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China to India: Respect Maldives' Sovereignty (warning before strike!)

India was warned. So it’s too afraid of being a bully. Its a bully that know it will get its behind kicked if it doesn’t listen. Such as this

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Lol! Like the Chinese you are taking pride in attacking from behind. That's why they say you never faced a real war. Always tries to attack when someone is weak, outnumbered.

As of Maldives, you can still keep gloating, if India takes any action nobody will give a rat shat about Chinese. Try to stay relevant.

Sovereign state VS Disputed territory :)
Like China can claim, the moon as disputed if it wants. They might still do, as some ting tong kingdom was a daughter of the moon. Anyway, Ph won the dispute in ICJ. And you don't threaten anyone using war. That too in a diplomatic sense.
Lol! Like the Chinese you are taking pride in attacking from behind. That's why they say you never faced a real war. Always tries to attack when someone is weak, outnumbered.
LOL are you saying China did not warn you enough times in Doklam before we kicked your a$$es so hard? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Lol! Like the Chinese you are taking pride in attacking from behind. That's why they say you never faced a real war. Always tries to attack when someone is weak, outnumbered.

As of Maldives, you can still keep gloating, if India takes any action nobody will give a rat shat about Chinese. Try to stay relevant.

Like China can claim, the moon as disputed if it wants. They might still do, as some ting tong kingdom was a daughter of the moon. Anyway, Ph won the dispute in ICJ. And you don't threaten anyone using war. That too in a diplomatic sense.

Oh my, the ignorance.

The Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) and The International Court of Justice.:)

Not only your googling skills are bad... Looks like your cognitive skills are.... :)
Oh my, the ignorance.

The Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) and The International Court of Justice.:)

Not only your googling skills are bad... Looks like your cognitive skills are.... :)
Still worried about what I'm doing. My error in differentiating between ICJ and PCA is not the issue here. But the behavior of Chinese. Like always, you can't talk on a point and go overboard.
Chinese can FO... there is nothing China can do here... Maldives called India for help... it has become a Chines habit of poking nose in everybody's business.. Or may be they just want attention....LOL
The ex-president Nasid asked for India's intervention, not Maldives goverment.

China to India: Respect Maldives' Sovereignty

China’s Foreign Ministry warns the world not to “complicate the situation” by interfering in the unfolding crisis.

As Harsh Pant noted earlier forThe Diplomat, a political crisis is underway in the Maldives. President Abdulla Yameen defied an order from the country’s Supreme Court to release members of the opposition from prison; instead, he declared a state of emergency and ordered the arrest of the chief justice and former president turned opposition ally Maumoon Abdul Gayoom (Yameen’s half brother).

In response, former Maldivian President Mohamed Nasheed has asked for India to “send an envoy, backed by its military, to free the judges and political detainees.” Yet China, which has close ties to the Yameen government, warned against any outside interference, calling on the international community to respect the Maldives’ sovereignty and not “take actions that may further complicate the situation.”

As Sudha Ramachandran noted in a Diplomat feature, published before the current crisis, Yameen has moved the Maldives further into China’s orbit, mostly notably through the controversial signing of a free trade agreement. According to the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), “The government allowed for less than an hour for the entire parliamentary process to approve the 1,000-plus page document.”

Beyond the FTA, the Maldives under Yameen has appeared ready to follow a course similar to that of Sri Lanka under the previous Mahinda Rajapaksa government, eagerly embracing Chinese investment and loans to develop the island country. As a result, Ramachandran explained:
China’s presence, especially in Maldives’ tourism sector and infrastructure building, has expanded. It has replaced Europe as Maldives’ largest source of tourists. China is funding and building mega infrastructure projects, including the Friendship Bridge linking Male to Hulhule Island and a 1,000-apartment housing project on Hulhumale, a suburb built on reclaimed land.

It’s no surprise then that China would not want to see this progress jeopardized by Yameen falling from power. In response to the crisis, Beijing is calling for “dialogue and consultation” to “properly resolve” the situation – without interference from third parties.

“[W]hat is happening inside the Maldives is the internal affairs of the country,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang told reporters at a regular press conference on Wednesday. “[…]The international community shall play a constructive role on the basis of respecting the sovereignty of the Maldives, instead of further complicating the situation.”

Geng later added, “[W]e believe that the Maldives government, political parties and people have the wisdom and capability to cope with the current situation on their own.”

When asked by a reporter if support from China was emboldening Yameen to act against his political opponents, Geng simply replied that “China and the Maldives maintain friendly and cooperative relations.”

