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China unveils 2900 kph super-maglev train

This is nothing new, more speed of Maglev only need more investment, increasing speed is no bar.

Actually it is....

Maglev's speed are limited by air pressure. They can reach super sonic speeds if it operates in a vaccum.
Thats a pipe dream and will not be realized.

1. Too expensive.

2. too unsafe

3. political reasons. USA and EU would not allow a chinese train on their soil. Its that simple.

How you know its unsafe and what it has to do with USA and EU.

Actually it is....

Maglev's speed are limited by air pressure. They can reach super sonic speeds if it operates in a vaccum.

I know this. My point is even at current speed of 300-400km/h, the Maglev is quite expensive and most of the countries going for bullet trains for high speed transportation for cost saving while Maglev is still in experimental phase and it won't make a commercial break through until cheaper superconductors are discovered.
How you know its unsafe and what it has to do with USA and EU.

I know this. My point is even at current speed of 300-400km/h, the Maglev is quite expensive and most of the countries going for bullet trains for high speed transportation for cost saving while Maglev is still in experimental phase and it won't make a commercial break through until cheaper superconductors are discovered.

Maglev are very costly. The infrastructure upkeep is astronomical.

The Chinese Maglev built between Shanghai and Beijing is a white elephant as it loses more money in maintenance than what it makes in profit.

Maglev has to be careful how it proceeds or it could become the next concorde.
well commercially and practically not possible. .. but with this research they might gain more knowledge about super conductivity. .. btw is this based on EMS or EDS?

Realistically, how much do you think it would cost to develop such an impressive project ?

I am naturally intrigued and inspired by the Chinese innovation.
may be 10 times to the regular Maglev.. but they have to overcome lot of issues...
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Not really, the problem going with higher speed is friction. Maglev has higher efficiency than the a turbojet engine. Planes cruise at 30,000 feet is to reduce friction, thus reducing the amount of fuel. Travelling at high speed at sea level at high speed is not the best idea. China proposal is to use vaccum/low pressure tube but the problem is the cost/safety.

Elon Musk did propose Hyperloop, similiar but slower and cheaper without maglev.

this train called as vectrain...

Japanese spent 100 m $ per km as well chinese spent 20 to 25 m $ around per km.. but if we comes to vacum based maglev. .. they have to maintain air pressure, as the proposed model travels @ super sonic speed... second and important thing.. if the train has to be stopped during emergency... then we must have to say R.i.p...

Maglev are very costly. The infrastructure upkeep is astronomical.

The Chinese Maglev built between Shanghai and Beijing is a white elephant as it loses more money in maintenance than what it makes in profit.

Maglev has to be careful how it proceeds or it could become the next concorde.
white elephant is small word for vectrain...
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. if the train has to be stopped during emergency... then we must have to say R.i.p...

Agreed, given the terminal velocity of this machine, in the case of an accident or technical errors, loss of human life is certain.
Agreed, given the terminal velocity of this machine, in the case of an accident or technical errors, loss of human life is certain.

may be it will be hard for us to find wreckage. .. construction is one thing.. maintenance is another thing... keeping the air pressure in the vaccum tube... track maintenance,regular check up of the track, tube, air seal issues... even small earth quake can be disastrous...
How you know its unsafe and what it has to do with USA and EU.

I know this. My point is even at current speed of 300-400km/h, the Maglev is quite expensive and most of the countries going for bullet trains for high speed transportation for cost saving while Maglev is still in experimental phase and it won't make a commercial break through until cheaper superconductors are discovered.

If the tube gets damaged, air rushs in in large amounts withing seconds. The train moves with 2900kph in a vacuum. It then smashs into the air like a reentering spacecraft. Under normal circumstances the train would heat up outside on roughly 200°C, similar to the Concorde. But it is not in the free air, its in a tube. The air can´t escape and a shockwave is formed infront the train. A so called bow shock. This creates much more density and the air turnes into plasma. Temperatures would reach roughly 1500 - 2200 °C depending on speed and diameter of the tube. Thats similar to the reentering space shuttle.

To get an imigation, watch the rerentry scene of gravity:

The vaccum train is a nice idea on a vacuum environment like the moon. Its nice to study it for future transportation on other planets / moons, but totally impractibal on earth.
Maglev run in a vacuum tube


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