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China state-backed firm apologises for ‘home developed’ software based on Microsoft source code

That's what you said of yourself. white lackey.
I'm not white and I am American Pakistani
You can feed yourselves in your shithole land, no Chinese want to work in your shithole. Tens of thousands of Indians that are begging and working in China now should be kicked out, don't flatter yourself.


Chinese in kolkata's china town. :lol:

Chinese in kolkata's china town. :lol:

they so desperate to leave they even go to urkaine

their govt tried to get them killed just to help maintain putin’s charade

Chinese in kolkata's china town. :lol:

they so desperate to leave they even go to urkaine

their govt tried to get them killed just to help maintain putin’s charade
Of course. Chinese also go to Pakistan.

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I'm not white and I am American Pakistani
Are Pakistani Americans spreading fake news every day now? Is this your job?
Are Pakistani Americans spreading fake news every day now? Is this your job?

He is not Pakistani American from his posts. Probably a troll from another country trying to spread confusion. Be careful of some posters on this forum.

They are not who they seem.
Thieves, born to steal.
Ironic since you are literally known for tech support scams.
Are Pakistani Americans spreading fake news every day now? Is this your job?
Most likely he is not a Pakistani...
You are right if it is 20 years ago. Not for now. By the way, if it is an Indian company, they will never apologise. Instead they will be praised for their "smartness". Which is supported by Indian culture.

Don't pull a sem-2-sem here, everyone knows how stealing, lying, and defrauding is like fish and water to the yellow goblins.

Called it out a year ago



Most people DO NOT understand the extent of normalisation of fraud in Chinese society, but you gauge it's impact on their psyche when they routinely celebrate thieves who steal and return back to China.
Don't pull a sem-2-sem here, everyone knows how stealing, lying, and defrauding is like fish and water to the yellow goblins.

Called it out a year ago

View attachment 952234

View attachment 952235

Most people DO NOT understand the extent of normalisation of fraud in Chinese society, but you gauge it's impact on their psyche when they routinely celebrate thieves who steal and return back to China.
Indians say others are thieves?

Wtf! Do you know what you're talking about?


Do Indians know what 'shame' is?
Indians say others are thieves?

Wtf! Do you know what you're talking about?

View attachment 952236

Do Indians know what 'shame' is?

Yeah, do the Chinese know what "sarcasm" is?
Don't pull a sem-2-sem here, everyone knows how stealing, lying, and defrauding is like fish and water to the yellow goblins.

Called it out a year ago

View attachment 952234

View attachment 952235

Most people DO NOT understand the extent of normalisation of fraud in Chinese society, but you gauge it's impact on their psyche when they routinely celebrate thieves who steal and return back to China.
Indians are naturally skilled at theft, extortion, robbery, lying, boasting, and spreading fake news. ETC. This is the Indians DNA.

Yeah, do the Chinese know what "sarcasm" is?
Of course. Every country has shame. Excluding India... So. We hope Indians can explain "how Indian soldiers killed 108 Song Dynasty soldiers in GALWAN"?

Indians are naturally skilled at theft, extortion, robbery, lying, boasting, and spreading fake news. ETC. This is the Indians DNA.

Of course. Every country has shame. Excluding India... So. We hope Indians can explain "how Indian soldiers killed 108 Song Dynasty soldiers in GALWAN"?

View attachment 952237
How old are you?
Yeah, do the Chinese know what "sarcasm" is?
India's dirty DNA is only suitable for lying and spreading fake news.


How old are you?
Dalit began to avoid the topic... :enjoy:
Don't pull a sem-2-sem here, everyone knows how stealing, lying, and defrauding is like fish and water to the yellow goblins.

Called it out a year ago

View attachment 952234

View attachment 952235

Most people DO NOT understand the extent of normalisation of fraud in Chinese society, but you gauge it's impact on their psyche when they routinely celebrate thieves who steal and return back to China.
Slimy dog slaves have the audacity to accuse others, lol.

Why is Lying and Cheating So Common in Every Sphere of Indian Life?

This is going to rustle some jimmies of course, but I really want to discuss this, and I really think this is critical for India's future

In all my 28 years in this country, I've seen lying and cheating as a way of life.

Started all the way back in school when copying from others wasn't just common, but even something people were proud of.

Then I went to college and plagiarism was rampant. Copying papers from friends, downloading papers online, etc. was the norm.

Even in school science fairs, you had people buying pre-made science projects from shops and passing it off as their own. Every city has these shops, usually near college/school stationery stores that will make science projects for you.

Some of my friends went on to do PhDs. There is a massive cottage industry of "PhD mills". Basically, some guy will write a PhD thesis for you (for as little as 20,000). Some third rate university will grant you a PhD on the basis of this fraud PhD. The PhD topic will be extremely generic and not worth its paper.

This cheating and lying finds its way into the workplace as well. I know plenty of people who got in by lying about their marks or their degrees. HR managers either turn a blind eye or are even complicit in covering things up.

You see this tendency to cheat and lie in every facet of Indian life. Shopkeepers lie about prices of products, their quality or their manufacturing dates. Service providers like plumbers lie about the cost of fixtures and generate fake bills. Autowallahs will cheat you willy nilly.

In jobs, people lie about their bills to get extra compensation.

It's just everywhere. Everyone is trying to rip off everyone else.

I'm not saying that this is an Indian phenomenon, but it feels particularly pronounced in India.

I remember when was an exchange student for a year in the US and was surprised that students would happily fail an exam than even think of cheating from friends. Plagiarism was also a very serious academic misconduct.

Is it just resource crunch? Is it a fault in our schooling system? Is it a cultural trait?

And if it is, how do we cure it?

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