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China to help Bangladesh become middle income country by 2021

If that bold part is possible than I am pretty sure that this economic relation will be active in long term.. otherwise you will be another African country or vietnam..

As far as infrastructure and electricity production is concerned, it will help BD with their growth..

Second part is most important for Bangladesh...

For the first part if China wants to do a job done at a higher cost by bringing Chinese people which will yield less profit for them then who can help them!!! So far Bangladesh is less concerned about it as Bangladesh needs more investment in electricity and infrastructure for its growth.

Its good for Bd and bad for India. TBH India will try every way to prevent BD from becoming another influential player in the region. Lets see how BD rolls through this.

Bd already is!!! Do you have any doubt!!! Go and do whatever you want..
Its good for Bd and bad for India. TBH India will try every way to prevent BD from becoming another influential player in the region. Lets see how BD rolls through this.

No ones development is bad for India, not even pakistan.. Why would India try to prevent them from becoming a high income country ?? Infact it will open up a new market for India, for our products.. Bangladesh is also a young country unlike china, that means its people will spend more and more and this will build a good consumer market in bangladesh..
Development any country in South Asia is always good for India..
Bd already is!!! Do you have any doubt!!! Go and do whatever you want..

No its not :no: but yes it has the potential to be with 160 million people. Right now its in deep poverty and lacks potential to build a 35 cc motorbike.

No ones development is bad for India, not even pakistan.. Why would India try to prevent them from becoming a high income country ?? Infact it will open up a new market for India, for our products.. Bangladesh is also a young country unlike china, that means its people will spend more and more and this will build a good consumer market in bangladesh..
Development any country in South Asia is always good for India..

yes I agree on this but seeing the massive build up of India they willl spend more and more on weapons with growing economy and this is not what India wants. Bd developing with India is fine but not becoming a pawn of another rising power.
No country can make another country a middle income or a rich country !! The people in the country themselves oly have to work harder to make their country a better one !!
If history is anything to learn by, other country have oly made rich countries into poor countries !!

In a sense you're definitely right on both counts. But a country too can make another country rich by providing the latter with capital, technology and market if that country has the people potentials and the right political environment. China can do that to Bangladesh but of course the former will profit in such non zero sum game relationship as well.

In the case of China and the US was almost similar to the case we're talking about here on top of the US also lifted the sanction against China. The combination of Chinese people's desires to achieve and the CPC's policy's to encourage such desires made China one of a top economies today.

From what I observed on Bangladesh progresses in the last few years and her forumers posted threads here it seems economy is utmost important topic on their minds. I just don't see how their economy can move to any direction but sharply upward because of their lower base and political stability.
Good news for both China and Bangladesh!

We have an impressive track record of building infrastructures, at home and overseas. If other countries want to get the BD contracts, they can still offer their bid or for other projects! It is just MOUs so no need to have heart burns at this stage crying as losers prematurely.

And the key considerations for any infrastructure project are: budget and finance, capabilities of the company and DEADLINES!

If I give you a question to name some countries which have horrendous records of failing to meet project deadlines, which are they?
No its not :no: but yes it has the potential to be with 160 million people. Right now its in deep poverty and lacks potential to build a 35 cc motorbike.

yes I agree on this but seeing the massive build up of India they willl spend more and more on weapons with growing economy and this is not what India wants. Bd developing with India is fine but not becoming a pawn of another rising power.

Dnt talk about poverty... it is India which has more poverty then Bangladesh...

Regarding middle income country may be it is or may be it is not depends on how much economy will be revised if the base year is upgraded to 2005 from 1995. In case of 1985-1995 upgradation GDP was revised by 30% increase. Though this time more up-gradation is expected but even with 30% up-gradation Bangladesh's economy will be very close to middle income country which is 1095 usd per capita GDP.
Dnt talk about poverty... it is India which has more poverty then Bangladesh...

