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China supports NK hereditary rule


Nov 27, 2008
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United States
China vows to enhance ties with new NK leadership

BEIJING — China's president on Saturday welcomed North Korea's election of a new slate of communist party leaders and promised to continue close ties — an expected but important affirmation of the two countries' relationship from the North's closest ally.

The comments were Hu Jintao's first on the new leadership since a key ruling party conference in North Korea at which the youngest son of ruler Kim Jong Il was introduced to the world and given key posts that confirmed speculation he was being groomed to eventually succeed his ailing 68-year-old father.

Hu said China's Communist Party will work with North Korea's ruling party to "strengthen communication and coordination in regional and international affairs, and continue endeavors for the region's peace, stability and common development," according to the state-run Xinhua News Agency. He was speaking during a meeting with a North Korean delegation.

During the recent Workers' Party convention, Kim's son, Kim Jong Un, was given key party positions after being elevated to four-star general the day before the meeting.

China is North Korea's most important ally, so it's unsurprising that Hu congratulated the regime's new leaders — saying they would bring about "new achievements." But the message affirmed that China stands behind the impoverished and increasingly isolated country as a transition is made — support that is vital to its survival.

"The Chinese backing will empower Kim Jong Un in the succession process," said Kim Yong-hyun, an expert on North Korea at Seoul's Dongguk University.

In August, when Kim Jong Il visited China, there were reports that he brought along his 20-something son, though that has not been confirmed. The trip led to speculation that Kim may have introduced his son to Chinese officials to win their understanding on the succession.

It's not clear if the new leadership in North Korea — which continues to develop its missile and nuclear programs in defiance of U.N. and other sanctions — will change its combative stance toward the international community. Only hours after the party conference ended, the regime again threatened to expand its nuclear arsenal.

While North Korea has expressed willingness to rejoin international talks aimed at dismantling its nuclear programs, Washington has said the North must first take specific moves to demonstrate its sincerity. North Korea pulled out of the negotiations last year after an uproar over a suspected missile test.

The Associated Press: China vows to enhance ties with new NK leadership
Wow! Hereditary succession of Communist Rulers! What a concept. Stability +++++! Truly democratic and progressive. Zardari take note!
Wow! Hereditary succession of Communist Rulers! What a concept. Stability +++++! Truly democratic and progressive. Zardari take note!

You're hilarious. :rofl:

Why don't you take a trip to North Korea and state your case, I'm sure they will listen to your razor-sharp wit.

America is the one threatened by North Korea's nuclear weapons, not China.
Good step
1, from dictatorship into a collective leadership
2, start "reform and opening"
3, people will get a better life and more rights

However, I did not expect the Americans to see that, in addition to anti-China, the little things you can see.
You're hilarious. :rofl:

Why don't you take a trip to North Korea and state your case, I'm sure they will listen to your razor-sharp wit.

America is the one threatened by North Korea's nuclear weapons, not China.

more like butter-knife dull. China will go about intervention in NK it's own way. It doesn't bring Democracy with JDAMs and Tomahawks, it doesn't knock a country down and leave in pieces. I'm really surprise that an American still has enough face to question how interventions are to be done with Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan on it's record.
Oh, Pakistan friends , well, I will explain, if you look at North Korea's news to know, his son has the power, but only part of the power of a leader, although it may be a strong leader.
1, power is dispersed.
2, the Party Congress to reconvene
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I thought it was just his son getting power.

Power will be more decentralized. Little Kim doesn't have near the power that big crazy Kim does. Power is going to go the military and PM (who by the way is a liberal reformist by NK standard forced on big Kim by China)
more like butter-knife dull. China will go about intervention in NK it's own way. It doesn't bring Democracy with JDAMs and Tomahawks, it doesn't knock a country down and leave in pieces. I'm really surprise that an American still has enough face to question how interventions are to be done with Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan on it's record.

Yes, over one million innocent Iraqi civilians have been killed over "invisible WMD's"...

They should look at their own interventions first, before crying that North Korea is making them scared.
China is the only country that could talk North Korea out of stockpilling nuclear weapons. You can only do things one step at a time. What do you, Mr. Truthseeker, suggest that China do?
and really Mr.truth seeker

are you surprised by the response? What did you wish to accomplish here with your tisk tisking. If you've come to earnestly debate the issue of how to handle NK you could have started better.
and really Mr.truth seeker

are you surprised by the response? What did you wish to accomplish here with your tisk tisking.

Maybe he thinks that giggling sarcasm is an effective debating technique, look at post #2 for an example.
China is the only country that could talk North Korea out of stockpilling nuclear weapons. You can only do things one step at a time. What do you, Mr. Truthseeker, suggest that China do?

I would love to see China develop some smidgen of morality. Sigh.... Ain't gonna happen .....
and really Mr.truth seeker

are you surprised by the response? What did you wish to accomplish here with your tisk tisking. If you've come to earnestly debate the issue of how to handle NK you could have started better.

Thank you O' Mr. Gambler for you wonderful advice based on your infinite and superior wisdom! "Card Sharp" captures your world view perfectly. Perfectly PRC, that is.... Amoral to the core.
I would love to see China develop some smidgen of morality. Sigh.... Ain't gonna happen .....

You haven't answered my question Mr. Truthseeker. What do you expect China to do, realistically?

p.s. I, for one, do not think that the PRC, or any country for that matter, is perfect. I detest the governmental censorship and other rights violations but I don't believe that the PRC should be treated as the monster that many make it out to be.
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