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China ups the ante against India, renames 15 places in Arunachal Pradesh

Indian poster: India doesn't have border with China

Meanwhile Chinese army
What's with you flamebaiting Pakistani members here? Seriously.

This is a thread about China calling some cities in India by a different name. This is immature at best if not anything else. People expect more maturity from such an important and large country but it is not happening. That's their image issue.

India Union territory of Ladakh borders East Turkestan and Tibet.

India states of Himachal, Uttarakhand, Sikkim, Arunachal have border with Tibet.

India does not have any border with China.
Legally? Dude, which legality you are talking about? Which part of "you do not have any internationally recognized border with China" you did not understand? Theoretically, China can draw its border all the way to the gates of Delhi! I am amazed that Indians think that having no border with China is some sort of masterstroke from India!

Illegal Chinese occupation of India, East Turkestan and Tibet by force is possible but it will never be legitimate.
India is already giving in to Chinese, your leaders are observing pin drop silence over the lost of territory to PLA.

Yes. We cannot stop China militarily but we will not legitimize their illegal occupation on paper.
Maybe they can try with someone else but for time being, its working perfectly well with India. At this rate, you will not last 100 years.

How much of Indian land had China occupied since 1962? Few hundred square kilometers?

When China collapses, India will regain her lost lands.

We have patience and we will just wait.

Truth, Right and Time are on India's side and we will prevail in the end.
Illegal Chinese occupation of India

How its illegal? You dont have any legal boundary. Take your issue in any international institution or court and see what happen to you.

Yes. We cannot stop China militarily but we will not legitimize their illegal occupation on paper.

Are you guys under the impression that they are seeking your blessings?
India Union territory of Ladakh borders East Turkestan and Tibet.

India states of Himachal, Uttarakhand, Sikkim, Arunachal have border with Tibet.

India does not have any border with China.



Writing baseless tantrum on SNS/forums out of childish fit of frustration,but that's just spamming of internet space. China is right when they say,they never recognized Arunachal,it's plain fact.
How its illegal? You dont have any legal boundary. Take your issue in any international institution or court and see what happen to you.

British India had border agreements with Tibet which were inherited by India.

India never had and will never have a border with China.

India will not legitimize illegal occupation of Tibet by China.
Keep laughing like the Afghanistan nationalists that said Republic of Afghanistan will take attoc and Peshawar by 2021 in 2005.
I didnt know the Afghanistan nationalists said that and they were laughing at that. But if they were laughing, may be they were not serious about it.
You were pretty serious about what you said, were'nt you? :omghaha::rofl:
How much of Indian land had China occupied since 1962? Few hundred square kilometers?

When China collapses, India will regain her lost lands.

We have patience and we will just wait.

Truth, Right and Time are on India's side and we will prevail in the end.

1200 sq KMs were lost just in recent skirmishes!

Dude, at this rate, your status as nuke power is under question.

View attachment 804944

Writing baseless tantrum on SNS/forums out of childish fit of frustration,but that's just spamming of internet space. China is right when they say,they never recognized Arunachal,it's plain fact.

I do not have time to rebut uneducated reporting by some xyz news paper.

Opening a trade post on the LAC is not equivalent to a border agreement.

India never signed and will never sign any border agreement with China.
1200 sq KMs were lost just in recent skirmishes!

Dude, at this rate, your status as nuke power is under question.

Do you know how much land USSR lost when it collapsed?

China will follow suit and will lose much larger lands.
British India had border agreements with Tibet which were inherited by India.

India never had and will never have a border with China.

India will not legitimize illegal occupation of Tibet by China.

EXCACTLY, China got issue with the British colonial power, and its ingress into the land which they consider as theirs, which in turn was handed over to you by British. That guy you referring to, who tried to draw a line during british Raj, if my memory serve, was fired by British themselves.

As i said, go to any court and try to win your case against China.

There is a reason why yanks, your sugardaddies are reluctant in supporting you over border issue.

Fantastic! keep on living in this delusion of having no border with China, it only will serve the powerful party here.
Do you know how much land USSR lost when it collapsed?

China will follow suit and will lose much larger lands.

USSR fell on itself. You on the other hand are conquered!
Fantastic! keep on living in this delusion of having no border with China, it only will serve the powerful party here.

Did India sign any border agreements with China? No

Did India sign up to Chinese BRI? No

Did India sign up to Chinese RCEP? No

India has her own way of resisting China.
View attachment 804944

I do not have time to rebut uneducated reporting by some xyz news paper.

Opening a trade post on the LAC is not equivalent to a border agreement.

India never signed and will never sign any border agreement with China.

Do you know how much land USSR lost when it collapsed?

China will follow suit and will lose much larger lands.


''In the first-ever joint declaration of Principles of Relations and Comprehensive Cooperation signed by Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and his Chinese counterpart Wen Jiabao, India recognised that the Tibetan Autonomous Region is part of the territory of the People''s Republic of China.'

Are u unable to construe what the above highlighted parts mean?

British India had border agreements with Tibet which were inherited by India.

The British had already signed a treaty ,along with the Russians ,that they would never invade Tibet, and acknowledged Chinese suzerainty over the region.

Your border agreement doesn't hold ground legally after the Chinese gov refused to sign it .

Here's the precedent British & Russian joint agreement signed with China regarding Tibet in 1907.

Article I. The two High Contracting Parties engage to respect the territorial integrity of Thibet and to abstain from all interference in the internal administration.

Article II. In conformity with the admitted principle of the suzerainty of China over Thibet, Great Britain and Russia engage not to enter into negotiations with Thibet except through the intermediary of the Chinese Government. This engagement does not exclude the direct relations between British Commercial Agents and the Thibetan authorities provided for in Article V of the Convention between Great Britain and Thibet of the 7th September 1904, and confirmed by the Convention between Great Britain and China of the 27th April 1906; nor does it modify the engagements entered into by Great Britain and China in Article I of the said Convention of 1906.

^The British ,can't enter into any negotiation with Tibet except through the intermediary of Chinese gov. It would be illegal to do so without the consent of the Chinese gov.It would be like signing a border treaty with a region without its national gov's approval.
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