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China Starts Building 30 New Roads in India-Tibet Border Area

I think it is the other way. Doklam is a wake-up call for India. This show the bad intentions of China towards India . This is time for India, US, Japan and Australia to come together and encircle China.
Begging for help from US, Japan and Australia again.
Always begging, grow some balls and depend on yourself for once.
Always crying for help, clowns.
Begging for help from US, Japan and Australia again.
Always begging, grow some balls and depend on yourself for once.
Always crying for help, clowns.

Who is begging?...it is US that is asking for India's help to counter China...and not India that is asking US to intervene in Indo - China issues.
What a great development.

The sad reality is that currently, the closer our territory is to South Asia, the more the local infrastructure takes on 'South Asian' characteristics. That is to say, dilapidated, inadequate and third world. Not fit for cars and trucks, but, going by neighboring customs, only fit for open-air defecation. Definitely no comparison with the glittering heights of Beijing and Shanghai in the east.

That must change. We must bring the light of civilization and infrastructure to our lands located within the unfortunate proximity of our South Asian neighbor and banish their backward influence.
Indian members did not believe me when I said China will only be more aggressive after this.

At Doklam, Indian have been building infrastructure for years and it does enjoy an advantage. The thing is LAC is a couple of thousand miles long, and India is not always in advantage. If India is trying to get into an arm race with China, the outcome may not be very promising to India.
Please be clear, India had been building infrastructure in Doka La next to Doklam but these were low grade paths same as the low grade paths China build in Doklam, look at the google maps and you can see many zig zagging foor paths in Doklam. The difference this time was China upgraded those foot paths to grade 40 roads. Meaning it can take upto 40 tonnes, Chinese light tanks are 35 tonnes, you get the picture. Construction was progressing until Doka La, the border with India, roughly 30-40% deep into Doklam, causing panic to India. It was literally 100 meters from the Indian border.
Who is begging?...it is US that is asking for India's help to counter China...and not India that is asking US to intervene in Indo - China issues.
How India beg the US during 1962 war is public knowledge.
US is asking India to help create problem for China, not stupidly go grab China's land.
US is silent throughout Donglang standoff.
US apparently reluctant to help India even after much begging from India.
India even have to twist Japan's comments to make it look like support.
With devastating floods in Assam, riots in Haryana and Punjab, India had no choice but to surrender at Donglang.
Don't deflect that it is about the road.

When India trespass onto Chin's land, it is no longer about roads.
In a deadly standoff, it is about who will blink, not why it came to a standoff.
India by daring to stand up to China has challenged China and has escalated the road problem to India's challenge of China's control over Donglang.
Fortunately, India decided to cowardly stand down, thus avoiding destruction by the skin of their teeth.
India has obediently OBEYED China's order to withdraw.
Good Boy Obedient India.
Indian members did not believe me when I said China will only be more aggressive after this.

Maybe more aggressive, maybe not. China's policies always demonstrate extreme strategic discipline and single-minded focus on long-term gains. We are never interested in scoring cheap temporary points. That sets us apart from India because their political elites are always looking to make electoral gains by throwing red meat to a beastly and feral public, hungry for political scraps. The Indian masses have been conditioned to believe that the road to superpower status is paved by audacious circus stunts along their borders with China and Pakistan, rather than substantive improvements to economic, industrial, (indigenous) military, scientific and technological capabilities.

What's definitely true though is that this episode has taught China's leadership to cast aside their illusions about India. Previously, China believed India was a 'swing state' on the global stage whose foreign policy tilt could be negotiated by building on common interests, 'win-win cooperation', etc. Too many policymakers are stuck in the Cold War era, believing that India is the 'leader of the non-aligned movement', 'independent actor', 'proponent of multipolarity', etc.

The ugly reality is that India's dark ambition is actually unqualified regional, then global hegemony. It's foreign policy goal is to recreate and export its caste system onto the international order, whereby other states are neutralized and rendered into low-caste slaves like Bhutan and formerly Nepal. China has belatedly realized this truth. So now, China's India policy will take a sharply hostile turn. Perhaps it will be more aggressive, but definitely it will be more alert, wary, vigilant, and non-cooperative.

