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China: Sri Lanka's unconditional ally

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China: Sri Lanka's unconditional ally

China's influence in Sri Lanka has increased immensely in recent years. The East Asian nation has not only become one of Sri Lanka's key trade partner and a major military ally, it has helped the South Asian country counter Western pressure.

It has been a year since Sri Lanka's army secured victory over the Tamil Tiger rebels or LTTE and the decades' old civil war came to an end. This wouldn't have become possible without the support of Sri Lanka's key ally China, many in the South Asian nation think.

"China helped the Sri Lankan state immensely with the war with the LTTE when the Sri Lankan government needed assistance in terms of weapons and ammunition etc," says SI Keethaponcalan, an expert from the University of Colombo.

Diplomatic support

China's support came on the diplomatic front as well. When the West sharply criticized the Sri Lankan government's handling of the conflict, particularly the final stages of the war, and the US stopped its military aid over human rights issues, Beijing threw its weight behind Colombo by blocking a resolution censuring Sri Lanka at the UN Security Council. After that the relations between the two traditional allies strengthened further.

Experts say the basis for the close bilateral ties between the two sides is the fact that China’s support to Sri Lanka is unconditional. "Unlike the Western countries and organizations which impose conditions when they give us aid, whether it is the World Bank or IMF or bilateral aid, the Chinese have been giving us aid without asking questions," says Kalyananda Godage, a former Sri Lankan ambassador to the EU.

Countering India

Another major reason why Sri Lanka values this relationship is that China acts as a counterweight to India, says Jehan Perera, the executive director of the National Peace Council, a civil rights body in Colombo:

"India has had a major impact on Sri Lanka and has pressurized Sri Lanka in various ways in the past. So Sri Lanka would like to have a counterweight of equal size and stature to India to balance it off," says Perera.

Growing Chinese investment

With almost $1 billion in development aid, Beijing surpassed Tokyo as Colombo's largest foreign donor last year.

The Chinese are also building a massive port worth almost a billion US dollars in Hambantota on Sri Lanka's southeastern coast. Some Western media have reported that China would like to use it as a naval base. But the Sri Lankan government has insisted that the purpose of the port is purely commercial.

"China has a huge navy. It is now an emerging superpower and its trade is huge with the West. China needs energy supplies from the Middle East. And all of this passes via Sri Lanka because of our location in the Indian Ocean. So that has become very important," says former diplomat Godage.

Exciting market

The emerging superpower has also become an increasingly important trading partner for the Sri Lanka. Gems, jewelry, tea and natural rubber are areas where Colombo sees potential for the bilateral trade to grow further.

"It is a market that is going to mature," says Shezard Careem, one of the leading gem traders in Colombo. "It is tremendously wealthy and a luxury market as well. It provides a whole gamut of opportunities."

China: Sri Lanka's 'unconditional' ally | Asia | Deutsche Welle | 10.05.2010
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China and Pakistan are probably the closest friends of Lanka..remember when Lanka demanded ammunition to fight against LTTE, India was busy demanding its justifications and human rights arguments while Pakistan provided from its own reserved stocks on immediate basis.
China and Pakistan are probably the closest friends of Lanka..remember when Lanka demanded ammunition to fight against LTTE, India was busy demanding its justifications and human rights arguments while Pakistan provided from its own reserved stocks on immediate basis.

every opportunist will or would allways do the same. India is being too lenient with its neighbours.
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Wow, I never expected India to lose all of its neighbors to China. First Pakistan, then Nepal, and now Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Is Bhutan India's only friendly neighbour?
Wow, I never expected India to lose all of its neighbors to China. First Pakistan, then Nepal, and now Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Is Bhutan India's only friendly neighbour?

Ohhh :oops: we lost them too.. So sad indeed.:agree:
It's Sri Lankan in a new avatar :coffee:
India's is too BIG to be contained.. just like china... so they can take all our so called good neighbors but containing India is like controlling BLACK HOLE,,, now...

india's neighbors can use china in these scenarios more tliitle than the china can ever use these little countries .. like SLK PAK or BD :)
India's is too BIG to be contained.. just like china... so they can take all our so called good neighbors but containing India is like controlling BLACK HOLE,,, now...

india's neighbors can use china in these scenarios more tliitle than the china can ever use these little countries .. like SLK PAK or BD :)

Thanks for confirming..India is the blackhole..it will sink under its own weight..of social ills!
I totally back the idea of China being Lanka's biggest ally! There are so much mutual interests involved in the Sino-Lanka relationship such as protecting shipping routes, defeating the tigers, development of commercial ports and import/export business!
india has a lot of links to sri lanka, it wont be easy for china to oust india as top dog in lanka.
every opportunist will or would allways do the same. India is being too lenient with its neighbours.

Yes indian superpower..india rising..indian shining..yea right!
WHat other choice does India have other than being lenient?? the funny thing is that its not being lenient by choice..but simply due to impotency!
China Sri Lanka Relations

People's Republic of China - Sri Lanka relations began in 1950 when Sri Lanka was among the first countries to recognize the People's Republic of China. Since then, the two countries have regularly exchanged high-level visits resulting in a variety of agreements.

China has provided economic, military & technical assistance to Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka has an enduring, multi-dimensional and deep-rooted relationship with China. The long-standing ties of friendship between the two countries are underpinned by mutual trust and confidence. A close identity of views and mutuality of interest remain the hallmark of bilateral ties.

China has always strongly supported Sri Lanka on all sensitive issues.

Sri Lanka has always supported China on all issues of importance to the latter, especially those related to the question of Taiwan and other all sensitive issues.

Economic Relations

In 2007 both sides inked twelve agreements in the fields of economic & technical cooperation, on trade, minerals, petroleum & natural resources, environmental protection, Infrastructure development , space technology, agriculture sector, properties exchange between two countries.

Investment deal - Agreements on Investment, financial & banking sector also signed.

China is the largest investor in Colombo Port & China also developing the Hambantota Port.

Defence Relations

China has been a steady source of military equipment to Sri Lanka and also has given technology assistance and modernized facilities. In recent years this relationship has deepened even further by increasing defence exchanges between Sri Lanka & China.

Both sides opposed to all forms of terrorism, extremism & separatism, resolved to cooperation with each other to fight the above-mentioned three forces. China conveyed its complete support to Sri Lanka’s commitment and efforts to fight terrorism and appreciated the sacrifices made by the government and people of Sri Lanka in this regard.

China offered Sri Lanka military aid in order to fight against the terrorist activities on their (Sri Lanka's) soil. Beijing will further cooperate with Colombo in dealing firmly with terrorists.

After the military aid, Sri Lanka will also purchase military equipment from China which China has agreed. This will strengthen cooperation between two Armed Forces.

In coming days Sino-Lanka alliance will only get stronger because the world is witness to the yeilds of sino-pak alliance and Lanka is very much on the indian colonial radar due to its strategic position.
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