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China Space Military:Recon, Satcom, Navi, ASAT/BMD, Orbital Vehicle, SLV, etc.

"Ma20 HGV" ——> Ma = manoeuvrable hypersonic ??? :D

This is about it. :D:D

中国高超速弹航迹首次公开亮相 却被谣言带歪

2018-04-28 07:26:51925人参与 231评论

微信号 明昊观察






































This is about it. :D:D

中国高超速弹航迹首次公开亮相 却被谣言带歪

2018-04-28 07:26:51925人参与 231评论

微信号 明昊观察



































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Thanks a lot @cirr and @LKJ86 for the Ifeng News and other links. Based on the info along with those breathtakingly impressive pics and several short clips (plus info upon the recent A2/AD mightier asset, the DF-26 induction — dubbed by Western media as the “Guam Express”), I am able to pact them into a terse, compact eye-opener tipping info in some other language to pass along via other medium to those less informed society in order to open their eyes and update them about the BIG PICTURE of the latest development related to the wayward island and Trump's new policies to exploit that island as a bargaining chip with China. As well as the increased frequency of the muscle show-off voyages of those CVBGs in waters around China. In short, I just wanna tell them, hey look, China has the cure for those behemoth asset diseases, don't just be fooled by the superficial display of muscles in time of peace :p::p: Showing off is one thing, the real use or value is the other game!
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China launches new communication satellite
Source: Xinhua| 2018-05-04 01:40:41|Editor: Yurou

China launched a new communication satellite "APSTAR-6C" on a Long March-3B carrier rocket from the southwestern Xichang Satellite Launch Center, May 4, 2018. (Xinhua/Zhang Zhengyi)

XICHANG, May 4 (Xinhua) -- China launched a new communication satellite "APSTAR-6C" at 12:06 a.m. Friday at the southwestern Xichang Satellite Launch Center.

The satellite was sent into orbit by the Long March-3B carrier rocket. This was the 273rd mission of the Long March rocket series. Both the satellite and the rocket were developed by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.

The user of the satellite is Hong Kong-based APT Satellite Co. Ltd. The satellite will provide TV transmission, communication, Internet and multimedia services to customers across the Asia-Pacific region.
China launches new Earth observation satellite for environmental monitoring
Source: Xinhua| 2018-05-09 03:21:10|Editor: Mu Xuequan

Photo taken on May 9, 2018 shows the Gaofen-5 satellite being launched off the back of a Long March 4C rocket at 2:28 a.m. Beijing Time from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in northern Shanxi Province. China on Wednesday launched Gaofen-5, a hyperspectral imaging satellite, as part of the country's high-resolution Earth observation project. (Xinhua/Jin Liwang)

TAIYUAN, May 9 (Xinhua) -- China on Wednesday launched Gaofen-5, a hyperspectral imaging satellite, as part of the country's high-resolution Earth observation project.

The Gaofen-5 satellite was launched off the back of a Long March 4C rocket at 2:28 a.m. Beijing Time from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in northern Shanxi Province. It was the 274th flight mission by a Long March carrier rocket.

The satellite can be used for comprehensive environmental monitoring.

The satellite is developed and produced by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation and has a designed life of eight years.

According to Tong Xudong, chief designer of the Gaofen series, Gaofen-5 is the first China-developed satellite that can monitor air pollution. It can dynamically reflect the state of air pollution in China through the monitoring of air pollutants, greenhouse gases, and aerosols.

Gaofen-5 is able to obtain spectral information from ultraviolet to long-wave infrared radiation. It is the world's first full-spectrum hyperspectral satellite for comprehensive observation of the atmosphere and land.

Gaofen-5 has the highest spectral resolution among China's remote sensing satellites. It is equipped with six advanced observation payloads, such as shortwave infrared hyperspectral camera and a greenhouse gas detector.

It can investigate material composition through spectral imaging technology.

Wang Qiao, an official from the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, said the satellite can detect inland water, land surface environment and altered minerals, providing reliable data for China's environmental monitoring, resource exploration, and disaster prevention and mitigation.

It will help reduce China's dependence on foreign hyperspectral satellite data.

Since the Gaofen project began in 2010, China's view of the planet has become clearer.

China will also launch Gaofen-6 this year to form a constellation with other Gaofen satellites in orbit.