Regarding middle income country may be it is or may be it is not depends on how much economy will be revised if the base year is upgraded to 2005 from 1995. In case of 1985-1995 upgradation GDP was revised by 30% increase. Though this time more up-gradation is expected but even with 30% up-gradation Bangladesh's economy will be very close to middle income country which is 1095 usd per capita GDP.
I might be going offtopic but, poverty in India is based on standard we adopt.. As for 2$/day according to UN, yes we are very poor.. but with 1$/day our poverty percentage does goes down..
I might be going offtopic but, poverty in India is based on standard we adopt.. As for 2$/day according to UN, yes we are very poor.. but with 1$/day our poverty percentage does goes down..

As of 2011 India measured poverty based on 29 rupee earning per day for cities and 22 rupee for the rural areas which resulted the artificial 29% below poverty line figure which is a low measurement even compared to Bangladesh. In 2010 the poverty was measured based on anyone earning 32 rupee a day on average in cities and 26 rupee in villages which resulted 37% below poverty line and to hide this shame India artificially in 2011 reduced the poverty bar...

At Rs 28 daily consumption, India's poverty declines - Economic Times

Planning Commission further reduced poverty line to Rs 28.65 per capita daily consumption in cities and Rs 22.42 in rural areas, scaling down India's poverty ratio to 29.8 per cent in 2009-10, the estimates which are likely to raise the hackles of civil society.

An individual above a monthly consumption of Rs 859.6 in urban and Rs 672.8 in rural areas is not considered poor, as per the controversial formula.

For Bangladesh poor spends around 1450 taka per month in cities and 1100 taka in rural areas on average based on Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2010 which is higher then the Indian level and with this we have 31% people below poverty line.
China only invest in china......go and see what they did to Africa..even in pakistan and sri lanka they have invested in those project which they will use..

Look at all these Indians crying about Bangladesh getting Chinese investment. :lol:

No wonder Bangladesh is growing faster than India.
As of 2011 India measured poverty based on 29 rupee earning per day for cities and 22 rupee for the rural areas which resulted the artificial 29% below poverty line figure which is a low measurement even compared to Bangladesh. In 2010 the poverty was measured based on anyone earning 32 rupee a day on average in cities and 26 rupee in villages which resulted 37% below poverty line and to hide this shame India artificially in 2011 reduced the poverty bar...

For Bangladesh poor spends around 1450 taka per month in cities and 1100 taka in rural areas on average based on Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2010 which is higher then the Indian level and with this we have 31% people below poverty line.

Firstly, since you are comparing the data for both India and BD, i'm assuming that you will be able to appreciate the relevance of Purchasing Power Parity. Now for India, renowned economists from India's leading JNU have pegged the PPP rate at - 1 USD=Rs. 19.

So given that the internationally accepted line stands at USD 1.25 per day, basic math will tell you that India has drawn a poverty line that is comfortably clear of the World Bank's poverty line.

Hence, I see little room for silly arguments about "tweaking" and "adjusting" numbers, based on a casual read of sensational headlines.

Secondly, India is a poor country - there's no denying that. But, you guys ridicule India, as if to suggest that BD has been able to ape the chinese model for addressing poverty. It is warranted for your chinese masters to act with such disdain, because they have actions / achievements to back their tall talk - not you guys!!

Your government tells you that 31% of population is below the poverty line. Now keep in mind, that you are busy selling me the same govt's data - that you claim has "sold out" to foreign forces.

Leaving the subject of credibility of your govt aside, scholars from your own country have a very different opinion. Some have recently argued that "real poverty rate" could be higher that 66%". Here's a link.

Financial Express :: Financial Newspaper of Bangladesh

Meanwhile, the comprehensive Multidimensional Poverty Index also paints a grim picture. As per the findings of the index the "incidence of poverty" in BD is as high as 57.8%. For india, the figure stands at 55.4%. Also, needless to mention, other than a superior ranking on the HDI index, the UNDP index categorises india alongside countries which have provided "medium human development" for their citizens. BD, and even its former master - pak, make up the bottom most layer of the pyramid with countries that have only managed "LOW human development". And this is as per the 2011 rankings.