Anyway, you raised an interesting point worth discussion, so I invite other respected Chinese members to chip in with their thoughts and analysis (forgive me if I've forgotten anyone) :P

@TaiShang @Chinese-Dragon @ChineseTiger1986 @ZeEa5KPul @beijingwalker @Feng Leng @cnleio @Dungeness @AndrewJin
Maybe more aggressive, maybe not. China's policies always demonstrate extreme strategic discipline and single-minded focus on long-term gains. We are never interested in scoring cheap temporary points. That sets us apart from India because their political elites are always looking to make electoral gains by throwing red meat to a beastly and feral public, hungry for political scraps. The Indian masses have been conditioned to believe that the road to superpower status is paved by audacious circus stunts along their borders with China and Pakistan, rather than substantive improvements to economic, industrial, (indigenous) military, scientific and technological capabilities.

What's definitely true though is that this episode has taught China's leadership to cast aside their illusions about India. Previously, China believed India was a 'swing state' on the global stage whose foreign policy tilt could be negotiated by building on common interests, 'win-win cooperation', etc. Too many policymakers are stuck in the Cold War era, believing that India is the 'leader of the non-aligned movement', 'independent actor', 'proponent of multipolarity', etc.

The ugly reality is that India's dark ambition is actually unqualified regional, then global hegemony. It's foreign policy goal is to recreate and export its caste system onto the international order, whereby other states are neutralized and rendered into low-caste slaves like Bhutan and formerly Nepal. China has belatedly realized this truth. So now, China's India policy will take a sharply hostile turn. Perhaps it will be more aggressive, but definitely it will be more alert, wary, vigilant, and non-cooperative.

Anyway, you raised an interesting point worth discussion, so I invite other respected Chinese members to chip in with their thoughts and analysis (forgive me if I've forgotten anyone) :P

@TaiShang @Chinese-Dragon @ChineseTiger1986 @ZeEa5KPul @beijingwalker @Feng Leng @cnleio @Dungeness @AndrewJin
Well, we will certainly view India differently, they need to realize India have not move on after 1962, they still have this 1962 inferiority complex. There will never be real peace.

On the contrary, this incident did give us an excuse to station troops in Doklam instead of patrolling Doklam, essentially militarizing it.
What a great development.

The sad reality is that currently, the closer our territory is to South Asia, the more the local infrastructure takes on 'South Asian' characteristics. That is to say, dilapidated, inadequate and third world. Not fit for cars and trucks, but, going by neighboring customs, only fit for open-air defecation. Definitely no comparison with the glittering heights of Beijing and Shanghai in the east.

That must change. We must bring the light of civilization and infrastructure to our lands located within the unfortunate proximity of our South Asian neighbor and banish their backward influence.
Yup and that is pakistan.
Maybe more aggressive, maybe not. China's policies always demonstrate extreme strategic discipline and single-minded focus on long-term gains. We are never interested in scoring cheap temporary points. That sets us apart from India because their political elites are always looking to make electoral gains by throwing red meat to a beastly and feral public, hungry for political scraps. The Indian masses have been conditioned to believe that the road to superpower status is paved by audacious circus stunts along their borders with China and Pakistan, rather than substantive improvements to economic, industrial, (indigenous) military, scientific and technological capabilities.

What's definitely true though is that this episode has taught China's leadership to cast aside their illusions about India. Previously, China believed India was a 'swing state' on the global stage whose foreign policy tilt could be negotiated by building on common interests, 'win-win cooperation', etc. Too many policymakers are stuck in the Cold War era, believing that India is the 'leader of the non-aligned movement', 'independent actor', 'proponent of multipolarity', etc.

The ugly reality is that India's dark ambition is actually unqualified regional, then global hegemony. It's foreign policy goal is to recreate and export its caste system onto the international order, whereby other states are neutralized and rendered into low-caste slaves like Bhutan and formerly Nepal. China has belatedly realized this truth. So now, China's India policy will take a sharply hostile turn. Perhaps it will be more aggressive, but definitely it will be more alert, wary, vigilant, and non-cooperative.

