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China takes cue from Gujarat Inc

How could you ever have been a Dhimmi? Was, or is India an Islamic state? Do its Muslim citizens replace their taxes with zakat? Are you required to pay jiziya?

Aren't you effectively saying, between remaining a peaceful law-abiding citizen of a secular country and being a violent Hindu, you prefer to be a violent Hindu? (only on the Internet, of course. The very many obstructions to being a violent Hindu in real life are obviously very great).

When a percentage of population's welfare is controlled by mullahs through the AIMPLB and these Mullahs are hellbent on maintaining the backwardness of their people, the definition of India being a secular country is the joke going on since independence.
And your view is realistic ? What's the guarantee the new system a power with bloods on their hands won't become like the one against which it is fighting.

The SC/ST were oppressed and now due to reservation they take full revenge and trouble higher caste employees working under them.

Will they give freedom of speech ? You people think Maoist rule is the solution. The solution lies in incorporating the good part into present system to improve it.

If they didn't work well, another AJTR will come and will demand Monarchy.
Maoist rule is more realistic than the mirage of democracy.And only this system will work well in subcontinent.coz its the most impartial disciplined and well focused to its defined goals system.

Surkhay tha.
fir se hoga surkh jab khoon ki nadiyan bahani shuru hongi.
That history I know.

I said there are Hindu claims that underneath the Golden Temple, there was an old Hindu Temple.

What is your objective about this ...... if not secret.

Not sure there was a Hindu temple there but Sikhs are dharmic people & we believe and respect in Guru Nanak also, Sikh temple is open to all religion's be it Hindu, Christian or Muslim.
na narangi rahega
na hi hara rahega
Raj to sirf Khalsa karega.
khalsa ka color bhi narangi hi hai.aur sukh will paint every one surkh rang tab nat tiranga dikhega aur na hi crescent wala hara parcham poore indian subcontinent main.
Maoist rule is more realistic than the mirage of democracy.And only this system will work well in subcontinent.coz its the most impartial disciplined and well focused to its defined goals system.

fir se hoga surkh jab khoon ki nadiyan bahani shuru hongi.
Yup...we can imagine. Time will tell. People are already leaving this frenzy and freakshow.

Till then don't spread propaganda.
Yup...we can imagine. Time will tell. People are already leaving this frenzy and freakshow.

Till then don't spread propaganda.
As bush Jr. had said you are with us or against us.There is no middle way.
Not sure there was a Hindu temple there but Sikhs are dharmic people & we believe and respect in Guru Nanak also, Sikh temple is open to all religion's be it Hindu, Christian or Muslim.

How do you describe dharmic people.

Maoist rule is more realistic than the mirage of democracy.And only this system will work well in subcontinent.coz its the most impartial disciplined and well focused to its defined goals system.

fir se hoga surkh jab khoon ki nadiyan bahani shuru hongi.

Hey hey ..... hold your horses. Take it easy. Go take your blood pressure pill.
@Joe my comment was not directed at you, it was not Modi who started the Gujarat riots and it was not Modi who did the killing but people like you will always look for Modi to be a scapegoat.

Im proud to be Hindutva and im proud that Lord Ram mandir will be built in Ayodhya, the victims who died in Godhra were those men, women and children who were also proud to be Hindus.

Nobody says that Modi killed even a single person.

But it was Modi who ordered the burnt bodies from Godhra to be paraded in Ahmedabad, even while his policemen pointed out there would be riots. It was Modi who called together the senior policemen and asked them to ignore rioting, because people were justified in rioting. It was Modi who refused to send police when the mob was attacking Muslim houses and settlements and people were reaching out to him. It was Modi whose ministers and legislators were convicted of criminal conspiracy in the Naroda Patya case. It was Modi who denied relief to the riot victims for months. It is Modi who continues to obstruct justice using all the power of the CM's office to destroy evidence, intimidate witnesses, particularly policemen, and block cooperation with the courts, until the Supreme Court was forced to appoint a team with a chief from outside the state to look into allegations and accusations against him, some of which led to the Naroda Patya case and convictions.

He was not a scapegoat, he was a chief minister who failed his people.

You may be proud to be for Hndutva, you may continue to hope against hope that the Ram Mandir will be built at Ayodhya, neither of these is a crime, or anything but a regrettable mental aberration, and that too because i think so, BUT you may EITHER be an Indian citizen OR you may deny the law of the land. You cannot be an Indian citizen and not uphold its constitution and its legal system.

