to China -

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