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China tightens Great Firewall by declaring unauthorised VPN services illegal

Hamartia Antidote

Nov 17, 2013
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China tightens Great Firewall by declaring unauthorised VPN services illegal

Move means all cable and VPN services need prior government approval and comes as Beijing steps up censorship before power-reshuffle party congress

Beijing has launched a 14-month nationwide campaign against unauthorised internet connections, including virtual private network (VPN) services, which allow users to bypass the country’s infamous “Great Firewall”.

A notice released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Sunday said that all special cable and VPN services on the mainland needed to obtain prior government approval – a move making most VPN service providers illegal.

The “clean-up” of the nation’s internet connections would start immediately and run until March 31, 2018, the notice said.

“China’s internet connection service market ... has signs of disordered development that require urgent regulation and governance,” the ministry said.

The crackdown on unregulated internet connections aimed to “strengthen cyberspace information security management”.

Major VPN service companies including Vypr and Express said they were aware of the issue.

While a representative from Vypr said the company was “currently working on ways around this”, a representative from Express by the name of Dane said that his company would release an official statement on its blog soon.

China blocks access to 135 out of 1,000 sites in one ranking of the world’s top websites, including Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, according to Greatfire.org, which monitors online censorship on the mainland.

As a result, many internet users on the mainland rely on VPN services to access blocked sites and services. A cat-and-mouse game has thus been going on for years between the authorities and VPN service providers.

The last major crackdown on VPNs was in March 2016 during the National People’s Congress meeting in Beijing. Many companies complained that their paid-for VPN services were not functioning for up to a week.

China cybersecurity law likely to harm foreign firms operating on mainland, says Asia finance body chief

Beijing’s censorship of online information and its control of internet access would be particularly vigilant in 2017 for the once-in-a-decade power reshuffle party congress, analysts said.

The Cyberspace Administration of China, which regulates the internet and acts as an online censorship office, pledged loyalty to the Communist Party leadership headed by President Xi Jinping on January 5.

Bureau officials issued a statement that said one of their priorities this year would be to cultivate an online environment that was “conducive to a successful 19th party congress”.

Two days ago, two websites run by a liberal think tank, along with 15 other sites, were shut down as control tightens ahead of the party congress.

The latest crackdown has caused a stir on the internet, with many social media users complaining that their VPN services had failed or slowed down. Some expressed fears of losing touch with the outside world or of being held accountable by security forces for using a VPN system.

One Weibo user wrote: “So many people are laughing at how [US President Donald] Trump is building a wall near Mexico while we are unaware that we have been thickening our own wall. The more we monitor, the more we lose.”


Why can I still visit Trump's Twitter?
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EVEN DONALD TRUMP knows how mischief and poisonous the major western media (MSM) can be!

Sadly majority of people every where are still not quite aware of the MSM's wickedness and falsehood :hitwall::hitwall:

Needless to say China needs to patch the holes in the GFW from time to time, a defensive feat against the information warfare that only China has!

Glad to see the authority there act decisively after taking care the foreign-funded NGOs operating there not long ago!!

It may be inevitable that some legitimate uses feel the pinch, but just take it as a "collateral damage", to borrow the term from the US politics & military :-) and I will happily ditch such "convenience" / bear the "inconvenience" in return for economic rewards, stability, strength and unity of nation plus harmonious & healthy society, and I do believe the majority of Chinese people will much appreciate their govt action in view of the precarious world today! Just take a close look of the lives in CHN and IND (and many other parts in Asia, Latin America etc) then one will grasp well what I'm conveying here.

Note: some outsiders often ignorantly criticize China's GFW without even knowing the true state, but in factuality when I visit the Middle Kingdom I have no problem to access those non-Fake News© sites plainly such as the well-known ZeroHedge, GlobalResearch.ca, RT, PressTV.ir, needtoknow.news, whatreallyhappened.com, shadowstats.com, ronpaulinstitute.org, paulcraigroberts.org, mises.org, stateofthenation2012.com, thesaker.is, archive.org, naturalnews.com, theintercept.com, just to name a few... and of course our defence.pk :pakistan: (just noticed some dumb posters here who may never visit China but talk a lot as if in knowing) and many other news sites... :coffee:


The Crumbling Credibility Of Western Media (2017-01-24)

Many English educated Singaporeans and Asians used to swear that Western Media are authoritative, objective, credible and unbiased in their news reporting. Names like the New York Times, Washington Post, BBC, CNN, etc etc were held in high regards and must read to get to the truth. They say, no lies no print. The rise of Donald Trump, the revelations by Wikileaks and Snowden, must have broken this myth that Western Media are worth reading and trusting.

The credibility of Western Media is crumbling to bits except in the heads of the stupid Asians that refused to believe that they have been fed a lift time of lies and western propaganda. Now the most powerful man in the world, Trump, is rubbishing all the Western Media and all his intelligence agencies as liars, telling untruth, biased reports and Fake News. Still refuse to accept this hard truth?

