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China surpasses Belarus as Russia's closest ally, survey finds

What...we are not preparing Operation Barbarossa 2.0?!? Dammit @Hamartia Antidote what are you doing at the pentagon, I was already looking forward to warming up the cold war in the microwave...and now? I`m going home and will polish my Leopard, if i`m able to get enough spare parts to get him drive.:D
What...we are not preparing Operation Barbarossa 2.0?!? Dammit @Hamartia Antidote what are you doing at the pentagon, I was already looking forward to warming up the cold war in the microwave...and now? I`m going home and will polish my Leopard, if i`m able to get enough spare parts to get him drive.:D

Well nobody in the West believes that. Those stupid Russians keep saying US forces in Europe are an invasion force. You have to begin to wonder when during the Cold War they made the decision that their military arms race was not to counter Europe...but to counter China. They just don't want to tell their people...so they keep up the propaganda about the threat from the West to justify things.

I can see a day of reckoning coming. Some future leader of Russia is going to own up to everything and the fallout will be so great Russia may as well say they are joining NATO.
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@Vergennes @ValerioAurelius @SMS Derfflinger @A.P. Richelieu have you read this? It says the Russians have admitted to themselves long ago that NATO isn't an invasion threat for them. Their real problem is the Chinese. This is something NATO has been saying for god knows how long and the Russian's keep putting up this face that "yes we are..blah blah blah...we are keeping troops and missiles on borders with Europe anyway". What a stupid game they are playing. Wasting our time...faking a big Western threat when they are really worried about the East.

NATO should publicly call them out on this. Half the Russian population would probably want to cross the border.

I just don't want to bullsh1t, let go straight to the fact, Who is the one causing Soviet to collapse, Western nations or China, yes in the pass Russians used to paint Chinas yellow perils but who has put Soviet in peril, ironic isn't it.

I think Russia has realized who is the real threat to them after all these 1990s suffering that Russia people had to endure, Gorbatchev was so naïve to believe that the West and US will be friend with his perestroika and offer Russia economy assistance but end up to be got screwed big time, all their eastern tradition ally had fallen apart, one by one tilt toward the west, Russia become so isolated.

Only Sino-Russia cooperation will deter Western from doing greater harm on both nations, this relation shall last as long as US is still a threat, no need PhD to understand that. We Chinese don't need to sell anything to convince Russians who is great threat to them, the more we bullsh1t more they will take that as lie so we will let them to decide who is their enemy...pure and simple.
I just don't want to bullsh1t, let go straight to the fact, Who is the one causing Soviet to collapse, Western nations or China, yes in the pass Russians used to paint Chinas yellow perils but who has put Soviet in peril, ironic isn't it.

I think Russia has realized who is the real threat to them after all these 1990s suffering that Russia people had to endure, Gorbatchev was so naïve to believe that the West and US will be friend with his perestroika and offer Russia economy assistance but end up to be got screwed big time, all their eastern tradition ally had fallen apart, one by one tilt toward the west, Russia become so isolated.

Only Sino-Russia cooperation will deter Western from doing greater harm on both nations, this relation shall last as long as US is still a threat, no need PhD to understand that. We Chinese don't need to sell anything to convince Russians who is great threat to them, the more we bullsh1t more they will take that as lie so we will let them to decide who is their enemy...pure and simple.

How is the West a sudden threat to Russia???

So what exactly has the US and Europe been doing to ruin perestroika?
Countries that were swallowed up by the Soviet Union and suddenly gained their independence became more chummy with the West and start becoming less backwards. I guess that makes us bad? They start raising their standard of living...I guess that makes us bad? They feel the west has more to offer than Russia...I guess that makes us bad?

BTW...what assistance were we denying to Russia?

Putin takes office in 2000 and things take a big step backwards. The former eastern block starts fearing he will reverse everything gained and so in 2004 seven nations (Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia) join NATO enmasse (that's 14 years after 1990). I see...it is all our fault...couldn't have had something to do with Putin.
How is the West a sudden threat to Russia???

