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China to be world largest Christian country in less than a generation

china a big economy and military will destroy itself by its own people. outsiders should just sit back and watch. i know chinese history and there is rarely peace in china.
a famous japanese saying is chinese people are like sand.

so you admit christianity will conquer china. :cheers:

god of wealth? do you speak chinese or are you a real chinese? Guan Yu is no god of wealth.
Confucian is a philosophy with wisdom. conquer china? can't say that , i have been saying that confucian is not panacea,mainly to study something in oreder to apply it ,but is not wholesale accept confucian's attitude. after all, it is 2000 years ago , some argue are ill-timed,such asThe three obediences (三重四德).
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All religions are the same.

Daoism = Buddhism = Christianity = Islam = Hinduism = Zoroaster = Modern Science

In Buddhism, someone asked a Buddha, why there are so many religions in the world.

And Buddha told him a story of Elephant and Blind Men since birth.

We all are researcher.

To be honest, all religions I mentioned above are much closer than what most people thought.

If each of one of the religion follower above willingly to take a peak to other religion teaching, they will find their own religion in all of them.

We and them mentality, fighting over religion differences, are the most stupid thing in the world.
Thank you for this.

Each religion is a side of an octagonal lamp shade of multiple spectrum, which shares the same emitting light source.
If MAINLAND let it to happen,

I hope HK young people achieved their DEMOCRACY too!

And TAIWAN reunification to Japan.

Relax, man. It's already an old news in China. Yes, there are a large number of people worship Christian nowadays. But you can not find them in cities,in main stream, even the peasant work would not worship Christian. the majority of worshipers are the elderly left in rural villages(their son or daughter come to cities for higher income, only elders and their little grandchildren are left in their home in countryside, it's a common phenomenon in china's middle or west countryside). they are lonely and need something to fill their heart.

Missionaries declare that god will help cure them if they are ill. it's the reason No.1.

Participating in missionary activities, is a severe communication chance for them, they need to find something different from staying home.it's the reason No.2.

Don't worry about this phenomenon, these same Christian worshipers are worshiping Buddhism and Taonism at the same time, they are actually Utilitarian, only worship their god when they need something, it's not worship by heart, and elders in countryside have no influence on the main stream. And their grandchildren will finally get into the main stream someday, there is none place for the Christian there. people who worshiped Christian by heart are real heterogeneous in mass. People did not say, but ridicule their IQ behind.

BTW, there is another phenomenon became popular in the past 20 years, Young civilians celebrate for Christmas! But they did this just because they need a name to have fun,they did neither pray nor going to church, they date girls to the cinema or hotel actually. And the business caught this chance to sell roses, dinners, tickets, hotel rooms and condoms.

The true problem need to care is how to make the elders left home happy, money is not everything, someday we will be elders also.

the second problem is that most of the missionaries in countryside are fake missionaries, they are not from religious organizations admitted by any of the world. they are copycat and cheaters, even their bible are fake and have totally different articles in it. for money, or for power.

Some terrible incidents happened in this year in China, 6 member from a religion organization pretended to be under the name of Christian called "Almighty God" or "Eastern Lightning Cult", beat a poor women to death by chair in McDonald's(Please google this mad tragedy), just because their "Daughter of the God"(She declared that she is the god's new daughter and Christ is her brother) is in these 6 and feel that woman are sent by the devil. It's the first time these mad meet that woman, they even not knew this woman before ! This religion organization have millions of member in the northern China and is also counted in the Christian in China, what a ridiculous research !
The more societies develop, the *less* religious they become. This is evident in Europe and even the US as people who claim to be agnostic or atheist are increasing in number. I don't think it likely that any one "mania" be it Maoism or Christianity will ever sweep over China again. Science is the future. While there is a place for spirituality, religious fanaticism is the hallmark of failed societies, not ones experiencing national rejuvenation, as has been the case with China the last few decades.

As they say, science flies people to the moon. Religion flies people into buildings. Science, logic, and humanism FTW! :china:
The more societies develop, the *less* religious they become. This is evident in Europe and even the US as people who claim to be agnostic or atheist are increasing in number. I don't think it likely that any one "mania" be it Maoism or Christianity will ever sweep over China again. Science is the future. While there is a place for spirituality, religious fanaticism is the hallmark of failed societies, not ones experiencing national rejuvenation, as has been the case with China the last few decades.

As they say, science flies people to the moon. Religion flies people into buildings. Science, logic, and humanism FTW! :china:

yep, the ability to think logically and reasonably will be the hallmark of future advanced society.
Religion comes as naturally as to man as breathe; the soul longs for union with God. Atheists are unnatural, their mindset deviant, and their way of life unsustainable. I will never trust one who doesn't believe in a higher power.

Atheism is best religion out there

You need to find Jesus.
Religion comes as naturally as to man as breathe; the soul longs for union with God. Atheists are unnatural, their mindset deviant, and their way of life unsustainable. I will never trust one who doesn't believe in a higher power.

You need to find Jesus.

