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China urges India to withdraw from fresh occupation by India


This seems more like a statement of warning to Indians and/or excuse for further action by the Chinese.

The matter seems to be moving towards further escalation.

The Chinese were the ones who decided to move in after years of planning and preparation. Whether they had only planned for the moves they made or actually anticipated and planned for something more is yet to be seen.

It appears the Indians, after being taken by surprise, have managed to amass sufficient forces there to feel confident about pushing back.

How the Chinese respond has to be seen.
Delusional INDIANS can't read. lol

"Credible government sources say Indian soldiers from the nearby Thakung post intervened, to try and prevent the PLA from building defences. Physical clashes followed, though there are no reports of firing or casualties on either side.

Sources say, the PLA now occupies Helmet Top, as well as a nearby feature called Black Top, both of which are on the Indian side of the LAC. From here, Chinese soldiers can observe and track Indian movements across the Pangong lake and as far away as India’s tactically vital Chushul garrison. "
Indians just don't get what's going on. I know, I've even tried explaining it to them in simple terms.
I warned earlier, that any mention of these pics that belong to soldiers died in 1962 will result in infraction, so you are going to get one.

Don't spread your media's stupid claims here.. Your media is very famous for these kind of stories. It even read out names of soldiers died in Galwan clash that were proved to be false the same day.
Believe in Chinese media then.
@PakSword Can you pls clean up this thread of the clutter? There are lots of trolling and counter trolling here and the gist of this thread is lost. Thanks.

I also don't think it matters much who captured what little area and even less so who killed how many, if things end up going to open war.

There are a lot of factors that would come into play once the escalation gets out of control. The failed talks have shown that there is an impasse that cannot be resolved through dialogue for now.

If things get out of hand, the region in general and Pakistan in particular would find itself with some dangerous options.
India lost Helmet Top and Black Top and DELUSIONAL INDIANS think they won. lol

Wow hats off to China for playing this so well. They successfully managed to take more areas and still painted India as aggressors. Meanwhile low IQ indians on PDF and in the Media are jumping around celebrating that the Chinese have called Indians aggressors and transgressors.
Are you actually smashing your keyboard as you type "India is the master in diplomacy"?

I'm genuinely laughing at this one. So sorry for ridiculing the size of India's diplomatic channels. Wow. @Musings
At least a Pakistani should not laugh on Indian diplomacy when you know well no one is with you on Kashmir, not even Islamic countries. But this is not the topic.
Are you actually smashing your keyboard as you type "India is the master in diplomacy"?

I'm genuinely laughing at this one. So sorry for ridiculing the size of India's diplomatic channels. Wow. @Musings
Am always fascinated how these species are so delusional. The level they stoop to ceases to amaze me. India is that boy that’s always very brave whilst hiding behind the teacher - when the teacher leaves the room - becomes an obedient mouse and crawls back into the hole it came out of. If china farts - it will result in severe bloodshed. Little Indians have been warned.
Delusional INDIANS can't read. lol

"Credible government sources say Indian soldiers from the nearby Thakung post intervened, to try and prevent the PLA from building defences. Physical clashes followed, though there are no reports of firing or casualties on either side.

Sources say, the PLA now occupies Helmet Top, as well as a nearby feature called Black Top, both of which are on the Indian side of the LAC. From here, Chinese soldiers can observe and track Indian movements across the Pangong lake and as far away as India’s tactically vital Chushul garrison. "
source ????
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