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As far as Muslims or Islam in China goes, Muslims have contributed greatly to China. The Islamic caliphate and Ancient China were partners in trade, science, technology, mathematics, and other fields of human endeavors.

Remember the Silk Road? The nexus of the Silk road were mainly the Ancient Chinese and Islamic civilization

Remember the great Chinese Muslim explorer and mariner, The Magellan of China and Muslims Admiral Zheng He (Hajji Mahmud).

Well said. :cheers:
I can't even remember the last time I celebrated Christmas. It is too close to New years eve, Chinese New year, Lantern festival, etc... why add another one?

Anyway, Jesus was not even born during Christmas. (The Bible does not mention the time of year that he was born).

Christmas was set during the Winter solstice to make it easier for Pagans to convert, since they also had their biggest celebrations during that time.

I think the Christmas might have its origin from the Norse Paganism, but it has been later plagiarized by the Christianity.
dear my chinese brothers... drop the chopsticks and hold down the anger.

breath and reflect....

so you really hate christianity eh?

every other chinese dude is named john, david, peter, paul...may i ask where the f@ck do you think these name are from?

so you really hate christians eh?

if it wasn't for the "evil" christians celebrating christmas and buying all you crap you be working on rice patty walking behind a buffalo and getting farted on.

Rest assured that if a foreigner with foreign names, it can be understood. but a Chinese person in China to use foreign names, it can not even survive, just to stay in their own circles. So, you see, who cares where these names come from .
lol with all the bashing of viets and stuff like "all poor vietnamese all dying to marry a rich chinese businessmen" "vietnam is our biotch" by chinese members we have some vietnamese dude here licking the chinese boot???

why are you commenting then son? don't you have dishes to clean?

btw the way why are you commenting? don't you have some ghetto feet to pedicure?

hahahah now some viet dude show up to lick chinese azzz but goes missing in action when the chinese..."our pla army should teach vietnam a lesson"

and all this time i was backing up vietnam because i though no viets were here. i would've though this dude was surely chinese if not for his dat nguyen avatar.

What's the matter sumo, lost your diaper? Your online tough guy mentally is as weak as your karate. You need to go back to your Menga and Hentai and start messaging yourself to sleep!:bunny:
its like clockworks here... when chinese get stifilled they will....

completely ignore the debate and goes on a personal attack

still waiting for some chinese dude to tell me why....

the white man canoed across 2 oceans to spank china, made chinese crack heads, "leased" a hole bunch of islands and made china beg prince charles for it back...yet the chinese only hating on japan?

and today i would like to know why chinese hate and think Christianity is outright evil yet they continue to name there kids john, david, paul... and work like dogs to make the xmas tree and everything that goes under it?

please I am very peaceful, please don't threaten me on the internet because I get easily frightened...so let just talk like gents.

thank you!

Because Japs like you are the one with the penis enlargement fettish! You got some past historical crimes that needs to be repaid first before commenting on your destabilizing nuclear power plant. Remember all the WWII crimes that Japan did all across Asia? Yes mam, that's the one.

Christians are for the whites and they can keep that Jebus to themselves for all I care. Chinese and all other Asians wants to work hard to build an empire of course, Jesus F*cking Christ, Batman where have you been?
Zheng He is one of the few who has etched his name in Chinese history.

However, China being an atheist state does not encourage religion in the way it allowed elsewhere.

Religion is controlled by the State and rightly so, since there are many who use religion for political reasons.

Islam in Xinjiang is mentioned in this link.


Muslim Religious Education in China

Muslim Religious Education in China
Zheng He is one of the few who has etched his name in Chinese history.

However, China being an atheist state does not encourage religion in the way it allowed elsewhere.

Religion is controlled by the State and rightly so, since there are many who use religion for political reasons.

Islam in Xinjiang is mentioned in this link.


Muslim Religious Education in China

Muslim Religious Education in China

Hai Rui, a famous uncorrupt official from the Ming Dynasty, who was a descendant of the Arabic Muslim.

Hai Rui - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As far as Muslims or Islam in China goes, Muslims have contributed greatly to China. The Islamic caliphate and Ancient China were partners in trade, science, technology, mathematics, and other fields of human endeavors.

Remember the Silk Road? The nexus of the Silk road were mainly the Ancient Chinese and Islamic civilization

Remember the great Chinese Muslim explorer and mariner, The Magellan of China and Muslims Admiral Zheng He (Hajji Mahmud).

There was nothing called Islamic Civilization.

It was Arab Civilization.

Remember They Robbed something from us.

Hindu Numerals weren't named Islamic Nuerals -- Arab Numerals:tdown:
Hai Rui, a famous uncorrupt official from the Ming Dynasty, who was a descendant of the Arabic Muslim.

Hai Rui - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I presume you are not meaning that all the other officials of the Ming Dynasty were corrupt.

As I mentioned in the earlier post - Zheng He is one of the few who has etched his name in Chinese history. The operative words are - one of the few.

It is always prudent to use such famous minorities to play politics as is noted from your link.

"Hai Rui Dismissed from Office", written by Communist Party official Wu Han in 1959 and later made into a Peking Opera play, was interpreted by the later Gang of Four member Yao Wenyuan as an allegorical work with the honest moral official Hai Rui representing disgraced official Peng Dehuai, who had fallen foul of Mao for his outspoken criticism of the Great Leap Forward movement, and the corrupt emperor representing Mao Zedong. The November 10, 1965 article in a prominent Shanghai newspaper, "A Criticism of the Historical Drama 'Hai Rui Dismissed From Office'" (评新编历史剧《海瑞罢官》), written by Yao, is widely seen as the spark that ignited the Cultural Revolution. During the Cultural Revolution, the grave of Hai Rui was destroyed but it has since been rebuilt.

