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China to help Ukraine develop "peregrine falcon" tactical missile


May 23, 2011
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According to the Russian military news network reported on July 1, the recent emphasis on leaders of China and the comprehensive development of Ukrainian strategic partnership to strengthen bilateral military and technical cooperation significantly, the Chinese side in the procurement of new weapons and equipment the Ugandan side, while also actively play to their strengths, Output Technology to Ukraine to help its development was stagnant, "Peregrine Falcon" tactical missile system.

Russian media said that this year June 18 to 20, Chinese President Hu Jintao's official visit to Ukraine, which since last September Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych's visit to China since the two top leaders in the last six months of the first second meeting. The two sides met in the first main topic of discussion is the implementation and Ukraine, "Peregrine Falcon" tactical missiles production-related cooperation projects. Ukraine "South" Southern Machinery Factory Design Bureau and although R & D and production of ballistic missiles has a wealth of experience, but had never developed tactical missiles, while China is in the tactical missile development has a clear advantage. April 2011 "peregrine falcon" missile system began operation, is based on research related to Chinese engineers. This cooperation is very important for Ukraine, the two sides could further strengthen this cooperation.

Russian media said the two leaders of China and Uzbekistan visits few tangible results disclosed to the outside world, especially in military-technical cooperation, both sides have the intention to avoid public comment on security cooperation between the two countries and prospects for military-technical issues. All of this is to make Russia a high degree of vigilance, or even very disturbing, because in the eyes of Moscow, the Russian energy resources, China is not just the prospect of selling the market, or Russia's territorial integrity and sovereignty of the potential threat. So this year on June 20 signed during President Hu's visit to Ukraine in Ukraine building strategic partnerships is very important to Russia Joint Statement, which has a provision prohibiting a third country to use its territory against another country's sovereignty, security and territorial integrity This is a prudent suggests Russia, China close attention to description of Russia and Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan's economic and political integration process. During President Hu's visit to Ukraine and China signed a value of about $ 3.5 billion contract, China will invest heavily in Ukraine, which helped build a series of infrastructure projects, including the 2012 European Football Cup venue construction, city to Kiev Borispol railway construction. Sources also said that Ukraine signed a series of long-term military-technical cooperation agreement, China will be the Ukrainian radar systems, missiles and amphibious landing ships and other advanced weaponry. China has tried to get similar weapons from Russia, but Russia changed its position in the negotiation stage, worried that China will get a lot of development of domestic technology-related radar systems and missiles, and may even be used in hypothetical conflict between China and Russia.

Russian media that the military-technical cooperation in Ukraine, there are also considerable problems. China will not buy large quantities of finished weapons in Ukraine, its main purpose is to get technology from the Ukraine, which is a real threat, so that Uzbekistan dilemma. Ukraine must be treated with caution, because the Chinese in order to get at a lot of related technologies into the future, China may be rather limited number of products after a detailed study of the technology, after fully grasp may begin mass production in the country has its own brand of similar products, then as a self-made products to sell to the world market, thus more than Russia and Ukraine. In the direction of all national defense, including aircraft, sonar, engine manufacturing, etc., are possible.

In short, President Hu's visit to Ukraine highlights several important geopolitical trends, including the very positive development of China and the former Soviet Union countries to cooperate, even though these countries are still dominated Russia. The purpose of China's move may be to the future event of conflict between China and Russia, thereby limiting the direction of Russia and the Caucasus in the western strategic retreat. In any case, the development of Ukraine in the east of the strategic partnership with China to strengthen military-technical cooperation, in the West continue to implement the action plan for cooperation with NATO, held joint exercises in the Black Sea, all of which make Russia extremely uneasy.

Kiev Ukraine army, conversion and disarmament Research Center, Bard Mubarak in an interview a few days ago when I had said that the Ugandan side, the military-technical cooperation with China both advantages and disadvantages. He pointed out that Ukraine is beneficial cooperation with China, but also dangerous because of concerns that China may get advanced technology, and a lot of imitation. Prior to the Chinese Air Force and the assembly of Su-27 fighter like Ukraine, the idea of ​​Padoa-engine company's products has been achieved, and there could also be equipped with devices that Ukraine and Russia, such as air to air missiles. Of course, this is beneficial for Ukraine. If the two sides in Ukraine to conduct a comprehensive system of cooperation, there will be a variety of potential projects, such as the Antonov Design Bureau, will help China develop new aircraft, improved the old aircraft. Do not forget, the two countries have signed the "European bison" air-cushion landing craft supply contract. In addition to aerospace manufacturing and shipbuilding, but the Chinese are interested in technology, there is also the naval gas turbines, parachute, sonar, anti-high-precision weapons and so on. Military-technical cooperation in Ukraine, the most sensitive topic is still the aircraft carrier, China has been trying to get the so-called non-material technology, especially the experience of Ukraine to build aircraft carriers. If the breakdown, then, the two sides can cooperate to achieve a specific direction at least there will be dozens. Another project also Ukraine Fangyou Li, China's tactical missile production technology is very advanced, Ukraine, the "South" Southern Machinery Factory Design Bureau and the development of ballistic missiles, though they have the experience, but never produced a tactical missile. In China with the help of Ukraine "peregrine falcon" missile system from starting production in April this year, which is to improve defense capabilities of Ukraine is very important.