The Maldives is a top destination for Chinese tourists, but China’s Foreign Ministry has advised Chinese citizens to cancel plans to visit in the near future. With the Spring Festival holiday just over week away, that could mean a lot of aborted trips. Perhaps for that reason, the Chinese public is avidly following the story, with “Maldives state of emergency” the top-trending search term on Sina Weibo on Tuesday.

Chinese media coverage, as usual, has gone beyond diplomatic talking points. An article on People’s Daily’s website hinted that an “invisible hand” – implied to be India – was influencing events in the Maldives. The article noted that the China-Maldives FTA had made India “unhappy” just before pointing out that the world was watching to see if India would intervene in the current crisis.

Predictably, the Global Times, known for its nationalistic furor, was more blunt, running a commentary declaring that India “has no right to meddle” in the Maldives. “The small country of the Maldives has long faced a choice: should it free itself from India’s control and consolidate its independence as a sovereign state or not?” Global Times wrote. According to the article, India is “open” about interfering in the political affairs of small countries in South Asia – including implementing its own version of “color revolutions.” If India does intervene, the Global Times warns, it will not be out of concern for rule of law, but a desire to force the Maldives to come to heel.

The principle of noninterference is China’s hallmark when it comes to foreign policy; Beijing’s insistence that the world stand back and allow the Maldives to handle the situation is in line with its advice in a number of previous political crises, from Zimbabwe’s recent coup to the early days of the Syrian civil war. Yet the geopolitical background at play in the Maldives, where China has gained a solid foothold in one of India’s oceanic neighbors, makes China’s warning in this case even more pointed.

After India's humiliation at Doklam, China knows India will unilaterally retreat from Maldives intervention once PLA mobilizes.
Warning number 1, 999 more too go.. :pop:
You mean those India subservient?
They are elected by the people of Maldives. They represent people's opinion.

You provoke those oppositions in Maldives to overthrow the existing goverment just because the current president joined OBOR?
That may be true. You messed with Nepal and let them mend ways according to Chinese interest formed commi alliance. We are playing our part. So, why do you care?
They are elected by the people of Maldives. They represent people's opinion.
The current president is legally elected by its people.

They are elected by the people of Maldives. They represent people's opinion.

That may be true. You messed with Nepal and let them mend ways according to Chinese interest formed commi alliance. We are playing our part. So, why do you care?
Every country has its own choice, what method do you have except for gross intervention?

China brings investment and energy to Nepal, and provide them free access to Internet. What's wrong with us? We are not sending a soldier to Nepal.

Maybe you will have to annex them like what you did to Sikkim.
With all the soldiers being shot down at the LoC why would India want to intervene in another country's problems? Surely India has enough at home to deal with Pakistan
Still worried about what I'm doing. My error in differentiating between ICJ and PCA is not the issue here. But the behavior of Chinese. Like always, you can't talk on a point and go overboard.

Oh my..

You bought up PCA case between China and Philippines but you have no idea of the differences between the ICJ and PCA:omghaha:

Its no wonder why you have no idea why you cant receive IRNSS signal from your phone in India.

You might be mentally challenged :omghaha:
The current president is legally elected by its people.
Yeah, he has illegally put the opposition in Prison, now tries to take control of the country. He arrested the Chief Justice of the country. Democracy becoming a dictatorship.
Every country has its own choice, what method do you have except for gross intervention?
There is nothing wrong with what you are doing. You are not giving things for free either. I didn't say what you did was wrong. I just said we can also play that way. We didn't intervene as of now. I don't think we ever will put our military in the Maldives. Unless any official confirmation is given.

China brings investment and energy to Nepal, and provide them free access to Internet. What's wrong with us? We are not sending a soldier to Nepal.
I think Australia had a nice time with the so-called investment and friendly Chinese immigrants that, they are now making laws to stop the Chinese 'love'.

Oh my..

You bought up PCA case between China and Philippines but you have no idea of the differences between the ICJ and PCA:omghaha:

Its no wonder why you have no idea why you cant receive IRNSS signal from your phone in India.

You might be mentally challenged :omghaha:
Yeah, he has illegally put the opposition in Prison, now tries to take control of the country. He arrested the Chief Justice of the country. Democracy becoming a dictatorship.

There is nothing wrong with what you are doing. You are not giving things for free either. I didn't say what you did was wrong. I just said we can also play that way. We didn't intervene as of now. I don't think we ever will put our military in the Maldives. Unless any official confirmation is given.

I think Australia had a nice time with the so-called investment and friendly Chinese immigrants that, they are now making laws to stop the Chinese 'love'.


Just think one as an orange and the other as an apple :omghaha:

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