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China space station

Do they already know where the chiese space station will crashland in march?

Do Italians know every space station will crashland to earth, doesn't matter from Americans, Chinese, or Russians?

But Italians never build their own space station like Chinese, Americans, or Russians.
So, I am asking to wrong person.

Better ask about making Pasta to Italians than about Space Station :-)
Do Italians know every space station will crashland to earth, doesn't matter from Americans, Chinese, or Russians?

But Italians never build their own space station like Chinese, Americans, or Russians.
So, I am asking to wrong person.

Better ask about making Pasta to Italians than about Space Station :-)

Could you please calm down instead of personally attacking?? :hitwall:

Does anyone's nation have to built a space station in order to be qualified to ask a question? :crazy:
Could you please calm down instead of personally attacking?? :hitwall:

Does anyone's nation have to built a space station in order to be qualified to ask a question? :crazy:

Attacking a country is much worse than attacking him personally.
In our Eastern asian culture

And in the eyes of our moderator called Mr.Deino
That 'Italian' guy question is NORMAL? And not an IDIOT and INSULTING question?

If you agree that question is Idiot and Insulting.
Than what I ask is much better and 'polite' than him.

Anyway there is nothing wrong about good pasta, It's a pride for a nation too
In jakarta I have italian friend, and I like his italian pasta.

But enough, sorry for Out off Topic in your thread @Beast

Look at this drama lol @Martian2 @aliaselin @Han Patriot again :D
Attacking a country is much worse than attacking him personally.
In our Eastern asian culture

And in the eyes of our moderator called Mr.Deino
That 'Italian' guy question is NORMAL? And not an IDIOT and INSULTING question?

Not sure what happened but he asked a technical question you rate as an insult, I ask to calm down and you try to explain me that an insult is so grave in Asia ... but it was a question?! nothing more, nothing less.

Will you rate is an insult to, if I ask that question: Does the Chinese space agency already know where the space station will crash in march? IMO a legit technical question?

Or do I have to think about any possibility on what you could be rate negative before I post?

By the way I like Pizza and Pasta too ... but that's irrelevant to that question.

Not sure what happened but he asked a technical question you rate as an insult, I ask to calm down and you try to explain me that an insult is so grave in Asia ... but it was a question?! nothing more, nothing less.

Will you rate is an insult to, if I ask that question: Does the Chinese space agency already know where the space station will crash in march? IMO a legit technical question?

Or do I have to think about any possibility on what you could be rate negative before I post?

By the way I like Pizza and Pasta too ... but that's irrelevant to that question.


So it's a legit technical question in the eyes of mr.deino.

So when I say, it's better to ask Chinese, Americans, and Russian about space station than Italians, because our Chinese, Americans, and Russian already have Experience of building their own space station meanwhile italians not.

Why you so bother about that? and see it as insulting.
Please, be fair and objective. Not see it from one side only. mister moderator @Deino

Anyway, I don't care about positive or negative ratings in internet forum.
Negative rating from you, only show to other members that you lose a healthy argument with me :-)

We build the ISS modules. :) Since our module alone is bigger than the chinese station, we know how to build one.


So again, does China know when theirstation comes down and when?

Your own space station from launching, operational, etc with your own.
Until now only 3 nations already achieved that, Chinese, Americans, and Russian.
Last time I checked, there is no Italians.

Again, another Idiot and Insulting question.
@Deino you see that?

I don't know, if google is banned in Italy.
wait, italian have space program? :lol:

A bigger one than China. How much we bet more stuff in space is from us than China?

That said i ask again, did they already calculate when and where it will come down? That depends on a lot if factors and calculating that is quite hard.
A bigger one than China. How much we bet more stuff in space is from us than China?

That said i ask again, did they already calculate when and where it will come down? That depends on a lot if factors and calculating that is quite hard.

Until you show me your fully capable space program from Italy! I take your words empty fart!
Are you talking about Tiangong-one?

I dnt know. The chinese space program makes not much news over here. They only said few weeks ago the chinese lost control over their station and its coming down. I dont know the name of the station.
Guys ... I know there are cultural differences which are even more increased by language issues, but a question in a forum is a question! Nothing more nothing less and if one has indeed an earnest interest in participating in a forum one might accept that other, foreign members might make mistakes.

But after it became clear that it is was not an intention, but purely a technical question, can we carry on?

So again - without the slightest meaning to offend anyone - is it known when the space station will fall down?

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