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China surpasses Belarus as Russia's closest ally, survey finds

who the #@$ cares how Russia feels.
China cares how Russia feels.
Russia can go cry a river and go %#$# themselves for all Romania cares.
Yes, and China will be there to console them and remind them who hurt -- and is hurting -- them.
Oh I'm real sorry that their days of being an overlord have come to an end.
*Tsk, tsk*. They're going to join NATO when that's your attitude towards them? The arrogance . . .

What does NATO have to offer them besides insult, humiliation, and degradation?
West is a threat to Russia since Napoleon time, WW2 Nazis Germany and US NATO of today, as I said again The west and US had demolished Soviet empire and not China but the west want to mitigate all Russia's threat to China by claiming they're innocent and China is the real threat to Russia.

I don't need to recite what US and west have been doing to ruin perestroika, Russian people are well aware of that. And don't pretend to be ignorant about how the west and US have done to attract all soviet allies by offering them incentive aid and gradually steal one by one these eastern European countries out of Soviet empire and offering them to join NATO.

If Russians look back at their history, they sure know who has cause greatest damage to their interests, certainly not China. In contrary China offer Russia's aid because we know if even current Russia is collapse China shall be the next on target list.
Nobody stole anything and those countries were enslaved allies not willingful ones.The Romanian Communist Party had like 1000 members in a country of 18 million people back thend, b efort the Russians came and imposed that wretched ideology upon us.
Nobody stole anything and those countries were enslaved allies not willingful ones.The Romanian Communist Party had like 1000 members in a country of 18 million people back thend, b efort the Russians came and imposed that wretched ideology upon us.

But you don't see what I'm trying to get at, these western people like to claim that China represent a threat to Russia but it's themselves that hurt Russia the most throughout the historical up until today, I understand that you as Rumanian but if you're Russian you will see differently.

China cares how Russia feels.

Yes, and China will be there to console them and remind them who hurt -- and is hurting -- them.

*Tsk, tsk*. They're going to join NATO when that's your attitude towards them? The arrogance . . .

What does NATO have to offer them besides insult, humiliation, and degradation?

NATO offer Russia nothing but only add insult to injury.
I`m with both points. On the one side @Kiss_of_the_Dragon is right, we, the west, have f*cked up to help Russia after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Between the chechnya wars, collapse of the soviet structures and the rise of criminality, we had a former superpower that had been looking for their place in the world. And what did we do, not really much, actually one would have to make a study about this :undecided:, but so what. We have sunk billions into this sh*thole Afghanistan, not to imagine what one could have done with this money in Russia, to make the transformation from communism to democracy easier. Well, at the end, the Russians have nevertheless decided democratically and indeed for a strong man, Putin.
What is quite understandable, considering how this decade had worked out for them, and that they could not really begin much with democracy from their point of view.
On the other side @Hamartia Antidote is right, too. We are talking here about sovereign countries, even the small Latvia, they can do whatever they want and obviously made the western way of life much more attractive to them than the Russian ones. You don`t even have to see a conspiracy under which they were actively sued, only that they liked the direction west more than the direction east. We should not forget here, that we are not speaking of natural allies, but of states which were cashed by the Soviet Union, at this time also not necessarily the nicest store in the world, after the Second World War.
But guys, ultimately it is up to Russia to decide where the danger lies for the country. I`m only personally amused how a potential NATO invasion is boosted ... with what? :D
They are jealous of everyone. They get happy if others are in trouble and that's part of their statecraft i.e. Chanakya's philosophy. What an unfortunate group of people.
More like Chanakya's BS For Low IQ people
Nobody stole anything and those countries were enslaved allies not willingful ones.The Romanian Communist Party had like 1000 members in a country of 18 million people back thend, b efort the Russians came and imposed that wretched ideology upon us.