So what exactly has the US and Europe been doing to ruin perestroika?
Countries that were swallowed up by the Soviet Union and suddenly gained their independence became more chummy with the West and start becoming less backwards. I guess that makes us bad? They start raising their standard of living...I guess that makes us bad? They feel the west has more to offer than Russia...I guess that makes us bad?

BTW...what assistance were we denying to Russia?

Putin takes office in 2000 and things take a big step backwards. The former eastern block starts fearing he will reverse everything gained and so in 2004 seven nations (Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia) join NATO enmasse (that's 14 years after 1990). I see...it is all our fault...couldn't have had something to do with Putin.

West is a threat to Russia since Napoleon time, WW2 Nazis Germany and US NATO of today, as I said again The west and US had demolished Soviet empire and not China but the west want to mitigate all Russia's threat to China by claiming they're innocent and China is the real threat to Russia.

I don't need to recite what US and west have been doing to ruin perestroika, Russian people are well aware of that. And don't pretend to be ignorant about how the west and US have done to attract all soviet allies by offering them incentive aid and gradually steal one by one these eastern European countries out of Soviet empire and offering them to join NATO.

If Russians look back at their history, they sure know who has cause greatest damage to their interests, certainly not China. In contrary China offer Russia's aid because we know if even current Russia is collapse China shall be the next on target list.
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West is a threat to Russia since Napoleon time, WW2 Nazis Germany and US NATO of today, as I said again The west and US had demolished Soviet empire and not China but the west want to mitigate all Russia's threat to China by claiming they're innocent and China is the real threat to Russia.

I don't need to recite what US and west have been doing to ruin perestroika, Russian people are well aware of that. And don't pretend to be ignorant about how the west and US have done to attract all soviet allies by offering them incentive aid and gradually steal one by one these eastern European countries out of Soviet empire and offering them to join NATO.

If Russians look back at their history, they sure know who has cause great damage to their interests, China on the other hand offer Russia's aid because we know if Russia is collapse China shall be the next target list.

I guess, according to you, the only opinion that matters is what Russia thinks.
I just had somebody from Romania, a sovereign country, tell you the story. Apparently that means little to you. They aren't a colony of Russia so who the #@$ cares how Russia feels. Russia can go cry a river and go %#$# themselves for all Romania cares. Oh I'm real sorry that their days of being an overlord have come to an end. Maybe Russia should have treated them way better. Tsk tsk.

I guess, according to you, the only opinion that matters is what Russia thinks.
I just had somebody from Romania, a sovereign country, tell you the story. Apparently that means little to you. They aren't a colony of Russia so who the #@$ cares how Russia feels. Russia can go cry a river and go %#$# themselves for all Romania cares. Oh I'm real sorry that their days of being an overlord have come to an end. Maybe Russia should have treated them way better. Tsk tsk.


And yes that's my point only Russian opinion matter regarding either West or China is greater threat to them, we don't care if they really perceive us as yellow peril but base on historical fact the west harmed Russia far far greater that what China did to Russia.
The reason why Russians viewed China favorably simply because China and Russia are friendlier then ever before. In the lat few decades, China and Russia have peacefully resolved their border disputes and started working cooperatively, in word and action, on many fronts; economically, politically and strategically.

One of the current event to show the extend of this friendship is when China stood by Russia while Western countries laying destructive sanctions against Russia.

While the Russians have positive views of China, the Russian and Chinese government also knows that it is better to have a powerful friend as a neighbor then an powerful enemy.

Win - win for both country.
Well nobody in the West believes that. Those stupid Russians keep saying US forces in Europe are an invasion force. You have to begin to wonder when during the Cold War they made the decision that their military arms race was not to counter Europe...but to counter China. They just don't want to tell their people...so they keep up the propaganda about the threat from the West to justify things.

I can see a day of reckoning coming. Some future leader of Russia is going to own up to everything and the fallout will be so great Russia may as well say they are joining NATO.
Elephants can fly... right?
Will it make you sleep better at night buddy? :lol:
But you should try this
China surpasses Belarus as Russia's closest ally, survey finds
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well, Russia needs China to borrow money from and China needs Russia to borrow brains from, now that it's becoming tough to steal IP from the US and Europe. They tried to shake up the US severally and that didn't work, so they may try to gang up.
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