Stop embarrassing yourself. You guys are small. Too small to matter. Just for some perspective, Reliance Industries, ALONE, in 2017 will have a market cap as big as your country's GDP.

Reliance Industries stock seen at $100 bn - Indian Express
Firstly, since you are comparing the data for both India and BD, i'm assuming that you will be able to appreciate the relevance of Purchasing Power Parity. Now for India, renowned economists from India's leading JNU have pegged the PPP rate at - 1 USD=Rs. 19.

So given that the internationally accepted line stands at USD 1.25 per day, basic math will tell you that India has drawn a poverty line that is comfortably clear of the World Bank's poverty line.

Hence, I see little room for silly arguments about "tweaking" and "adjusting" numbers, based on a casual read of sensational headlines.

Secondly, India is a poor country - there's no denying that. But, you guys ridicule India, as if to suggest that BD has been able to ape the chinese model for addressing poverty. It is warranted for your chinese masters to act with such disdain, because they have actions / achievements to back their tall talk - not you guys!!

Your government tells you that 31% of population is below the poverty line. Now keep in mind, that you are busy selling me the same govt's data - that you claim has "sold out" to foreign forces.

Leaving the subject of credibility of your govt aside, scholars from your own country have a very different opinion. Some have recently argued that "real poverty rate" could be higher that 66%". Here's a link.

Financial Express :: Financial Newspaper of Bangladesh

Meanwhile, the comprehensive Multidimensional Poverty Index also paints a grim picture. As per the findings of the index the "incidence of poverty" in BD is as high as 57.8%. For india, the figure stands at 55.4%. Also, needless to mention, other than a superior ranking on the HDI index, the UNDP index categorises india alongside countries which have provided "medium human development" for their citizens. BD, and even its former master - pak, make up the bottom most layer of the pyramid with countries that have only managed "LOW human development". And this is as per the 2011 rankings.


Stop embarrassing yourself. You guys are small. Too small to matter. Just for some perspective, Reliance Industries, ALONE, in 2017 will have a market cap as big as your country's GDP.

Reliance Industries stock seen at $100 bn - Indian Express

At first you come out of your self ignorance. In India price of food and fuel is much higher then Bangladesh then how come 19 rupee is equivalent to 1 usd (ppp)?? And most importantly if I am not wrong that is 2005 figure not present one. Even in 2004-2005 24 taka was equivalent to 1.25 USD (PPP).

The 66% figure that you posted is based on 3 category which if you would have cared to read then you would understand. In Bangladesh now middle class is 51 million or around 33%. So he said rest should be poor.

But in the mean time even in India some economist of India itself put poverty as high as 77%. So do not humiliate yourself.

In recent times, various committees led by economists have come up with different ways to measure the extent of poverty. The official line delivers a poverty rate of around 32% of the population. A committee under Suresh Tendulkar estimated it at 37%, while another led by NC Saxena said 50%, and in 2007 the Arjun Sengupta commission identified 77% of Indians as "poor and vulnerable" (Which he put earlier as living less then 20 rupee per day). The World Bank's PPP estimate of Indian poverty was higher than 40% in 2005, while the Asian Development Bank arrived at almost 50%. The UNDP's Multidimensional Poverty Index finds the proportion of the poor to be higher than 55%.

The figure that Bangladesh has reduced to 31% was done mostly during previous government. Then why should present Government give credit to previous government without any reason???

And most of the multi poverty index and other stuff for Bangladesh is based on back dated data. With present data it should be more less. Foreign remittance, micro credit etc. are helping to reduce poverty at a much faster rate then India in Bangladesh. Not only that we are bringing womans in employment which is absent in India. Now more then 3 million womans are working in RMG sector and contributing to their family.

