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China to invest $100 billion in India over 5 years

Our country automobile brand has been exported many countries, we Chinese reference to foreign technology and improve innovation, you what will India do? Can you talk about what the industrial product export

India is the 6th largest producer of motor vehicles and 2nd fastest growing .
We don't own the infrastructure, we are just contracted to build it.

If we can do it efficiently then we stand to make a decent profit, as well as building up a good amount of experience and currency for our companies.
If we contract you to build it, wouldn't we be paying you money? Why would China be investing money?
If we contract you to build it, wouldn't we be paying you money? Why would China be investing money?

China finances the the loan to the Indian company /government which in turn uses the money to contract the Chinese company /government to build the required infra.
No country got to establish nuke plants not only not US all ar estill in talks

all want india to remove its nuclear liability law ?- why should we remove it fi thier nuke plants are of highest quality? why should they be afraid ?

No one forced anything on the other, did they? If India want's certain laws, it would keep it. If they don't like it, they won't build a plant. What is wrong with that?

IP law tweaking is
removing compulsory licensing from IP law and + many things

which will firmly put the US+Eu pharma cos in control of indian medicine + drugs (as in pharma) market without any safeguards for india
This is more complex problem. Both are right - the inventors think it is their right to decide the price. Indian govt think price should be varied according to patients. Anyways, India hasn't bowed down till now and there is no reason to think that any amount of investment would make it do so.

Which will allow Gm crops with Terminator genes to be used by Global cos to dominate indian agri seeds markets without any safeguards for india
Sooner or later all crops would be replaced by GM, otherwise farming would not be so competitive.
We don't own the infrastructure, we are just contracted to build it.

If we can do it efficiently then we stand to make a decent profit, as well as building up a good amount of experience and currency for our companies.
That's most probably what would happen, as is the case with many SEZ and other industrial parks in India,perhaps the land would be alloted to them on lease for a particular period,say 20-25yrs. Where they can develop the property and give it to lease to some other firms mostly IT & manufacturing which in turn would give them profit in the long run. I read it somewhere that,out of $5billion that would be invested in industrial park in pune by chinese companies,they would also built schools,malls and other things that would attract a lot of people,which apparently should give'em more returns. Lets see how it all turns out to be.
investment in defence

pure buy when we are developing our own weapons + they will sell to Pakistan

investment in energy
nukes - they are asking for repeal of nuclear liability law

infra ?

what specifics ?

there are other energy sources besides nuclear. There is something called DTTI, read up on it. Under it, there will be a concerted effort to increase bilateral trade to 500 billion. There are 250 US companies interested in investments.
35 Billion $ - Japan, 100 Billion $ - China and Modi will be going to US next :D I just hope that the pledges materialize

India plans to spend 1 Trilion (1000 billion) dollars on infrastructure over 5 eyasras, according to sources.
China and India shall let go grudges on the past and move on for a better future. You take Arunachal and we keep Aksai CHin, then problem solved. That depends on the courage of both leaders. If one wanna get a better relationsip with others, just hold your desire and arrogance.

good idea +
you give us kailash mansarovar teritory doable deal
India plans to spend 1 Trilion (1000 billion) dollars on infrastructure over 5 eyasras, according to sources.
It was to be invested in 12th 5year plan if i am not mistaken,and we are already half way through.
We need the fucking peace before something terrible happens.

you are asking too much:hitwall:

why cant you give up small teritorry considering religious importance to us of kailash mansarovar area ?

so who stops peace ?
Better for China to invest in India and Nepal-Bhutan and ask money back of $250 Million from Pakistan to get it self out from Gwadar port as KSA and UAE along with Oman is quite interested in getting back it. More over, we have seen that GCC countries have keen interest in Balochistan, FATA and NWFP along with the Sindh province too.

Where as China and other countries have more interest in Punjab, Gilgit and Kashmir.
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