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China takes over Nepal

It's useless Chinese interference in India-Nepal relation,anything under doing just waste of money if you can not occupy any land of Nepal which has open terrain border sharing with India and can not afford effective defense to protect interets have gained.
What you said is completely relevant to the topic...so yeah...

:lol: Be my guest, call me elite ten times a day. Call me a king and I wouldn't mind.

And like what you said was???? I was just replying to your post where you said 'Not Korea, Burma, Somalia or Zimbabwe and China' so I elaborated WHY China. :) If anything you should thank me actually. :)

You still don't get it. Do you? Nevermind. :)
And like what you said was???? I was just replying to your post where you said 'Not Korea, Burma, Somalia or Zimbabwe and China' so I elaborated WHY China. :) If anything you should thank me actually. :)

You still don't get it. Do you? Nevermind. :)

Sigh you need to go read my whole quoted text yet again. 3rd strike now.

Last post, out.
It's useless Chinese interference in India-Nepal relation,anything under doing just waste of money if you can not occupy any land of Nepal which has open terrain border sharing with India and can not afford effective defense to protect interets have gained.

Don't go in USSR way, Taiwan, Arunachal pradesh,..... now why exception for Nepal.
Sure,USSR only captured some islands from poor little Japan as I know in WWII.China can not even prevent Sikkim to be annexed by India how could she do someting offensive.
Good to see China extending it's influence, Syria should Host Chinese bases for protection against the West , we need to let the Oil Thirsty Dragon into the Middle East.
That was in 2008. I read the newspapers and have a GK 20 times greater than yours. The present Maoist government has only been in power a week but the Indians already describe it as failed.

Yeah , a GK 20 times greater didn't teach you anything but to write a crap book that you promote on the forum hoping that a few people would actually buy it
Time for China to strengthen its influence on its southern countries and Nepal can play important role in this way to handle India on this front.
Time for China to strengthen its influence on its southern countries and Nepal can play important role in this way to handle India on this front.

Nepal-India relationship is like Canada-US relation ship. We might don't like each other but we definitely don't hate each other. Nepal chooses India anyday if it has to choose between India or China. No one like to speak but Nepal is indirectly under Indian control.
India has maximum influence on Nepal than any country in the world. 80%+ people of Nepal are pro-Indian. 25% Nepali people have some relation with India.

Tarai and Madhesi people are Pro-India. Nepalese Army remains 90% dominated by Gurkhas and even Indian Army has strong Gurkha force. No need to worry for India. :tup:

also the fact remains that 5 million Nepalese do job in India and send money to their families in Nepal.
Sure,USSR only captured some islands from poor little Japan as I know in WWII.China can not even prevent Sikkim to be annexed by India how could she do someting offensive.

@Tractor..I think we should not go by the motion of this thread.....the thread starter has some obvious intention to show off...But the fact is that in this 21st century world...each nation is going outward to attract foreign investment to develop itself....And the same case is here in Nepal too...So yes China is making progress to inroad in making business in Nepal...like the same way or i can tell in less significant way that China is doing bussiness with Pakistan too...Do does that mean that China takes over Pakistan? This sounds so offending when someone read the title....To all practical purpose..China can make its presence in a big way in Nepal ...but again hard fact is that as you have said....ultimately India will call the shots when it matters to Nepal...its because its proximity with more than 80% of the people....And no one is addressing the fact that Nepal is not all about Kathmandu alone...Yes there is a concern among Nepali citizen about Indian influence but that does not mean that they are ready to embrace China in place of India..I am a regular visitor to different areas of Nepal apart from Kathmandu...and trust me...you can realize the importance of relation with India if some one has really visited and gets involved in work with that country.....But accepting the fact that there is a genuine concern of Nepali citizen with the Indian infleunce to Nepal political process..
With Pro-Indian PM and support to Nepali Maoists though covert in nature we have nothing to worry about.Wikileaks shows our influence in Nepal.
@Tractor..I think we should not go by the motion of this thread.....the thread starter has some obvious intention to show off...But the fact is that in this 21st century world...each nation is going outward to attract foreign investment to develop itself....And the same case is here in Nepal too...So yes China is making progress to inroad in making business in Nepal...like the same way or i can tell in less significant way that China is doing bussiness with Pakistan too...Do does that mean that China takes over Pakistan? This sounds so offending when someone read the title....To all practical purpose..China can make its presence in a big way in Nepal ...but again hard fact is that as you have said....ultimately India will call the shots when it matters to Nepal...its because its proximity with more than 80% of the people....And no one is addressing the fact that Nepal is not all about Kathmandu alone...Yes there is a concern among Nepali citizen about Indian influence but that does not mean that they are ready to embrace China in place of India..I am a regular visitor to different areas of Nepal apart from Kathmandu...and trust me...you can realize the importance of relation with India if some one has really visited and gets involved in work with that country.....But accepting the fact that there is a genuine concern of Nepali citizen with the Indian infleunce to Nepal political process..
When I read online travel notes about Nepal I always skip the Kathmandu section to looking for words and pics about Pokhara in which area Machhapuchhre located.Machhapuchhre is amazed,should China capture it and let it be watched from Indian territory in the future...
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