So from the advent of man, hundreds of thousands of years ago, religion also existed? How do you even begin to prove that assertion? Believe in yourself, first. Only by using logic and reasoning to search for the truth, will you be set free of others' beliefs. Hopefully in the near future, "god will heal you" will be replaced by " man, with logic and reasoning, will heal you."

Religion comes as naturally as to man as breathe; the soul longs for union with God. Atheists are unnatural, their mindset deviant, and their way of life unsustainable. I will never trust one who doesn't believe in a higher power.

You need to find Jesus.
You are writing in detail about athiests ..how you know about them ..?keep your God in your head ..you dont need to comment on others ..unless and untill you are a athiest once ..
So from the advent of man, hundreds of thousands of years ago, religion also existed? How do you even begin to prove that assertion? Believe in yourself, first. Only by using logic and reasoning to search for the truth, will you be set free of others' beliefs. Hopefully in the near future, "god will heal you" will be replaced by " man, with logic and reasoning, will heal you."
That is actually correct. Anthropologically, there has never been a known indigenously atheist society in human history. That is not a religious statement or one in favour of one religion or another, just the fact that in every human society that has ever been known, that we have any knowledge of, they all have had a set of core religious beliefs. Man seems to be "hard-wired" in his belief in God or deities.
That is actually correct. Anthropologically, there has never been a known indigenously atheist society in human history. That is not a religious statement or one in favour of one religion or another, just the fact that in every human society that has ever been known, that we have any knowledge of, they all have had a set of core religious beliefs. Man seems to be "hard-wired" in his belief in God or deities.

What we have knowledge of is just a droplet in a vast sea of unknown.
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Relax, man. It's already an old news in China. Yes, there are a large number of people worship Christian nowadays. But you can not find them in cities,in main stream, even the peasant work would not worship Christian. the majority of worshipers are the elderly left in rural villages(their son or daughter come to cities for higher income, only elders and their little grandchildren are left in their home in countryside, it's a common phenomenon in china's middle or west countryside). they are lonely and need something to fill their heart.
I have no idea why you would think that as there are literally dozens and dozens of news stories, studies, reports that are reputable concerning the issue and not only is Christianity growing in Chine rapidly, China has the fastest rate of Christian growth of any Asian country. Heck, even official party sanctioned news sources are reporting it...

Growth in number of Chinese Christians - Global Times

What we have knowledge of is just a droplet in a vast sea of unknown.
You could be right but I tend to think that as we have a fair degree of knowledge of human civilisations going back, literally, thousands of years, and in all areas of the planet, and they all have indigenous religious beliefs, that it may be a good bet that such will be the case once some unknown civilisation has been decoded.
That is actually correct. Anthropologically, there has never been a known indigenously atheist society in human history. That is not a religious statement or one in favour of one religion or another, just the fact that in every human society that has ever been known, that we have any knowledge of, they all have had a set of core religious beliefs. Man seems to be "hard-wired" in his belief in God or deities.

You are a smart man. The need to worship a higher deity is fundamental to man. Even many atheists seem to worship science.

So from the advent of man, hundreds of thousands of years ago, religion also existed? How do you even begin to prove that assertion? Believe in yourself, first. Only by using logic and reasoning to search for the truth, will you be set free of others' beliefs. Hopefully in the near future, "god will heal you" will be replaced by " man, with logic and reasoning, will heal you."


Since man was man, man has worshiped a higher power.

You are writing in detail about athiests ..how you know about them ..?keep your God in your head ..you dont need to comment on others ..unless and untill you are a athiest once ..

Militant atheism will be the death of Indian culture. Your not "cool" for being one, it's not trendy. When you meet your maker, he will deny you like you have denied him.
You are a smart man. The need to worship a higher deity is fundamental to man. Even many atheists seem to worship science.

Since man was man, man has worshiped a higher power.

Militant atheism will be the death of Indian culture. Your not "cool" for being one, it's not trendy. When you meet your maker, he will deny you like you have denied him.
So you think your religion has completely captured image of your maker ? You are really funny when you say militant atheist ..Religion is prime motivator for voilence in todays world not atheism ..You want one super power for your support ..because being enslaved is in that nature of yours ..I am fully conscious about my maker ..its you who are flowing with the flow ..If you really want to know who is your maker than come out of that stupidity called religion ..think rationally ..try to improve your spiritual quotient ..you may find some light ..otherwise remain in mindset of my religion my people my maker bla bla bla
So you think your religion has completely captured image of your maker ? You are really funny when you say militant atheist ..Religion is prime motivator for voilence in todays world not atheism ..You want one super power for your support ..because being enslaved is in that nature of yours ..I am fully conscious about my maker ..its you who are flowing with the flow ..If you really want to know who is your maker than come out of that stupidity called religion ..think rationally ..try to improve your spiritual quotient ..you may find some light ..otherwise remain in mindset of my religion my people my maker bla bla bla

If you could right in English I would appreciate that.

Militant atheist are an irrational lot. Religion is not the prime motivator of violence, it teaches people morality, creates unity where there was none, and brings one close to the supreme being. To reason with a militant atheist is like describing colours to the blind, futile.
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