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China: The new sports superpower!

Koreans can do it because they live in a country where laws and rules are enforced and the young soccer hopefuls advance to the next level based on personal merits.

Chinese cannot do it because they live in a lawless country where soccer hopefuls advance based on the amount of bribery paid to the coach for recommendations and personal connection to government/sports officials.

So China's Leo Mesi is probably a poor farmer's son or a non-Han Chinese ethnic minority who shows an incredible potential at elementary/middle school, but doesn't have the money to pay off his coach, could not advance to high school or college soccer program, and end up farming or at Foxcon's factory floor, while some high ranking communist party official's spoiled and untalented son makes it to China's WorldCup/Olympic soccer squad thanks to his dad/uncle, only to humiliate China again and again.




China 1:1 Germany 2009.05.29Friendly Match

You need a heart support pill, Korean!!!

Don't bee too jealous!!!
You need a heart support pill, Korean!!!

Don't bee too jealous!!!
Actually that match perfectly illustrates China's problems.

The Korean team sent out candidate players and players returning from injuries as a test in advance of the 2010 World Cup because they didn't think much of Chinese. After all, they never lost to the Chinese team to this date; the Chinese team which were eliminated a long ago were planning this match for a long time to break a curse; until this match Chinese national team has never defeated the Korean national team for 33 years. Led by Coach Gao Hongbo who sought to reform the Chinese soccer team system, he selected his players based on merit and not connections and external pressures, and he was able to pull off stunners, like defeating Korea(The first and the only one in 33 years) and France. Then Gao was kicked out by the national team. Why? Because of his refusal to give into external pressures on player selection. After Gao's sacking, the Chinese national soccer team went back to being the Chinese national soccer team, meaning losing to everyone else and being eliminated from the 1st round of the World-Cup preliminary matches, etc.

So as long as the corrupt Chinese soccer system does not allow the reformers like Gao Hongbo to do his job, then the Chinese soccer is doomed.
Yet it is only on par with midtier countries like Turkey and South Korea, for a superpower like USA, its football performance is really being underperformed. :coffee:

The point is that two of the top 3 countries in world sports, USA and Russia, both have football teams that can compete on the international level. China doesn't.
Actually that match perfectly illustrates China's problems.

The Korean team sent out candidate players and players returning from injuries as a test in advance of the 2010 World Cup because they didn't think much of Chinese. After all, they never lost to the Chinese team to this date; the Chinese team which were eliminated a long ago were planning this match for a long time to break a curse; until this match Chinese national team has never defeated the Korean national team for 33 years. Led by Coach Gao Hongbo who sought to reform the Chinese soccer team system, he selected his players based on merit and not connections and external pressures, and he was able to pull off stunners, like defeating Korea(The first and the only one in 33 years) and France. Then Gao was kicked out by the national team. Why? Because of his refusal to give into external pressures on player selection. After Gao's sacking, the Chinese national soccer team went back to being the Chinese national soccer team, meaning losing to everyone else and being eliminated from the 1st round of the World-Cup preliminary matches, etc.

So as long as the corrupt Chinese soccer system does not allow the reformers like Gao Hongbo to do his job, then the Chinese soccer is doomed.

So you just panted down yourself here again in the public???

Your reason to seek and post such garbage propaganda is only one focus, to bash on everything from China is bad and horrible...so from that you can feel less inferior when compare your puny pathetic country with your greater neighbors!?

Your intention at the beginning was to bash that China don't know how to play soccer and could never be a challenge team in World league, but after being pushed by my FACTS and REASONS you then repeat your clownish blatant whining to save your just lost face. What a soft tongue your korean??? Is that what the inferior people are always step into when dealing with somebody greater than them??? Your korean are too look like those chest thumping viets, don't you!!!

Finally your point is: China could play a greater soccer and beat out the **** "great viva korea" if China can solve the management systems and avoid the corruptions!!!!????

So that is totally opposite with your point at the beginning, which I remember you looked down on China and yell them can't play the ball better than your holy saint south korean players!!!??? If China was really a saintly democracy nation with purest and most effectiveness government like south korea then I think your korean must be the one who disappointed the most. So keep that lame bad mouth on everything about China if that would help you gain more confident in real life, korean little punk endless big mouth!!!
So you just panted down yourself here again in the public???
Look who's talking.

Your intention at the beginning was to bash that China don't know how to play soccer
I never said that. My criticism was focused on the corruption in player selection and the rampant game fixing driven by $20 billion a year underground soccer gambling industry in China. In case you suffer from a memory problem as you appear to be, go back and read again.

and could never be a challenge team in World league
Look no further than the present day state of China's national team(eliminated from the 2014 World Cup) and the Olympic team(eliminated from 2012 Olympics) to see that.
The point is that two of the top 3 countries in world sports, USA and Russia, both have football teams that can compete on the international level. China doesn't.

wow this is coming from a place where their people equate the world's sports=cricket. Are you guys still training in Ganges just to get qualified for the Commonwealth games next? Do you have a basketball team at all? Do you know when winter season comes, you can go outdoor skiing, figure skating ...and can win Olympic medals like we naturally do?

Look who's talking.

I never said that. My criticism was focused on the corruption in player selection and the rampant game fixing driven by $20 billion a year underground soccer gambling industry in China. In case you suffer from a memory problem as you appear to be, go back and read again.