Bud Clark acknowledged that some aspects of Ukraine's cooperation with China does pose a direct competitive threat to Russia. First, Ukraine's development in the aviation equipment direct highly competitive, Antonov Design Bureau, and even Russian experts have recognized the former Soviet Union countries, the best design bureau, in individual ways even than Russia's Sukhoi Design Bureau still strong, so it can do something for the Chinese side to ensure that Russia may not be able to complete the project; second in the production of gas turbines for the ships in the same walk in the front of the Ukraine, Russia and Ukraine on this issue can not Nicholas Aliyev City "glow" business competition; third sonar, Russia, although there are, but different. Kiev Institute of Hydrology instrument in the former Soviet Union countries at the advanced level, Russia is now able to recommend to the Chinese side can not be produced. The Ukrainian-made armored equipment using diesel engines, it is superior, in uba cooperation project is proof of main battle tanks, but this is also a benefit to you the direction of cooperation to Ukraine, after all, China's market is very large. (Compiled: Shu-shan)
Any more info on this supposed "Peregrine Falcon" missile?
quite good.

the large-scale cargo airplane of Ukraine even step ahead of russian,china are badly in need of their technique and experience in the area
Wonder what the Ukranians are trading in exchange...
Any more info on this supposed "Peregrine Falcon" missile?
Scud replacement:
Ukraine will replace the outdated Soviet-made missiles on the new short-range missiles. About it as informs the edition "Today," said President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych. Obsolete missiles will be replaced by a new set of "Peregrine Falcon", the development of which has already been renewed design bureau Yuzhnoye. Sketches of the project are already protected. According to chief designer "Southern" Alexander Degtyarev, the creation of "Peregrine Falcon" is already in full swing. " Details about the project were not disclosed. "This is about the development on behalf of the president and government of the new missile system 'Peregrine' for Defense, the rest – no comment," – said the deputy director of "Southern" Yuri Moshnenko. Presumably, the missile range, "Peregrine Falcon" will be 280 kilometers. The accuracy of the new complex, according to a source in the Ukrainian edition of CB will be measured by several meters. Project Peregrine Falcon was launched in 2007. He conducted jointly by the National Space Agency of Ukraine and "Southern." The original plan, the complex should be ready in 2011, but due to lack of state budget funds the project was frozen. It was reported earlier that the creation of "Peregrine Falcon" takes about 3.5 billion hryvnia (439.3 million dollars). Ukraine is interested in creating "Peregrine Falcon" as standing in the country's arsenal of Scud should be written to the 2015-2016 year.
quite good.

the large-scale cargo airplane of Ukraine even step ahead of russian,china are badly in need of their technique and experience in the area

Not necessarily, there is a lot of both foreign and domestic politics involved too:

Moscow Defense Brief Mikhail Barabanov, commenting on previously expressed in the Ukrainian media suggested that Ukraine refuses to develop its own missile system "Peregrine Falcon" in favor of the purchase of Russian tactical Iskander


According to him, even if the "Peregrine Falcon" will be created, it would be politically very problematic weapons in Ukraine. At the same time, the reality of the completion of the complex is low. "In general, I think the project unrealistic, and certainly he will not make a serious competition," Iskander ", which was made by the developer with extensive experience and worked for almost 20 years" - said the expert

DefenceDog: Expert: Selling Iskander Missiles - not in the interests of Russia
Wonder what the Ukranians are trading in exchange...

This article gives a good insight in the exchanges between China and Ukraine.
Russia says China actively help Ukraine develop tactical missile peregrine falcon - Military News News

Ukraine signed a series of long-term military-technical cooperation agreement, China will be Ukraine radar systems, missiles and amphibious landing ships and other advanced weaponry
the two countries have signed the 'European bison' air cushion landing craft supply contracts in addition to aerospace manufacturing and shipbuilding, but the Chinese are interested in technology, there is also the naval gas turbines, parachute , sonar, and other high-precision weapons destruction in the Ukraine military-technical cooperation, the most sensitive topic is still the aircraft carrier, China has been trying to get the so-called non-material technology, especially the Experience of Ukraine to build aircraft carriers
Ukrainian manufacturers of armored equipment using diesel engines, but also superior performance, main battle tanks
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