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China: The world's cleverest country?

Developing a manned space program 50 years after other developed counties with the added advantage of not having to be bothered with being answerable to its masses, is clever for you. How clever being still a 3rd world dump while being the second highest GDP.

If you are not an American or Russian, I don't want to hear you bragging about another country's achievement.

You are a lowly Indian with no near-term prospect of sending anyone into space. China is already nine years ahead of you and your heavy-lift Indian-built liquid-fueled engines (from Russian blueprints or designs) are still blowing up.

Rocket Disaster Casts Doubt Over Indian Space Program - TIME

"New Delhi, We Have a Problem: India's Space Woes
By Jeffrey Kluger Wednesday, Dec. 29, 2010

State-run Indian Space Research Organizations' (ISRO) satellite GSAT-5P rocket explodes in mid-air shortly after its launch in Sriharikota, India, Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010."
^ drool...getting hungry just thinking about taiwanese night market food

oddly, i even found a seemingly popular indian food stall in shilin night market.

You make me remember my days in Shih Lin, yummy ~:argh:
Looking like an idiot is justifying why it took 50 years to create technologies easily done by developed countries with idiotic examples of industrialization and human rights violation. Blacks may have had no rights but the country was answerable to it populace

Next time you may not want to debate a topic where it shows you can take Chinese and plop him in any country yet he thinks he is clever proclaiming they are the cleverest. How freaking clever are you when you own govt treats you like idiots who are not capable of reading diverse opinions, thoughts and it needs to censor such from its populous? Parents keep certain topics away from kids because they are too immature not because they are cleverest ! Mr. I am blogger on the net hence I claim to be a journalist :) how very clever of you...

I never thought your were bright, but also never thought that your so utterly stupid.

By the measure of your post, where does your beloved India stand when it has not even sent a man to the space but has ambition to do so?

Why don't you just answer my questions instead of labeling it as idiotic examples without giving reason why? Is it because you don't have any reasonable and factual arguments to counter me? :lol:

Yeah, black had no rights but the country was answerable to their demand to get vots, to be treated equally in society and before the law. I bet you believe the lies you are telling.

The US does not censor because the mainstream media pre-filters anything undesirable and the dumb mass that most Americans are part of is just too willing to gulp down the Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton Hollywood America fack yeah pulp fictions.

First, I never blogg, so you must be talking about yourself. Secondly, you run out of arguments and have to resort to ad hominem.
Götterdämmerung;2925103 said:
I never thought your were bright, but also never thought that your so utterly stupid.

By the measure of your post, where does your beloved India stand when it has not even sent a man to the space but has ambition to do so?

Why don't you just answer my questions instead of labeling it as idiotic examples without giving reason why? Is it because you don't have any reasonable and factual arguments to counter me? :lol:

Yeah, black had no rights but the country was answerable to their demand to get vots, to be treated equally in society and before the law. I bet you believe the lies you are telling.

The US does not censor because the mainstream media pre-filters anything undesirable and the dumb mass that most Americans are part of is just too willing to gulp down the Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton Hollywood America fack yeah pulp fictions.

First, I never blogg, so you must be talking about yourself. Secondly, you run out of arguments and have to resort to ad hominem.

Götterdämmerung;2923019 said:
The US was also behind Europe for decades 100 years ago. Since history has not ended yet, it does not matter when you start to catch up as long as you are catching up.

Nazi's and exiled pallywood talking about human rights.:lol:

Götterdämmerung;2925289 said:
Germany's human rights are by far superior to anything in India. You want to argue about that? :girl_wacko:
6 Million Jewish Genocide... and fought a world war. nuff said.:hang2:
6 Million Jewish Genocide... and fought a world war. nuff said.:hang2:

That was almost 70 years and done by another regime that we got rid of. Your current regime manages to let 2 million children die of hunger and deseases annually. You guys manage to kill in three years the same amount of people what the Nazis needed in 12 years of their rule. At least our Nazi regime is gone for good while yours is still running amok.

Read what I wrote to Jay. Always think a few steps further when you want to argue or you might end up looking like an idiot.
Götterdämmerung;2925289 said:
Germany's human rights are by far superior to anything in India. You want to argue about that? :girl_wacko:
what basic human rights do indians have? casting meaningless paper into a box once for a while, and mental-masturbate over that``shouting we are 'democracy'``?
I am not sure china is the cleverest or not but i know that most of Chinese are very clever.
If you are not an American or Russian, I don't want to hear you bragging about another country's achievement.

You are a lowly Indian with no near-term prospect of sending anyone into space. China is already nine years ahead of you and your heavy-lift Indian-built liquid-fueled engines (from Russian blueprints or designs) are still blowing up.

Rocket Disaster Casts Doubt Over Indian Space Program - TIME

"New Delhi, We Have a Problem: India's Space Woes
By Jeffrey Kluger Wednesday, Dec. 29, 2010

State-run Indian Space Research Organizations' (ISRO) satellite GSAT-5P rocket explodes in mid-air shortly after its launch in Sriharikota, India, Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010."

Unlike you seditious Chinese in the US , I am American. Sure India had a set back and the program is behind the Chinese as well is comparing many things about India when it's current GDP is slightly below 4 x your GDP. But that does not make Chinese cleverest. Until you are not treated like the idiots you really are by your govt in censoring you from reading simple diverse opinions- you Chinese need to know that the only clever part of you is ability to imitate sheep.

