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China Starts Building 30 New Roads in India-Tibet Border Area

At Doklam, Indian have been building infrastructure for years and it does enjoy an advantage. The thing is LAC is a couple of thousand miles long, and India is not always in advantage. If India is trying to get into an arm race with China, the outcome may not be very promising to India.

It's funny that India always look China as a rival. India should compare itself to USA or Western Europe.
China has been feverishly building roads, bridges and bunkers all over the area. It has also installed state-of-the-art sensors and warning systems, including radars. One reason why China is keen to develop infrastructure all around the region is to consolidate its hold over Tibet. Another is to drive a diplomatic wedge between India and its Himalayan neighbours and, on the ground, cut them off from each other.

I often marvel at Indian logic. Building roads and infrastructure will cut countries off from each other? Roads can only increase connectivity. Even Sino-Indian trade will benefit from more roads.
Be prepared to be disappointed forever. Seems like you know nothing about a war.
Oh, we are graced by a WAR VETERAN here.
Yes I have military experience but never war, not even peacekeeping.

Which war did you fight in, 1962 or 1971.
Tell us about it or did you just LIE LIE and LIE.
All the war experience I see you do is on the Keyboard.

If you mean you prefer peace over war, then tell your Modi don't go provoking China and bullying all your smaller neighbors.
Don't be a Dog for the USA.
Oh, we are graced by a WAR VETERAN here.
Yes I have military experience but never war, not even peacekeeping.

Which war did you fight in, 1962 or 1971.
Tell us about it or did you just LIE LIE and LIE.
All the war experience I see you do is on the Keyboard.

If you mean you prefer peace over war, then tell your Modi don't go provoking China and bullying all your smaller neighbors.
Don't be a Dog for the USA.
India's economy is pretty much in the hands of American Institutional funds, they keep borrowing dollars from the U.S, and the interests payment alone is well of 26% of their tiny government annual budget````yet they still delude themselves with "india shining" illusion```it all depends on U.S, if the master wants India to "shine" then it will "shine" for some times, if not, it will go back to where they truely belong
Well, that really depends on the angle and the time span considered. India has a reason to consider itself a winner, so does China. This seemly win-win proposition may just be the original intend of both governments when they reached the settlement.

As the old saying goes: He who laughs last laughs best.
I give the slight edge to India in this case.
I give the slight edge to India in this case.
Edge or no edge, they just handed us a reason to militarize Doklam, instead of patrolling, Chinese soldiers are now stationed there. The existing grade 40 roads till Doka La (30-40%) deep into Doklam is still standing. I think this is an acceptable outcome and China officially stated they will continue to complete the road, tight slap to the Indians.
India too is building heavily on Indian side. It is naturally expected that if a war starts again each of the one wants to be at advantage.

Building toilets??? ... I hope... good job.

I think it is the other way. Doklam is a wake-up call for India. This show the bad intentions of China towards India . This is time for India, US, Japan and Australia to come together and encircle China.

USA and Australia are indebted to China... they can never directly confront their lender/financiers/banker/investor.

They're can however use India as their coolie to do the dirty work for them by being a thorn on the side of China.
Edge or no edge, they just handed us a reason to militarize Doklam, instead of patrolling, Chinese soldiers are now stationed there. The existing grade 40 roads till Doka La (30-40%) deep into Doklam is still standing. I think this is an acceptable outcome and China officially stated they will continue to complete the road, tight slap to the Indians.
I cannot understand why so much preoccupation with this road.
China is not going to attack India for no reason and jeopardize its tens of billions trade surplus with India.
Once India's trespass developed into a standoff, it is no more about the road.

India has shown its hand and is challenging China, claiming the land belong to Bhutan.
Its a battle of nerves and options are one side concede, mutual withdraw, or war.
Its no longer about the road, but who will stand down 1st or risk war.

India with all its internal problems on hand has decided to stand down on fear of impending war with China.
Since India has OBEYED China's order, China will now listen and consider over India's concern about the road.
But its no surprise that Indians will want to spin this as a victory.
They have started publishing textbooks that India won the war in 1962, what else the devious Indians wouldn't do.
Maybe more aggressive, maybe not. China's policies always demonstrate extreme strategic discipline and single-minded focus on long-term gains. We are never interested in scoring cheap temporary points. That sets us apart from India because their political elites are always looking to make electoral gains by throwing red meat to a beastly and feral public, hungry for political scraps. The Indian masses have been conditioned to believe that the road to superpower status is paved by audacious circus stunts along their borders with China and Pakistan, rather than substantive improvements to economic, industrial, (indigenous) military, scientific and technological capabilities.

What's definitely true though is that this episode has taught China's leadership to cast aside their illusions about India. Previously, China believed India was a 'swing state' on the global stage whose foreign policy tilt could be negotiated by building on common interests, 'win-win cooperation', etc. Too many policymakers are stuck in the Cold War era, believing that India is the 'leader of the non-aligned movement', 'independent actor', 'proponent of multipolarity', etc.

The ugly reality is that India's dark ambition is actually unqualified regional, then global hegemony. It's foreign policy goal is to recreate and export its caste system onto the international order, whereby other states are neutralized and rendered into low-caste slaves like Bhutan and formerly Nepal. China has belatedly realized this truth. So now, China's India policy will take a sharply hostile turn. Perhaps it will be more aggressive, but definitely it will be more alert, wary, vigilant, and non-cooperative.

Anyway, you raised an interesting point worth discussion, so I invite other respected Chinese members to chip in with their thoughts and analysis (forgive me if I've forgotten anyone) :P

@TaiShang @Chinese-Dragon @ChineseTiger1986 @ZeEa5KPul @beijingwalker @Feng Leng @cnleio @Dungeness @AndrewJin

Excellent post!
Only a war or, at least, a border skirmish could have given the neo-fascist leaning Indian government room to hide the colossal governance loopholes and inefgiciencies. But China did not grant a clash, but still emerged strategically advantaged from the stand off.

