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China Squashes Attempted Tunisia-Style Revolt the JASMINE REVOLUTION

Here's where the fallacy resides about communism and China.

Fallacy 1- Crime is low in china- all of those western type of crimes do not happen in china - like a man on killing spree of babies in a nursery in china.

Fallacy 2- that communist china is the reason for china's success -WRONG. if so then for last 10's of decades they would have been the no1 or no2 on GDP. Its because they used western free market policies that they picked themselves from the crapper so as to speak

Fallacy 3- China is going to be a super power. Wrong. To be a superpower you have to own not just a good GDP ( USSR was a super power, but not a good GDP so as to speak), but also military bases and lead a NATO like alliance. If all you needed was no 1 or 2 GDP to be superpower- Japan would be called a super power. Ya get what I'm saying?

Fallacy 4- corruption is far more limited under communism. Wrong- if anything govt corruption is at the highest because it also controls all media. accountability does not come to light as much without a free press

Fallacy 5- Chinese children and people don't starve in numbers like in India- Wrong again. If you look at some basic facts , like the govt's record on SARS, earthquake victims, T square massacre, 30 million who died of starvation couple of decades ago- and paranoid censorship- you know they fudge stats, and brainwash their citizenry with revisionist history, plus they been caught fudging stats ... so any comparison is moot.

Any country that needs to hire its citizens to promote propaganda to its own citizens and others on line( see my signature) , has very little credibility in the world stage.

all opinions stated above are mine and that of the sane citizenry of the world ;) j/k
Here's where the fallacy resides about communism and China.

Fallacy 1- Crime is low in china- all of those western type of crimes do not happen in china - like a man on killing spree of babies in a nursery in china.

Fallacy 2- that communist china is the reason for china's success -WRONG. if so then for last 10's of decades they would have been the no1 or no2 on GDP. Its because they used western free market policies that they picked themselves from the crapper so as to speak

Fallacy 3- China is going to be a super power. Wrong. To be a superpower you have to own not just a good GDP ( USSR was a super power, but not a good GDP so as to speak), but also military bases and lead a NATO like alliance. If all you needed was no 1 or 2 GDP to be superpower- Japan would be called a super power. Ya get what I'm saying?

Fallacy 4- corruption is far more limited under communism. Wrong- if anything govt corruption is at the highest because it also controls all media. accountability does not come to light as much without a free press

Fallacy 5- Chinese children and people don't starve in numbers like in India- Wrong again. If you look at some basic facts , like the govt's record on SARS, earthquake victims, T square massacre, 30 million who died of starvation couple of decades ago- and paranoid censorship- you know they fudge stats, and brainwash their citizenry with revisionist history, plus they been caught fudging stats ... so any comparison is moot.

Any country that needs to hire its citizens to promote propaganda to its own citizens and otherson line( see my signature) , has very little credibility in the world stage.

How about Fallacy of the "Shining India" ?

India has a system of democracy that every Indian knows, but how many of our huge population understand the true meaning of the term democracy? Even those who know its meaning, how many of them really take part in the democratic processes (contesting and voting in elections)? It is not that our people are totally ignorant about democracy and its concept.

Of course, every one knows that democracy means freedom to give vote and freedom from forced work and also freedom to do any thing like destroying the public property, spitting, shitting or urinating anywhere, abusing to any one etc etc. There is a difference between knowing the democracy itself and knowing how to conduct it properly. :lol:

One may know the good taste of butter paneer but may not know the process to cook it. Simply knowing some thing may not serve the purpose unless it is also known that how to get that thing done.

We Indians definitely know what is the democracy but we lack the skill to create the conditions to flourish it. Those, who little understand and know it, keep themselves away from contributing in its further development (I used the term-little understand - because even those who are champion of the democratic concepts, are unable to find the solution of maladies of Indian democracy).

The twin pillars of democracy are education and justice Education is required to understand the basic principles, elements, and requirements of democracy; and justice is necessary to create the conditions of equality, fair treatment, freedom from fear and exploitation etc. Unless people are educated, they may be deceived, misguided or enticed away by the politicians in their favour to vote for them.

Only good education can create an ideal condition for the development of democracy. The people who are well educated are difficult to be misguided by the politicians and are more inclined to caste their vote on the basis of ideology and the quality of the candidates in elections. Among Indian voters, most of them are those who are either least educated or semi literates and economically weaker.

They are targeted and easily misguided, deceived and bribed by the politicians in their favour during the elections. Unless there is a very strong reason to react, these voters are normally carried away by the candidates and parties by using their money power. Since the number of this type of voters is more, they play a deciding role in the elections.

The educated and well to do voters, who have the good understanding of the democratic process and its purpose, are less in number and their vote may not be as deciding as that of the voters with less educational background and weak economic condition due to their big number.

This condition creates a disappointment among the educated voters and therefore they do not take much interest in the election process, and it has been observed that they hardly go for voting during the elections. Justice is the another basic requirement for the development of democracy.