Anyway, you raised an interesting point worth discussion, so I invite other respected Chinese members to chip in with their thoughts and analysis (forgive me if I've forgotten anyone) :P

@TaiShang @Chinese-Dragon @ChineseTiger1986 @ZeEa5KPul @beijingwalker @Feng Leng @cnleio @Dungeness @AndrewJin
China fails to understand India because senior decision makers are atheists and urban dwellers. To understand India, you must understand religion and you must understand animals. They are just like a monkey in the zoo flinging its feces everywhere or at people. Some Indians worship this.
Maybe more aggressive, maybe not. China's policies always demonstrate extreme strategic discipline and single-minded focus on long-term gains. We are never interested in scoring cheap temporary points. That sets us apart from India because their political elites are always looking to make electoral gains by throwing red meat to a beastly and feral public, hungry for political scraps. The Indian masses have been conditioned to believe that the road to superpower status is paved by audacious circus stunts along their borders with China and Pakistan, rather than substantive improvements to economic, industrial, (indigenous) military, scientific and technological capabilities.

What's definitely true though is that this episode has taught China's leadership to cast aside their illusions about India. Previously, China believed India was a 'swing state' on the global stage whose foreign policy tilt could be negotiated by building on common interests, 'win-win cooperation', etc. Too many policymakers are stuck in the Cold War era, believing that India is the 'leader of the non-aligned movement', 'independent actor', 'proponent of multipolarity', etc.

The ugly reality is that India's dark ambition is actually unqualified regional, then global hegemony. It's foreign policy goal is to recreate and export its caste system onto the international order, whereby other states are neutralized and rendered into low-caste slaves like Bhutan and formerly Nepal. China has belatedly realized this truth. So now, China's India policy will take a sharply hostile turn. Perhaps it will be more aggressive, but definitely it will be more alert, wary, vigilant, and non-cooperative.

Anyway, you raised an interesting point worth discussion, so I invite other respected Chinese members to chip in with their thoughts and analysis (forgive me if I've forgotten anyone) :P

@TaiShang @Chinese-Dragon @ChineseTiger1986 @ZeEa5KPul @beijingwalker @Feng Leng @cnleio @Dungeness @AndrewJin
China don't care India, BeiJing only care interests in the region.
China has her own capacity in any arm race.
India's military industry is just a shit, extremely primitive and incapable.

But keep in mind, China's strategic importance is a competition against USA.
All other parties are just US' prawns.

I am loving the fun.10 years back, just a decade back, Chinese military complex was pure sh!t and just built copying stuffs. Renaming Sukois as J series was the one thing you guys ever did. With new money you guys are becoming arrogant.

Ok. Indian military industry is shiite today. It wont be 15 years later. But IA is quite capable of giving a bloody nose to highly equipped CHinese soldiers today. All your cities, investments, population centres, army,AF are on the east coast. If you want to create an enemy on the east for some waste land, its fine. For all the issues our army is already on the North side anyway.

Andrew , you used to be better.
Chinese are still in mental distress, very visible.
China has her own capacity in any arm race.
India's military industry is just a shit, extremely primitive and incapable.

But keep in mind, China's strategic importance is a competition against USA.
All other parties are just US' prawns.

Stop comparing your copy cat shitty ... Equipment with USA..
Chinese are still in mental distress, very visible.
Your imagination while at your keyboard watching the screen or your phone ?
But I have to admit I am disappointed not being able to watch Chinese missiles finding its targets in India.
I wonder how China with its immense firepower vs India's huge number of human meat fodder will turn out.
Will China wipe out India's ports and docks to secure its sea lanes ?
I will not know for now.
After pondering, I think its good that it will not happen.
Chinese are still in mental distress, very visible.

It's a rather silly self-comforting statement, seen so often among Indian posters here.

The matter of fact is Chinese now station in Doklam area with much more enhanced capability. Prior to the standoff, Chinese border guards only patrolled the area on foot once in a while. The status-quo has forever changed. You guys can claim whatever you want to, it won't change the NEW ground reality. You guys are just too dumb to even comprehend what it means, like Chinese said "brain no enough use". :enjoy:
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