Yeah the Russians really made lots of good friends with the Romanian people by keeping Ceausescu and his secret police in power for 25 years. Seems when the Soviets started losing their grip in 1989 you guys saw a chance to give Ceausescu and his wife the firing squad.

Didn't take much to "steal" you guys away.

What does NATO have to offer them besides insult, humiliation, and degradation?

Well, in the case of Romania, how about thousands of people not being rounded up in the middle of the night and shot. That's a bit of an incentive!
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Genetically speaking, Indians have proven to have common DNA with the Russians while Chinese have none in common with Russians. Russo-India relationship is more than about money. Russo-China relationship is purely an economic transaction.
It is said human being shares 99% DNA with chimpanzee. What do you mean, the common DNA?

It is not even contentious. Look at the R1a map. The only debate is on the direction of the migrations.

View attachment 420983
Weird, Human-being shares 99.99% DNA as the same. So you just focus on the 0.01% as your reason to support your opinion. I guess the skin color may be more important that what you say.
Follow you logic, In India's north-eastern state, people have a East-Asia, Chinese look, maybe they should join to China's territory.
Well, in the case of Romania, how about thousands of people not being rounded up in the middle of the night and shot. That's a bit of an incentive!
The pronoun "them" in the part of my post you quoted refers to Russians. I would have thought that would be clear from the context. I'm not interested in what NATO has to offer Romania -- little countries go wherever the wind blows them. Yesterday, it was the USSR; today, it's the US; tomorrow, who knows?

What does NATO have to offer Russia, since you think Russia is a prospective member? How would this integration take place? Do you think Russia would accept being the latest concubine in the US's harem?
What does NATO have to offer Russia, since you think Russia is a prospective member? How would this integration take place? Do you think Russia would accept being the latest concubine in the US's harem?

The Soviet Union was made up of 15 states. Was the Russian republic the only real one? Were the other 14 just puppets, 2nd class citizens, and basically cannon fodder?

Maybe they were...and somebody here from Estonia, Latvia, or Lithuania can answer why their country, a former Soviet republic, has joined NATO.
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It is not me....I think ask them if they consider themselves Russians or not.
I had some exchange classmates from these states and none of them ever said anything about it.

Well if they feel no allegiance I guess we would know why former Soviet states are lining up to join NATO. So if that is the case people shouldn't blame the US for the breakup if the Soviet Union's own people never considered themselves part of the whole.

Again you deflect. I must assume that your answer is "NATO has absolutely nothing to offer Russia." In which case I fully agree.

We'd have to ask the former republics who joined if they feel they got a benefit to answer your question. What you and I say is just speculation.
Well I guess we know why former Soviet states are lining up to join NATO. So people shouldn't blame the US for the breakup if the Soviet Union's own people never considered themselves part of the whole.

They were occupied by USSR along with so many Muslim countries...it was a hegemonist like USA. Pakistan, USA and Afghan resistance played a key role in USSR breakup...that is history and we cannot deny it even if we want to be friends with Russians. After the break up, they became independent and Baltic states felt they were threatened by Russia so they joined NATO.

But how does it explain your assertion that Russia will join NATO?
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They were occupied by USSR along with so many Muslim countries...it was a hegemonist like USA. Pakistan, USA and Afghan resistance played a key role in USSR breakup...that is history and we cannot deny it even if we want to be friends with Russians. After the break up, they became independent and Baltic states felt they were threatened by Russia so they joined NATO.

But how does it explain your assertion that Russia will join NATO?

My quote:
I can see a day of reckoning coming. Some future leader of Russia is going to own up to everything and the fallout will be so great Russia may as well say they are joining NATO.

The context being in that wiki leak that the Russians concluded long ago that NATO is not a threat to their Western border. Their real fear is an invasion by the Chinese on their Eastern borders.

However the Russian government is telling its people that NATO is their primary threat. I was saying that someday there may be a day of reckoning just like with the former Soviet Republics where they switch sides when they determine who the real military threat is.
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