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China suspected of copycatting Russian naval jet


Oct 8, 2009
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China suspected of copycatting Russian naval jet

Published 04 June, 2010, 13:33
VIDEO: http://rt.com/v/2010-06-04/576448_su-33.flv

More accusations are being leveled against China for making clones of Russia's military hardware. China's J-15 naval fighter jet allegedly has remarkable similarities to Russia's current primary navy aircraft, the Su-33.

Chinese engineers may have reverse engineered a Soviet-era prototype T10K they bought from Ukraine four years ago, according to Hong-Kong-based magazine, Kanwa Asian Defence.

China needs naval jets for its carriers. Initially, Beijing wanted to buy 50 Su-33s, but then downsized the deal to just two jets meant for testing. Russia insisted on a bigger deal and wanted guarantees that the technology would not be copycatted, Kanwa’s Editor-in-Chief Andrei Chang told ITAR-TASS news agency.

Beijing has been accused of illegally using designs before, with claims that it previously cloned the Russian Su-27SK long-range combat fighter jet.

China bought the aircraft from Russia in the 1990s, and later licensed the production on its own territory. Eventually Russian-produced components in the jets were substituted with Chinese, and finally the deal was called off by Beijing. Then China presented its version of the Sukhoi fighter called J-11B, which Moscow called a violation of its rights for intellectual property.

Some military experts point to other Chinese military vehicles bearing strong resemblance to Russian hardware.

The Sukhoi Su-33 is a fourth-generation naval fighter, which has been used by the Russian Navy since 1991. It has foldable wings and a shortened tail, and uses a ski-jump take-off method instead of a catapult. The Su-33 is armed with 30mm GSh-30-1 cannon and has 12 external hard-points for additional weapons.
WTF? Cry baby again? Please give me money my economy is fucked up.
More accusations are being leveled against China for making clones of Russia's military hardware.
Russian didn't inheritate all the formal USSR property.For example,most of its navy aircraft design,built and train facilities were remained in Ukrain.Even the Russians themself have to rent the navy trainning system in Ukrain near the black sea.The T10 is more a leace Ukrain property.And China already paid to Ukrain.

according to Hong-Kong-based magazine, Kanwa Asian Defence
Kanwa is a Canadian based magazine,good at making craps about the PLA.The following things the last month they reported proved to be nonsence.
1.The WS10A was not ready in mass production.
Truth: The WS10A already had served the PLAAF for more than 1 year and it's testing on J10.THe last time China imported AL31 was in 2005.Last year there were 100+ WS10A produced.
2.The PLAAF refused to accept the J11B produced by the SAC because of quality problem.
Truth:Last year 20+J11B were entered the service.

Initially, Beijing wanted to buy 50 Su-33s, but then downsized the deal to just two jets meant for testing. Russia insisted on a bigger deal and wanted guarantees that the technology would not be copycatted, Kanwa’s Editor-in-Chief Andrei Chang told ITAR-TASS news agency.
Crap again.The Russians dont have the ability to produce the su33 since the production line was closed for years.They asked money for reopen it and was refused by us.Again,its in Ukrain that the USSR designed,built and trained the navy aircrafts and the pilots.
I think Russia deliberately sold a lot of secret to China when they had cash crunch. So nothing wrong.
How many people are suprised reading this news? Its nothing new. China even copied our motor bike. They copy everything they like but copying that doesn't mean good quality. China more into outershape design. Inside its empty.
How many people are suprised reading this news? Its nothing new. China even copied our motor bike. They copy everything they like but copying that doesn't mean good quality. China more into outershape design. Inside its empty.

Yeah man. You have a valid point, as if putting two wheels and an engine together with chains is like copying your Bike. Grow up.

Talk about similarities between the F-22 Raptor and the so called PAK-T50 jet from Russia.
How many people are suprised reading this news? Its nothing new. China even copied our motor bike. They copy everything they like but copying that doesn't mean good quality. China more into outershape design. Inside its empty.

Agreed! :tup:

There is a well known saying in China, as i know it from my friends, that "in China we CAN copy anything except your mum". :smitten:

So for your own good, take a close look at your dad next time...haha, just kidding. :lol: I doubt that China is that good at copying.
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The minute after I hear the news that China has succeesfully "copied " F-22A Rapter, I would open a bottle of champagne.:china: :cheers:
The minute after I hear the news that China has succeesfully "copied " F-22A Rapter, I would open a bottle of champagne.:china: :cheers:

open it brother...the pics are there on the net...u can start using wood from tree next door to make a copy and paste it as JF-20....:rofl:
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