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China to unveil its J-20 stealth fighter at air show next week !!


Here is the thing---if china had a Tier 1 EW suite package---the JF17 would be in the same line as the J20 and the J11's and J10's and the J15's.

No, it wouldn't. Different EW systems (or any electronics package for that matter) are compatible with different aircraft. What the Chinese choose to put into the JF-17 may very well be different from the subsystems aboard their in-service aircraft. In fact, it's very clear that the JF-17's subsystems are completely different from that aboard even the J-10A/B/C, which lends to the massive difference in capability between the two platforms. To claim that the JF-17's subsystems is representative of that of other Chinese aircraft would be tantamount to claiming that the F-16 shares the same components with the F-22.

Stop diverting the question. You claim Chinese has a ground engine problem which is proven wrong.

PLAAF 90% aeroengine is domestic produced.


To be honest, "Beast", your links have proven nothing. Once again, "domestically-produced" is a miles away from "domestically-developed". :)
To be honest, "Beast", your links have proven nothing. Once again, "domestically-produced" is a miles away from "domestically-developed". :)

My previous post just response to your "few J-11 uses domestic engines". If you think 90% is considered "few". I guess you are in denial :enjoy:
My previous post just response to your "few J-11 uses domestic engines". If you think 90% is considered "few". I guess you are in denial :enjoy:

A link that states what you simply copied and pasted , who has written without any proof of where he got the figure from besides a "super colonel" with super power, from a gentleman for whom the term "jingoistic" would be an understatement.

so basically, the term for that is lies.
A link that states what you simply copied and pasted , who has written without any proof of where he got the figure from besides a "super colonel" with super power, from a gentleman for whom the term "jingoistic" would be an understatement.

so basically, the term for that is lies.

The news is reported by People's Daily Online, CPC mouthpiece.

And the colonel is a respected figure in PLA.

The news is reported by People's Daily Online, CPC mouthpiece.

And the colonel is a respected figure in PLA.

“In the process of industrialization, China has established an independent sector for aero-engines. The performance of domestically produced imitational engines reached a remarkably high level in the 70s, and around 90 percent of China’s main operational aircraft are using domestic engines now,” said senior colonel Wu Guohui, who is also an associate professor at the PLA National Defense University, in an interview with the Beijing Times.

Currently, most of China’s fighter planes, attack aircraft, bombers and fighter-bombers feature domestic engines; only a small number of third-generation jet fighters are still using foreign engines, according to the newspaper.

Nevertheless, Wu explained, “Compared to the U.S., Europe and Russia, China still lags behind in the area of engines, as the country’s development and mode of management for engines are relatively outdated.”

Interesting that the "respected" colonel says only a small number of third generation fighters uses these engines; yet upto 220 Al-31 variants have been ordered in the last five years for a mixture of J-10 and J-15 fleets, not to mention further spares for the Su-30MK2s.

Since the J-7 and J-8 fleets all use domestic engines, some WS-10s are in service with the J-11 and supposedly J-10 fleets

So if we have a total of 2200 combat aircraft , of which about only 700 are modern types.. of which we can discount 160 Su-27 and Su-30 directly due to their usage of AL-31.. at least 130-140 J-10 as they use the Al-31..about 70-80 J-11A's that use the Al-31..

That give us around 380-400 Chinese 3rd gen aircraft out of the total 700-750 so that use foreign engines.. so clearly not a "small number" per the colonel.
Then we take that 380-400 and divide that by 2200.. that number of Chinese engine usage is around 83%...and around 50% at best if we take in the 3rd generation combat aircraft only. Clearly the colonel is exaggerating and the part in red he seems to be contradicting his own assertions.

Not to mention, the J-20 also uses the AL-31.
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