Do the people in the picture below look like they are ready to face and antagonize the second greatest economy in the world?


42 children die in gov't hospital in 48 hrs in India
Xinhua, August 31, 2017


Baba Raghav Das Medical College [File Photo]

As many as 42 children have died at a government hospital in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, a top health official said Wednesday.

The deaths took place at Baba Raghav Das Medical College in Gorakhpur in the past 48 hours.

"Of the 42 deaths, seven are due to encephalitis, while the rest are due to other pediatric diseases," Dr P.K. Singh, the medical college's principal, told the media.

Some local media reports, however, said that there have been 61 child deaths at the hospital in the past 72 hours, though there has been no official confirmation.

More than 70 infant deaths were reported from the same hospital just three weeks ago, from various causes, including oxygen shortage.

The hospital, the biggest in state Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath's constituency, attends to hundreds of patients from neighboring Bihar, other districts of Uttar Pradesh and even Nepal.

"The situation may worsen because of heavy rains and floods in Nepal, Bihar and large parts of Uttar Pradesh as more and more children are being brought to the hospital daily," a doctor said.
I cannot understand why so much preoccupation with this road.
China is not going to attack India for no reason and jeopardize its tens of billions trade surplus with India.
Once India's trespass developed into a standoff, it is no more about the road.

You need to understand that India does not have a unified policy, each bureaucrat minister has his own smart *** idea, this Doval guy probably thought he could be Machiavelli since Indian media had been giving him all those ego boosters over the years. Modi probably was not aware of this until it was too late, they miscalculated and needed a face saving withdrawal and the rest they say is history.

India has shown its hand and is challenging China, claiming the land belong to Bhutan.
Its a battle of nerves and options are one side concede, mutual withdraw, or war.
Its no longer about the road, but who will stand down 1st or risk war.

When China do things, the policy is clear from day one. You don't withdraw we will kill you. China was prepared to fight a war, India was not. Guess what just happened, instead of patrolling, the status quo now is Chinese soldiers stationed in Doklam, do you think Bhutanese soldiers will patrol there now after all this shit? Strategically, they just handed us the reason to militarize Doklam. Unilateral withdrawal was the biggest mistake, it is sending the wrong message to Bhutan. Instead of defending Bhutan, they are abandoning Bhutan.

India with all its internal problems on hand has decided to stand down on fear of impending war with China.
Since India has OBEYED China's order, China will now listen and consider over India's concern about the road.
But its no surprise that Indians will want to spin this as a victory.
They have started publishing textbooks that India won the war in 1962, what else the devious Indians wouldn't do.
Exactly, this is a country not even capable of simple grain storage and distribution. Do you think they can have the determination and discipline to face China? China will listen as usual, but will China stop road construction? According to official statements no. My bet is after Modi's visit and after winter around February, when the issues dies down and Modi will not get attacked. We need to give Modi some face after what he has done, he needs to continue to be the Indian hero to their domestic audience. Media victory is more important to democratic India than strategic victory.
I often marvel at Indian logic. Building roads and infrastructure will cut countries off from each other? Roads can only increase connectivity. Even Sino-Indian trade will benefit from more roads.

It doesn't matter how tough Indians are talking, in today's geopolitics, India is very insecure as it has no confidence nor capacity to face a fair completion from China especially in South Asia, which it considers as its own backyard, a mindset resulted from its colonial handover. That is how they developed their twisted logic.
Only a war or, at least, a border skirmish could have given the neo-fascist leaning Indian government room to hide the colossal governance loopholes and inefgiciencies. But China did not grant a clash, but still emerged strategically advantaged from the stand off.

Do the people in the picture below look like they are ready to face and antagonize the second greatest economy in the world?


42 children die in gov't hospital in 48 hrs in India
Xinhua, August 31, 2017


Baba Raghav Das Medical College [File Photo]

As many as 42 children have died at a government hospital in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, a top health official said Wednesday.

The deaths took place at Baba Raghav Das Medical College in Gorakhpur in the past 48 hours.

"Of the 42 deaths, seven are due to encephalitis, while the rest are due to other pediatric diseases," Dr P.K. Singh, the medical college's principal, told the media.

Some local media reports, however, said that there have been 61 child deaths at the hospital in the past 72 hours, though there has been no official confirmation.

More than 70 infant deaths were reported from the same hospital just three weeks ago, from various causes, including oxygen shortage.

The hospital, the biggest in state Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath's constituency, attends to hundreds of patients from neighboring Bihar, other districts of Uttar Pradesh and even Nepal.

"The situation may worsen because of heavy rains and floods in Nepal, Bihar and large parts of Uttar Pradesh as more and more children are being brought to the hospital daily," a doctor said.

Chinese official media had long avoided reporting negative social news about India. It seems they are picking up the pace now. Today, GT reported the story of 4 derailments in 10 days on their website.
Chinese official media had long avoided reporting negative social news about India. It seems they are picking up the pace now. Today, GT reported the story of 4 derailments in 10 days on their website.

Yes , I noticed a change of tone, as well. Something Indian media had made I to a tradition toward China for ling.

China's good will seems to be over. After all, India might eventually get the treatment it deserves.
Yes , I noticed a change of tone, as well. Something Indian media had made I to a tradition toward China for ling.

China's good will seems to be over. After all, India might eventually get the treatment it deserves.

I have a feeling that Modi's "Doklam Incursion" will be remembered, discussed and blamed for long time to come, just like Nehru's "Forward Policy".
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