Trump only believes in his twitting as they came out direct from his mouth, no editing or misquoting. This is about the only truth he could get. Look at his barrage at the media for reporting that only a small crowd turned out at his inauguration. Trump claimed that there were millions out there but the media was misreporting. Who is telling the truth?

In the Today paper on 23 Jan 17, the front page photograph of the turnout at the White House was big. But the inside pages printed two photographs trying to prove that Trump was lying and the media was telling the truth. Yes, the picture of the turnout for Trump was not even a tenth that of Obama’s. And the media said the photos did not lie. Photographic evidence! This reminds me of the reported numbers of the Hong Lim crowd during the Population White Paper protest. Who got the numbers right, who was reporting the truth?

Coming back to the two photographs, first impression said the media was right, Trump was wrong. How many agree to this conclusion? I agree that the photographs were telling the truth, but a selective truth. Ask, when was the photographs taken? Could it be that the Trump photograph was taken early in the day before the full crowd was there, thus the picture looked less than half empty? When were the photographs taken is crucial to tell the truth. The media is using photographs taken at different time to disparage Trump. A cheap trick, like they used age old photographs to show famine and poverty in North Korea.

I took many photographs at the Hong Lim Population White Paper protest. And I could show you an empty field, half empty field and a fully occupied field, depending on what time I took the pictures.

Get the message? What is the truth, who is telling the truth? How reliable is the media and their reporting? You decide for yourself. Still stubbornly or stupidly want to believe that Western Media are telling the truth, authoritative and credible?

Trump is attacking them for spreading misinformation and lies. New York Times reported this, 'I have a running war with the media, Mr. Trump said. They are among the most dishonest human beings on earth...' It is your choice to believe in them.

Would the WOGs adoration for anything western continue unabated, untarnished and continue to go down on their knees to worship the Western Media as their God that could do no wrong and unblemished by the recent revelations?

By Chua Chin Leng | My Singapore News
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View attachment 371679
Why can I still visit Trump's Twitter?

Maybe you like to torture yourself? LOL.

CIA and Pentagon should install "over-exposure to Trump Tweets" as an interrogation method in place of waterboarding.

Waterboarding is so 1600s.

On topic, the move is welcome. In fact, I suggested last year here on the China Section that China make all the VPN business illegal. Beijing seems to have heard me from across the Taiwan Straits.

VPN programs bring a lot of virus and trojans.
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I fully support this move by the Chinese government.

In the same vein, the Chinese cannot complain about US suspecting Chinese hardware to be filled with spywares in the service of the Chinese government.
Let's keep our hearts open, borders well-guarded, and the internet secured.

View attachment 371690

Pseudo Communist comrade! VCP will persecute you once it gets its hands on you.

Brilliant idea! I'm going to report the Chinese Government about this site and how it is infiltrated by the Chinese members and that these members have been giving out all the secrets to the world and exposing the weaknesses to the public about the CCP. I'm sure they would love to hear more about it. Umm, what is the penalty for something like this? is it death?
Brilliant idea! I'm going to report the Chinese Government about this site and how it is infiltrated by the Chinese members and that these members have been giving out all the secrets to the world and exposing the weaknesses to the public about the CCP. I'm sure they would love to hear more about it. Umm, what is the penalty for something like this? is it death?
this is Pakistan defense forum,not Vietnam defense forum
The Vietnamese government should ban novels, TV dramas and films from China.

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this is Pakistan defense forum,not Vietnam defense forum
The Vietnamese government should ban novels, TV dramas and films from China.

yah, you think this is a Pakistan Defense forum? :omghaha:

Vietnamese Communist Government has nothing to do with me. I don't even know what you are talking about TV dramas and films from China. I don't even know how you got those silly ideas from. But you are probably assuming that I'm like the rest of the Vietnamese and Chinese on here. hahahaha

But worst\ for you is that your government is making it illegal to use VPN to surf outside of the .CN domain. At least that is what I'm assuming. Unless some of you know the answer.
Brilliant idea! I'm going to report the Chinese Government about this site and how it is infiltrated by the Chinese members and that these members have been giving out all the secrets to the world and exposing the weaknesses to the public about the CCP. I'm sure they would love to hear more about it. Umm, what is the penalty for something like this? is it death?

VCP will keep you in check because of abject hatred toward Communism. VCP put Arbitration supporting fanatics behind bars; just imagine what they would think of you.

Your Party Chief was recently in Beijing; he must have been briefed.

Vietnamese Communist Government has nothing to do with me. I don't even know what you are talking about TV dramas and films from China. I don't even know how you got those silly ideas from. But you are probably assuming that I'm like the rest of the Vietnamese and Chinese on here. hahahaha

The country you hate is an extension of the Confucius sphere even if you may have lost the contact. The problem is you are a minority. VCP still rules; and will rule a thousand years, creating a Mekong River Super Region along with China and other neighbors.

They will build lots of great internet walls, great bridges, great highways, and great HSRs.

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