Unless the people are free from fear, favor, and want, they may not be able to caste their vote in objective manner and may be influenced by the party or the candidate who is able to extract their support by different means.

In India, there is a large number of uneducated, least educated or semi-educated people. The education system is such that it does not create interest in the people of rural areas and economically weaker classes of people to go to the school. Even those who are educated from the educational institutions in sub urban and rural areas or some times even in urban areas, do not have the quality. Education sector is facing the neglect from the government due to the influence of the undemocratic and selfish interests who do not want to empower the common masses in order to maintain their importance and influence.

The recruitment, in the government aided universities and colleges, of the substandard people on the basis of their connections has turned the education system into a fake system where qulity is highly compromised due to incompetence and favouratism. If the people will not get a good education, how can they be able to establish a strong foundation of the democratic society? Justice condition in India is pitiable.

Economic inequality, bureaucratic high handedness, political and official corruption, judicial apathy and so on, create unjust conditions for the unprivileged people who feel helpless in the system where discrimination has become a rule.

In these conditions the democratic system is highly paralyzed and can not be able to produce the desired results.
Here's where the fallacy resides about communism and China.

Fallacy 1- Crime is low in china- all of those western type of crimes do not happen in china - like a man on killing spree of babies in a nursery in china.

Fallacy 2- that communist china is the reason for china's success -WRONG. if so then for last 10's of decades they would have been the no1 or no2 on GDP. Its because they used western free market policies that they picked themselves from the crapper so as to speak

Fallacy 3- China is going to be a super power. Wrong. To be a superpower you have to own not just a good GDP ( USSR was a super power, but not a good GDP so as to speak), but also military bases and lead a NATO like alliance. If all you needed was no 1 or 2 GDP to be superpower- Japan would be called a super power. Ya get what I'm saying?

Fallacy 4- corruption is far more limited under communism. Wrong- if anything govt corruption is at the highest because it also controls all media. accountability does not come to light as much without a free press

Fallacy 5- Chinese children and people don't starve in numbers like in India- Wrong again. If you look at some basic facts , like the govt's record on SARS, earthquake victims, T square massacre, 30 million who died of starvation couple of decades ago- and paranoid censorship- you know they fudge stats, and brainwash their citizenry with revisionist history, plus they been caught fudging stats ... so any comparison is moot.

Any country that needs to hire its citizens to promote propaganda to its own citizens and others on line( see my signature) , has very little credibility in the world stage.

all opinions stated above are mine and that of the sane citizenry of the world ;) j/k

1. Please go search up the crime rates and you'll see that China's is much lower than India, US, and even Canada. Nuff said.

2. Please search up "glastnost" and the effects on the Soviet Union. Oh wait, it collapsed, didn't it? Damn...

3. There's a reason why the Japanese military never shows up on defence reports

4. Corruption is punished by death penalty, and by all logic, it does not increase the rate

5. Please go search up poverty rates in India and China

Yes, our propaganda somehow magically transformed our infrastructure to 20 years ahead of India's. That's very logical.

All sane citizens do research and fact finding before posting. You obviously have done neither.
1. Please go search up the crime rates and you'll see that China's is much lower than India, US, and even Canada. Nuff said.

2. Please search up "glastnost" and the effects on the Soviet Union. Oh wait, it collapsed, didn't it? Damn...

3. There's a reason why the Japanese military never shows up on defence reports

4. Corruption is punished by death penalty, and by all logic, it does not increase the rate

5. Please go search up poverty rates in India and China

Yes, our propaganda somehow magically transformed our infrastructure to 20 years ahead of India's. That's very logical.

All sane citizens do research and fact finding before posting. You obviously have done neither.

are you citing me numbers put out by your govt as proof? ;). . btw free trade and communism -don't go hand in hand.

---------- Post added at 08:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:17 PM ----------

I'm pounding my keyboard in a fit of rage.:coffee:

there is an app for that
are you citing me numbers put out by your govt as proof? ;). . btw free trade and communism -don't go hand in hand.

Hmm...I never know that the Geneva Declaration of Armed Violence and Development was owned by the Chinese government...

Again, do your research. Capitalism runs in China almost as freely as stupidity runs among people like you.
Hmm...I never know that the Geneva Declaration of Armed Violence and Development was owned by the Chinese government...

Again, do your research. Capitalism runs in China almost as freely as stupidity runs among people like you.

such personal attacks , oh my. Geneva declaration is not a " number" that I citied in my post. I know us stupid people are such sticklers for " paying the $%#^ attention" :D before replying to a post
"are you citing me numbers put out by your govt as proof?"
Yes Capitalism- who disagreed? Capitalism is not part of communism , which is what I was saying- that all your growth was not because communism. I think you need to read before you a reply to stupid people :d :cheers:
Because Indians have vision they will succeed?

Look hard work and smart decisions lead to success. Imagining crap won't make it happen.

Nah they just imagine that they have moral superiority and that makes ok to fail time and again.
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