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China Takes Center Stage in Pakistan’s Modernization Plans

The last place Pakistan should acquire military hardware is Europe, regardless of how good and advanced they may be. Pakistan can never trust them. In a major conflict involving Pakistan, spare parts and supplies would be denied to us by them. As far as Pakistan is concerned, america, Europe and Russia are all the same to us.
A major conflict with India, both sides would probably be blockaded, but I know what you mean. Having said that, European suppliers tend to be more reliable. Pakistan should try too exploit the strain between Italy and India.

I doubt Europe will help Pakistan in acquiring good military hardware.
Your doubt is unfounded. Many EU nations would love to do business with Pakistan, the problem is that EU suppliers tend to sell high end expensive systems.
I can't wait to see JF17 Block 3.

As the time is progressing US is becoming reluctant in selling good military hardware to Pakistan & Indian lobby is acting very strongly against any Pakistan US military deals, so Pakistan should stick with China & should do joint production in most of the defence hardware as this will teach POF & HIT Engineers & Scientists a lot of new methods & techniques. Pakistan should also join Turkey's defence research program.
100% agreed! The Yanks have almost discarded you like a pair of worn out shoes. They don't need you guys anymore. So China is the only alternative as their stuff is affordable, never mind if its reverse engineered! After all its the end product that counts which is pretty cost effective.

And then China's aim is to arm you to the teeth to keep India engaged along its Southern flank. After all there cannot be two swords in one sheath!
A major conflict with India, both sides would probably be blockaded, but I know what you mean. Having said that, European suppliers tend to be more reliable. Pakistan should try too exploit the strain between Italy and India.

Your doubt is unfounded. Many EU nations would love to do business with Pakistan, the problem is that EU suppliers tend to sell high end expensive systems.

Lets wait & see what happens.
To make one thing clear, Congress hasn't blocked anything, they've only delayed it. The F-16 deal is still very much happening. Having said that, it just goes to prove my previous statements that the US is not a reliable supplier of military goods, in fact, this is more true now than ever before.

My guess is that the F-16 deal would take place but the law makers need assurances, as its always been the case. This year being an election year makes it more difficult.
My guess is that the F-16 deal would take place but the law makers need assurances, as its always been the case. This year being an election year makes it more difficult.
In that case, Pakistan is justified in diversifying away from the US. Pakistan doesn't need to assure or justify it's actions to anyone, let alone the US. Let us not forget, this was an offer brought on by the US to try and fix the bridge between Pak-US relations, Pakistan never asked for it. Pakistan would rather buy second hand F-16s, like it did from Jordan in 2014.

But you're right on one thing, election year makes this even harder.
One this is for sure China will keep flooding it's goods into Pakistan for many decades to come. Pakistan's confidence will be upheld until western war machines are operational. Even Chinese keep buying Russian stuff and technologies from helicopters to Su35 from kilo to frigates. Much much more . Pakistan is now caught in a spot that it can't raise its voice against China and keep angering it's only saviour The West !!!

OP keep slinging old news with new tittle. 8 SSK JF17 block 3!!! Well JF17 production line is already under threat so both the countries are so desperate to rope in another new buyer for heaven sake. No interest Loans, most of the cost will be lender by China, ToT, new whole local production line for the jet etc etc etc... For how many years now? .... If China is so serious about helping Pakistan then by now block 3 would have inducted in Pakistan airforce or at least a fighter with Midair refueling prob in block 1 itself. Cost of world's cheapest fighter is not so less as it presumed rather costly when compared with airframe life time, quality and capabilities.

Pakistan is not China to have something called a fighter to show up numbers. Pakistan has less resources with less time to react. Numbers won't do a thing other than making your enemies who has large resources to pile up large number of topnotch weapon systems in the world.

Well, could you call it biased view of mine? :) Or you agree?
If u take F 22P out our navy is rusted navy time to give 5 years special budget by govt and from 50 percent of defence budget we need 4 destroyers dedicated helos maritime capable aircraft for marines we need dedicated 2 ships etc
I think Pakistan has already decided to make China its main arms supplier. If Congress can block sale of F-16s to Pakistan, it can easily stop the supply of spare parts and weapons too. Something to think about.

I hope it does, and then I would love to see the court martial of those who were involved in the decision of procuring F-16's ever since the Pressler Amendment.
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