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China to overtake U.S. economy this year, World Bank says

13.5 means 13.5 working age people per over 65 person ..

Hey child, 4 of grandparents, 2 of your parents working hard for only you.
25+ years later, it's time for you to take care all of us ... and your own child ( 1, 2, 3 ... depend on you )


Yes, that is a transitionary generation which will enjoy the fruits of a moderately prosperous economy. Then the young population will rebound. Only with the ease on one-child policy, about 50 million extra newborns will join the nation’s population, according to a poll done with the parents eligible for a second kid. China will never have population bottleneck not least because it will continue to have a sizeable non-urban population.
The West is going to start making monkey noises about China needing to be more generous soon, and be more "aggressive" with pollution even though these hypocrites polluted the world 100x worse.

Be wary. They will prove how much of an evil enemy they are in the coming years.
Ask yourself this, why do China has the one child or family planning policy? It is resource straining, unpopular, and detrimental to social stability. Then why would Chinese government do that?

The Chinese government has already anticipate complications coming thirty years ago. That is why they start implementing policy to control/plan population.

Do you think the world bank and western/outside analyst could know China better than Chinese themselves?

It is the Chinese government that has all the long term statistical history about population trend and policy effect. Everyone else could only guess by the broad statistic that China released, only China has the details.
The Chinese government has already anticipate complications coming thirty years ago. That is why they start implementing policy to control/plan population.

The problem is that Chinese families favor Boys more than Girls, China's sex ratio is already devastating, Chinese men marry Vietnamese women for god's sake as there are villages in China that you couldn't find a single woman in them, you should know that better than me. Its not a good policy that will benefit China in the long-run.
The problem is that Chinese families favor Boys more than Girls, China's sex ratio is already devastating, Chinese men marry Vietnamese women for god's sake as there are villages in China that you couldn't find a single woman in them, you should know that better than me. Its not a good policy that will benefit China in the long-run.

The one-child policy has already been scrapped. We discussed it earlier in the thread.
We are already bigger.
Ha Ha. This is the PPP GDP they r talking bout. Why u jumping for PPP? Ha Ha.

All above Calculations are Bullshit for U. Rite? IT all shudnt matter at all coz they r PPP. ::D:

Ha Ha. This is the PPP GDP they r talking bout. Why u jumping for PPP? Ha Ha.

All above Calculations are Bullshit for U. Rite? IT all shudnt matter at all coz they r PPP. ::D:


Unlike India, China manufactures almost everything it uses.
So? Good for u. How is it relevant to GDP comparisions?

Nominal matters if you're a parasite nation (the West) or an incompetent one that needs to import everything your economy depends on for survival.

PPP works for East Asia because they develop and manufacture everything on their own.
Retirement age will be increased pretty soon to around 65-70. It's way too low right now as the life expectancy of Chinese people has increased over the decades. 50 years of age was considered 'old' in the 1940's. But now 80 years is considered old in 2014. Human life expectancy will continue to increase over the years and 90 years of age will be the norm.

China's retirement age is 60 for men & 50 for woman. Moving the retirement age to 65 for both genders would alleviate most of the problems. No need to force 70 years old men to work.

Due to China life expectancy for men around 71 even few year lower than Vietnam figures, so push to work at 65-67 nearly impossible. If the govt doesn't want their people work to death.

China is still far from "80 years of age will be the norm"

And the people is always unhappy to hear that, Vietnam share same age for retirement as China, and the people also doesn't like the raising of retirement age.
Nominal matters if you're a parasite nation (the West) or an incompetent one that needs to import everything your economy depends on for survival.

PPP works for East Asia because they develop and manufacture everything on their own.
Exactly. That makes sense. But as per ur previous post India imports EVERYTHING. So why are they No.3 behind China in PPP? Also ask ur countrymen who try to be Economics Champs without knowing da basics. :D
in wish Reagan would still be alive to see how commy china is becoming biggest economy and Obamas healthcare reform

Due to China life expectancy for men around 71 even few year lower than Vietnam figures, so push to work at 65-67 nearly impossible. If the govt doesn't want their people work to death.

China is still far from "80 years of age will be the norm"

And the people is always unhappy to hear that, Vietnam share same age for retirement as China, and the people also doesn't like the raising of retirement age.


Chinese life expectancy is above 80 years. This is why the CPC is now going to push the retirement age to either 65 or 66.

There is no rule that says the government has to provide pensions to people that retire. Chinese government can easily scrap such a system if the burden is too high. The CPC can allow the private sector to take the burden. I won't even put it past the CPC to entirely scrap the retirement age completely and tell people to save up for old age.

If you think the CPC will spend its entire budget on a bunch of old people that contribute nothing to China post-retirement then you really don't understand how ruthless the CPC truly is.

If the CPC made a maximum 1 child policy, they have the power and influence to make a MINIMUM 2 child policy.

Bottom line is China won't have a problem with old people because there is no general rule what the age of an old person is. People will continue to live longer as living standards increase.
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