Lastly what some specific industry is gonna do does not represent the real life picture of India. Apart from 5-6 states most of the states are dirt poor and under developed and comparable to sub saharan africa. This is no wonder why more then one third of Indians go to bed hungry, 44% of under age 5 children are malnourished.

To illustrate the rising living standard of the poor in Bangladesh, I will give you the example of recent example of UNESCO/WHO which put bangladesh has 81% sanitation coverage while in India it is only 43% with more then 70% rural area of India oes not have sanitation and 51% people defect open.

That is only happening due to poverty and lack of knowledge about civic and healthy life. You brought up HDI ... have you checked what is the score of specific countries??? For India it is only .54 and Bangladesh it is .5. Only difference is the GDP figure which Bangladesh use backdated 1995 base year. With 2005 base year GDP of Bangladesh will be much higher and the difference will be reduced or even may overtake India as Bangladesh is ahead of India in most of the sub category of HDI including health. In terms of education where it lacked behind India has also caught India. Lastly India's rank in HDI is 134 and Bangladesh 145. Not a big difference. Even many country with much higher per capita then India are still in the LDC... such as Angola with p/GDP is 5144 usd and Guinea has p/GDP 20,200.

Bangladesh is rising from bottom which India is lagging so naturally in the coming years Bangladesh will over take India in most of the categories. In India apart from 5-6 states most of the states are piss poor. Some big industry is quite natural in a country of 1.2 billion but has it brought any improvement in the life style of the poor??? You should ask this question to yourself. I do not want to embarrass you more.
Thats why I said its just an overstatement, no country can help other with income.. As far as europe is concerned they atleast give you some help with your export in garment, seafood, etc.. If you see carefully your trade with china then you will realize that it is doing the same thing which it has done with other nation i.e just to export its goods.. In that case atleast India is much better trade partner for Bangladesh, am i wrong ?? you can correct me if i have wrote something wrong over here..

China has a open market policy with us, but we don't manufacture much high tech stuff, we don't have required numbers of heavy industry to meet the growing demand on BD itself .So trade imbalance in our case is nothing unexpected. My frustration is India should sell cows to us through border open market. In that way, your people will earn money, no border shooting, we can be sure those cows don't have any disease. Less border tension, less trolling in PDF.

Its good for Bd and bad for India. TBH India will try every way to prevent BD from becoming another influential player in the region. Lets see how BD rolls through this.

yah, why is that!! & How do you plan to do it, care to elaborate??
(I know what you are going to write,getting ready for it. Go on buddy, write. :butcher:)

In a sense you're definitely right on both counts. But a country too can make another country rich by providing the latter with capital, technology and market if that country has the people potentials and the right political environment. China can do that to Bangladesh but of course the former will profit in such non zero sum game relationship as well.

In the case of China and the US was almost similar to the case we're talking about here on top of the US also lifted the sanction against China. The combination of Chinese people's desires to achieve and the CPC's policy's to encourage such desires made China one of a top economies today.

From what I observed on Bangladesh progresses in the last few years and her forumers posted threads here it seems economy is utmost important topic on their minds. I just don't see how their economy can move to any direction but sharply upward because of their lower base and political stability.

You are 100% correct. Look at my previous post #26 , where I said China can act as a catalyst, and you elaborated it, thanks.
China only invest in china......go and see what they did to Africa..even in pakistan and sri lanka they have invested in those project which they will use..

If China do investment or whatever is Bangladesh to deal with why indians are having heartburn over it? This is nothing indians to poke their nose around. We dont see things through indian view and we dont need to listen to what indians says.
China to help Bangladesh become middle income country by 2021

Looks like Awami League regime and its chorots like captain of Awami fanboy club are in action again to sell deception using China label. China can help on many things but no one can help us protecting us from Awami League looting in the name of "2021 middle income slogan". Bangladesh already lost billions in the name of Awami "middle income slogan" while sucking Bangladesh economy high and dry.
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