Götterdämmerung;2925103 said:
I never thought your were bright, but also never thought that your so utterly stupid.

By the measure of your post, where does your beloved India stand when it has not even sent a man to the space but has ambition to do so?

Why don't you just answer my questions instead of labeling it as idiotic examples without giving reason why? Is it because you don't have any reasonable and factual arguments to counter me? :lol:

Yeah, black had no rights but the country was answerable to their demand to get vots, to be treated equally in society and before the law. I bet you believe the lies you are telling.

The US does not censor because the mainstream media pre-filters anything undesirable and the dumb mass that most Americans are part of is just too willing to gulp down the Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton Hollywood America fack yeah pulp fictions.

First, I never blogg, so you must be talking about yourself. Secondly, you run out of arguments and have to resort to ad hominem.

You want me to answer the stupidity in your claim that US media is all in cahoots to lie and filter hence the same as Chinese govt censoring media. This is your clever response you pull out of your a s s I mean brain.

That when I said US was still answerable to its populace , its populace was just black or I meant blacks back then.

This is the quality of chinese bloggers posing as journalist in Germany. This your clevernesss ...The few steps further thinking you tout here.
Götterdämmerung;2925103 said:
I never thought your were bright, but also never thought that your so utterly stupid.

By the measure of your post, where does your beloved India stand when it has not even sent a man to the space but has ambition to do so?

Why don't you just answer my questions instead of labeling it as idiotic examples without giving reason why? Is it because you don't have any reasonable and factual arguments to counter me? :lol:

Yeah, black had no rights but the country was answerable to their demand to get vots, to be treated equally in society and before the law. I bet you believe the lies you are telling.

The US does not censor because the mainstream media pre-filters anything undesirable and the dumb mass that most Americans are part of is just too willing to gulp down the Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton Hollywood America fack yeah pulp fictions.

First, I never blogg, so you must be talking about yourself. Secondly, you run out of arguments and have to resort to ad hominem.

we dnt called them cheerleaders for no reason

Unlike you seditious Chinese in the US , I am American. Sure India had a set back and the program is behind the Chinese as well is comparing many things about India when it's current GDP is slightly below 4 x your GDP. But that does not make Chinese cleverest. Until you are not treated like the idiots you really are by your govt in censoring you from reading simple diverse opinions- you Chinese need to know that the only clever part of you is ability to imitate sheep.

You want me to answer the stupidity in your claim that US media is all in cahoots to lie and filter hhence the same as Chinese govt censoring media. That when I said US was still answerable to its populace , its populace was just black or I meant blacks back then.

This is the quality of chinese bloggers posing as journalist in Germany. This your clevernesss ...The few steps further thinking you tout here.

Dont bother we are not interested in india bragging about others countries achievement
Götterdämmerung;2925464 said:
That was almost 70 years and done by another regime that we got rid of.
No. Germans did not get rid of the Nazis. Others did and they had to do it in the most horrific manner possible: War.

Götterdämmerung;2925464 said:
Your current regime manages to let 2 million children die of hunger and deseases annually. You guys manage to kill in three years the same amount of people what the Nazis needed in 12 years of their rule. At least our Nazi regime is gone for good while yours is still running amok.
The Indians may have a lot of social problems, but incompetence is preferable to malice, which is what killed millions of Jews.

If you are not an American or Russian, I don't want to hear you bragging about another country's achievement.
And if you are not living and working in China contributing to Chinese prosperity, by hook or by crook, we do not want to hear confused Chinese-Americans bragging about China.

Ford takes legal action against Chinese company over knockoff F-150
In the past, foreign companies filing claims of copyright infringement in China were usually defeated by the government, which sided with domestic carmakers. The Chinese government also requires foreign carmakers to partner with domestic companies, which does force companies like Ford to divulge information they normally would not. However, JAC is not one of Ford’s Chinese partners, so the Blue Oval had solid legal justification.
May be we should do the same in the US regarding China.

Even the JAC badge is a copy: it’s a blue oval. However, underneath the skin, the 4R3 has little in company with the F-150. The Chinese truck is powered by a pathetic 2.8-liter diesel that only makes 108 horsepower and 177 pound-feet of torque. That’s nothing compared to the real F-150’s range of V6 and V8 engines, or even a 1.8-liter Toyota Corolla, which has 132 hp.
Talk about 'beauty is only skin deep'. But I guess that if you need to make a quick RMB from the local gullibles yearning to emulate the American version, then may be a a few microns of paint over substandard sheetmetal is all you need.
Unlike you seditious Chinese in the US , I am American. Sure India had a set back and the program is behind the Chinese as well is comparing many things about India when it's current GDP is slightly below 4 x your GDP. But that does not make Chinese cleverest. Until you are not treated like the idiots you really are by your govt in censoring you from reading simple diverse opinions- you Chinese need to know that the only clever part of you is ability to imitate sheep.

You want me to answer the stupidity in your claim that US media is all in cahoots to lie and filter hence the same as Chinese govt censoring media. This is your clever response you pull out of your a s s I mean brain.

That when I said US was still answerable to its populace , its populace was just black or I meant blacks back then.

This is the quality of chinese bloggers posing as journalist in Germany. This your clevernesss ...The few steps further thinking you tout here.

U r american? haha
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