What was important in my earlier post was in context of religion and how it is played out in China.

In so far as Islam in China, I mentioned the links.

I am sure you have not read them.
I presume you are not meaning that all the other officials of the Ming Dynasty were corrupt.

As I mentioned in the earlier post - Zheng He is one of the few who has etched his name in Chinese history. The operative words are - one of the few.

It is always prudent to use such famous minorities to play politics as is noted from your link.

"Hai Rui Dismissed from Office", written by Communist Party official Wu Han in 1959 and later made into a Peking Opera play, was interpreted by the later Gang of Four member Yao Wenyuan as an allegorical work with the honest moral official Hai Rui representing disgraced official Peng Dehuai, who had fallen foul of Mao for his outspoken criticism of the Great Leap Forward movement, and the corrupt emperor representing Mao Zedong. The November 10, 1965 article in a prominent Shanghai newspaper, "A Criticism of the Historical Drama 'Hai Rui Dismissed From Office'" (评新编历史剧《海瑞罢官》), written by Yao, is widely seen as the spark that ignited the Cultural Revolution. During the Cultural Revolution, the grave of Hai Rui was destroyed but it has since been rebuilt.

What was important in my earlier post was in context of religion and how it is played out in China.

In so far as Islam in China, I mentioned the links.

I am sure you have not read them.

There were also other uncorrupt officials, but this guy was like a Saint, that made him famous.

And i do admit that the cultural revolution was Mao's foolishness, that's why we scraped his ideology immediately after his death.
China detains underground church followers: group
(AFP) – 11 hours ago

BEIJING — Police in Beijing rounded up dozens of followers of an underground Protestant church Sunday, a rights group said, as a widening crackdown on dissent appeared to spread to religious figures.

Police late Saturday also detained Jin Tianming, a senior pastor of Beijing's Shouwang church, an unregistered Protestant congregation, and other church leaders before releasing them early Sunday, the US-based China Aid group said.

Jin's detention came after the church called for an outdoor worship meeting following a similar gathering last Sunday that resulted in police rounding up nearly 170 church followers, most of whom were later released.

The action against the church comes amid a growing crackdown on dissent across China in which artists, lawyers, writers, activists and intellectuals have been detained for allegedly calling for "Jasmine" rallies, similar to those that have rocked the Arab world.

The Shouwang church, one of Beijing's largest "underground" churches, was forced outdoors after the government blocked the rental of its previous place of worship and prevented it from buying a new meeting place, China Aid said.

The church has adamantly denied it has any links to the Jasmine rally calls.

Beijing police refused to comment on the detention of Jin and other senior church leaders.

Church members were not immediately available to comment, but Twitter Internet postings by followers said Sunday's designated meeting place was under a police lockdown and that worshippers were unable to gather in large numbers.

Many worshippers were taken into police custody near the meeting place, postings said. China Aid said at least 30 church followers were detained.

"Many members of Shouwang church were restricted to their homes Sunday morning and unable to attend Shouwang church's second outdoor worship service," the group said.

"We urge the Chinese government to restrain from using violence to further escalate the conflict with peaceful Shouwang worshippers who ask for nothing but religious freedom alone."

China has detained at least 54 dissidents, activists and others in the ongoing crackdown on dissent, highlighted by the recent detention of famed artist Ai Weiwei, the Chinese Human Rights Defenders said Friday.

The latest to be taken into custody include Ni Yulan, an outspoken wheelchair-bound activist for housing rights, and her husband Dong Jiqin, the Hong Kong-based group said in a statement.

Although freedom of religion is enshrined in China's constitution, all religious groups are required to register with the government and worship in officially sanctioned churches.

About 15 million Protestants and five million Catholics worship at official churches in China, according to recent official data.

But more than 50 million others are believed to pray at "underground" or "house" churches, which refuse to submit to government regulation.

Copyright © 2011 AFP. All rights reserved.

AFP: China detains underground church followers: group
Church and religion are two things. The problem comes when you manage a church and don't obey the law. Since the leader of this under ground church is a Korean I doubt it has something to do with some foreign secret actions.
What's the matter sumo, lost your diaper? Your online tough guy mentally is as weak as your karate. You need to go back to your Menga and Hentai and start messaging yourself to sleep!:bunny:

why are you bolding and coloring your letter? what's up with the gay bunny?

this dude is no viet, I know tons of viets, they don't dont scream like little girls trying to get your attention and they especially don't go around licking chinese anal. nice try son.

btw dat nguyen would be real depress if he new he had a little corny kid as his fan...he plays football not curling.

hey can i be cool like you by making my letters bigger and change it to pink?
live in the past there son... and if you were a true viet.... vietnamese don't give a f@ck about what japan did...100% only feel ill towards what China did.

you heard of the 'trung sisters"? or all vietnamese war heroes...what's their number 1 and only enemy?

whilel the white boys aka frenchman was raping and spanking your country, japan was the only non-white country to fight back.

how does the chinese anal tasting lately? does it have chincken balls or dumplings taste to it?
Now Japan is too busy being savagely raped by blacks and unable to even lift a finger. What a "fight back"!
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