Look no further than the present day state of China's national team(eliminated from the 2014 World Cup) and the Olympic team(eliminated from 2012 Olympics) to see that.

what's all these whinning about showing your fear of a N Korean missile attack? The fact is China is a top sports country and sports do not restrict to soccer and Football in China will advance - eat these!

An Amerian senator told President Ma that Lin is 100% American.:coffee:

Of course you find it from the mouth of an AMERICAN who have nothing to salvage from their
depression and have you heard them saying all Indians are Americans?
it is not about soccer,it's about one nation's overall athletic strength.China now is the number one in the world.
if soccer the only sport that matters,then some small European countries and a couple of latin American countries should be considered the world's sports superpowers,but the fact is that they are not.
There is no corruption in the recruiting process. Or at least there is no room for corruption.


Oh, yeah?

Tell us then why S Korea ranks number one in actor/actress’ suicide due to forced sexual slaves with their conductors?

Only from 2005 to 08 those committed suicide

Choi Jin-sil- Hanging

@hn Jae-hwan- Gas, toxic fumes

@hn So-young- Hanging

Kim Ji-hoo- Hanging

Jang Chae-won- (Transgender) hanging

Jeong Da-Bin- Hanging

Yuni- Hanging

Lee Eun-Joo- Hanging


Damn it! Skoreans love to hang themselves. When are you the shameless going to hang yourself? :hang3:



Pseudo-Occult Media: South Korean Actress Commits Suicide; Used as Sex Slave for the 'Elite'

Why so many actresses committed suicide instead of living nicely in the world, this is the answer:
Actress’s Suicide Exposes S. Korea's Culture of Sexual Exploitation

BTW, your former president Roh also killed himself due to corruption.

Shameless you!
No doubt in the Topic,
CHINA gives better chance to its talented youth in sports, better equipment, better mediacl and moral assistance.

Congrats to the Chinese
Actually that match perfectly illustrates China's problems.

The Korean team sent out candidate players and players returning from injuries as a test in advance of the 2010 World Cup because they didn't think much of Chinese. After all, they never lost to the Chinese team to this date; the Chinese team which were eliminated a long ago were planning this match for a long time to break a curse; until this match Chinese national team has never defeated the Korean national team for 33 years. Led by Coach Gao Hongbo who sought to reform the Chinese soccer team system, he selected his players based on merit and not connections and external pressures, and he was able to pull off stunners, like defeating Korea(The first and the only one in 33 years) and France. Then Gao was kicked out by the national team. Why? Because of his refusal to give into external pressures on player selection. After Gao's sacking, the Chinese national soccer team went back to being the Chinese national soccer team, meaning losing to everyone else and being eliminated from the 1st round of the World-Cup preliminary matches, etc.

So as long as the corrupt Chinese soccer system does not allow the reformers like Gao Hongbo to do his job, then the Chinese soccer is doomed.

What the fook does Koreans and soccer have to do with a thread about China? Lets talk Olympics -
I recall that the 1988 olympics in Seoul the Korean Boxer collaborated with the judges and stole a medal from USA boxer Roy Jones, despite being thrashed in front of the world! I still remember footage of Roy crying as the (ashamed) Korean accepted his medal!
man there is so much bovine excrement here its making my eyes bleed.

first, china is not a "new" sports power, it has been a sports power for a long time now.

secondly, corruption is a huge problem that does mess up sports developement. that being said, korea wasnt esactly squeaky clean, it took many many years for south korea to be where it is at. China will also get there. there is a question of relativity here, but whats upsetting is that the poster "korean" uses china's corruption to goad chinese posters into flame war.

as i posted numerous times since recently joing pakistan defence is that the chinese super league is very very new and soccer developement take a long time. i have to fully agree with shuttler's view that it is only a matter of time before chinese football becomes world level. but with that being said, how fast it does so does depend on level of corruption too.

now some people said USA sucks at football. i have to repectfully disagree. for a country that dont give a sh17 about soccer, playing on par with south korea is pretty d@mn good in my opinion. noone here knows or care who landon donovan or coby jones is. these guys really love soccer and that is why the team performs. you just need eleven guys like this to have a decent team.

lastly, sports have always been mired in corruption and controversy. Adolf Hitler used the olympics to showcase nazism. soviet union and the usa have been using it to show the superiority of their system of government for years, even biycotting each other to piss each other off. south koreans used it as a "coming out" party which pissed off the north koreans. and recently the chinese used it for the same exact reason. the south africans used their world cup to cement national unity. and so on and so forth.

and while they do this, there is this really dirty back negotiations to pump up a country's medal count and for corporations to mooch money from. ALL the countries are guilty of this whehter we are talking about china, usa, korea, or whereevrr. and it will probably continue to do so.

but for me, i think the second poster of the thread pretty much sums it nicely when a non-chinese person looks at this thread.

if we go by medal count on a per capita basis, i think it is the aussies who reign supreme. but they are good swimmers and there are tons of swimming competition in the summer olympics. if we start doling out lots of medals for commonwealth games like cricket and rugby, we might see india and pakistan also pile on those medals.

anyway, medal counting is great for nationalists with nationalist agenda. for the rest of us, it is a good way for corporations to keep people glued to their television so they would buy Tide detergent, drink Coca cola, and drive Chevy trucks.
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