Joe sir if you have to choose between Narendra Modi and Raul Vinci for the post of pm who would you choose

so why do you support maoism/maoists

I do not know who is Rahul Vinci.
This coming from a Pakistani lol Rss is Nationalism the power is in our hands we will never stop until all Hindu holy sites are liberated.

Why else you think you can't touch Modi? we will never let Modi go to jail just try it and you will see how we rise up!

He has not been charged or arraigned. Babu Bajrangi and Maya Kodnani have been charged and arraigned, tried and convicted. There was not a whimper of protest from the proud Hindutvavadis.

Those rioters were cowards, who killed in mobs, and killed the helpless and defenseless. I doubt that anyone will do anything when the time comes.

By the way, the big Defence their supporters put up for the LeT is that they are among the first to reach the site of a natural disaster. You should be proud, really proud of the company the RSS and the VHP are keeping.
Secularism = The elimination of religion from public life.

Not happening. For that the so called "secular" parties and politicians must be sent to the firing squad.

It means, in simple terms, the right of any citizen in the country to lead a life not affected by his or her choice of religion. It means, in the context of Gujarat, the right of a Muslim man, woman or child to live, and not to be killed because a sworn functionary of the state has decided that some other Muslims, in some other place, has killed Hindus, and so Muslims as a whole should be taught a lesson.

That is not secularism. That is the Right to Life you just described. You dont even know what secularism is. Secularism afaik was given a humiliating burial the day Rajiv Gandhi enacted a law circumventing the SC ruling providing alimony for a poor muslim woman. And as I said and continue to say - every Indian has his/her own definition of 'secularism'. And there is no point trying to force one's thought on others unless the Constitution itself gave one - which incidentally it did not give.

Also the sworn functionary of the state did not do anything. He tried his best to stop the riots but unfortunately could not do so given the inflamed passions and shortage of police manpower. The only instance where anything close to that happened was in '84. As I said please take your NGO cottage industry - home made propaganda/vilification/character assasination - elsewhere.

Hindu-Muslim riots are an unfortunate reality in India. A by-product of the centuries of history and occasional outbursts of Islamo-fascism. It could have been avoided had it not been for a stuck up idealist/egoist like Nehru. But unfortunately it was not to be. His ego won and India lost in the long run. Anyway the point is, if 59 Hindu pilgrims are killed brutally by a Muslim mob, then there is definitely going to be a backlash. No amount of wishy-washy-dilly-dallying can alter that crude ground reality. Not only in Gujarat but anywhere else in India.
But it was Modi who ordered the burnt bodies from Godhra to be paraded in Ahmedabad, even while his policemen pointed out there would be riots. It was Modi who called together the senior policemen and asked them to ignore rioting, because people were justified in rioting. It was Modi who refused to send police when the mob was attacking Muslim houses and settlements and people were reaching out to him. It was Modi whose ministers and legislators were convicted of criminal conspiracy in the Naroda Patya case. It was Modi who denied relief to the riot victims for months. It is Modi who continues to obstruct justice using all the power of the CM's office to destroy evidence, intimidate witnesses, particularly policemen, and block cooperation with the courts, until the Supreme Court was forced to appoint a team with a chief from outside the state to look into allegations and accusations against him, some of which led to the Naroda Patya case and convictions.

I have already rebutted each and every one of your slander starting from the "he ordered the bodies to paraded...." in a previous thread. Yet you continue harping on the same things again and again exposing your prejudice that borders on bigotry. That is very unbecoming. :disagree:

That was a battle????

That was not a battle - it was an old account that was waiting to be balanced. And it has been. :)
Are you not being a hypocrite? Whom are you fooling, with your assertion that you do not know what secularism means? Is it clever behaviour, to quibble with words when human lives are involved?

I asked what the Indian constitution defines as secularism. Pretty simple question, if there was ever one.

As for the accounts that you scoff at, they are increasingly prevailing, in case you haven't noticed. It was a different tune that you Sangh Parivar members were singing before Bajrangi and Kodnani got convicted. Now that the judge haw noted that there was criminal conspiracy, do you still fail to see the writing on the wall?

Was I defending Babu or Kodnani here or elsewhere, now or ever ?

One immediate result is good, anyway. Your monstrosity now has little or no chance for political distinction outside Gujarat.

Let's see. Modi will definitely come to the center. Continue watching this space.

I am not defining Hinduism. Not at all. I am defining the cheap, plastic imitations that try to take its place.

The point is simple. Given a choice between being a self-hating person who would continue to suffer discrimination just so that some one praises him of being liberal and being a violent man who would stand up for his rights and for preserving his way of life,civilization from being abused by alien idealogies, the choice is clear - it is the latter.
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