China launches world's first full spectrum hyperspectral satellite for environmental monitoring
Published on May 8, 2018

China launched the world's first full-spectrum hyperspectral satellite Gaofen-5 for comprehensive observation of the atmosphere and land on May 9, at Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, north China. The Gaofen-5 satellite was carried by the Long March 4C rocket. It was the 274th flight mission by a Long March carrier rocket.
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China's Three Satellite Payloads Kick off Orbiting with China's GF-5 Launching
May 09, 2018

Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (AIOFM), Hefei Institutes of Physical Science and will be orbiting for a very long time to scientifically support China’s atmospheric research and its pollution prevention.

The three payloads, namely the Environment Monitoring Instrument (EMI), the Greenhouse gases Monitoring Instrument (GMI), and the Directional Polarization Camera (DPC), serve not only to take a picture of the earth, but also to obtain the rapid and accurate information of the earth's atmospheric sensitive components as well as to realize the comprehensive detection of air pollution, greenhouse gases, clouds and aerosols.

During their orbital motion with the GF-5, each payload of the three has its own mission.

EMI is the first high-resolution imaging spectrometer used for the detection of atmospheric trace gases, the indicator of environmental pollution.

It is expected to quantitatively monitor air quality changes and the distribution and transportation of global pollution gases, and to analyze the effects of both human and natural emission on atmospheric composition, air quality, and global climate change.

GMI is to build various observation patterns by obtaining periodic hyperspectral data and quantitatively monitoring greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

DPC aims to detect optical and microphysical parameters of global atmospheric aerosols and clouds and to provide valid research data of global climate change and high-precision atmospheric radiation correction for earth observation, as well as to realize monitoring of atmospheric fine particle pollution.

Due to the wide imaging fields of view, it takes only one day of EMI and DPC's orbital flight to acquire the global data.

The three payloads, with their synchronous operation on the GF-5, will meet the China's demand in some respect connected with environmental protection. In addition, the excellent performance of the three payloads would also propel China's development of atmospheric remote sensing monitoring.

China's Three Satellite Payloads Kick off Orbiting with China's GF-5 Launching---Chinese Academy of Sciences
China’s remote sensing satellites discover 10 Roman ruins in Tunisia
By Deyana Goh
May 10, 2018

Image courtesy of RADI.

Tunisia’s Ministry of Culture recently unveiled that Chinese scientists have uncovered 10 ancient Roman archaeological remains in Tunisia using China’s remote sensing satellites and related space-based technologies.

These sites, located in Gafsa, Tataouine and Medenine, include two Roman forts, three giant water basins, an irrigation system, a cemetery and three fortified Roman military roads lined with walls and watchtowers.

These represent the first archaeological sites outside of China that Chinese scientists have discovered using remote sensing, and were made using a combination of remote sensing data, satellite navigation systems, literature analysis and field research.

Said Wang Xingyuan, the RADI leader of the project, “These archeological remains reflect the military defense system of the southern Roman Empire.”

These efforts are part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, and involved scientists from China, Tunisia, Italy and Pakistan. The Tunisian project began in 2016, when China’s Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth (RADI), which is part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), began processing and analyzing remote sensing data. This was followed by archaeological expeditions to the sites for verification, with the discoveries having been confirmed in April 2017.

At a press conference, Tunisia’s Culture Minister Mohamed Zine el Abidine said that Tunisia welcomes multi-disciplinary scientific cooperation and hopes that the work will continue.

China's remote sensing satellites discover 10 Roman ruins in Tunisia | SpaceTech Asia
China launches new communication satellite
Source: Xinhua| 2018-05-04 01:40:41|Editor: Yurou

China launched a new communication satellite "APSTAR-6C" on a Long March-3B carrier rocket from the southwestern Xichang Satellite Launch Center, May 4, 2018. (Xinhua/Zhang Zhengyi)

XICHANG, May 4 (Xinhua) -- China launched a new communication satellite "APSTAR-6C" at 12:06 a.m. Friday at the southwestern Xichang Satellite Launch Center.

The satellite was sent into orbit by the Long March-3B carrier rocket. This was the 273rd mission of the Long March rocket series. Both the satellite and the rocket were developed by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.

The user of the satellite is Hong Kong-based APT Satellite Co. Ltd. The satellite will provide TV transmission, communication, Internet and multimedia services to customers across the Asia-Pacific region.
今天 10:48 来自 iPhone客户端
Today 10:48 from weibo.com

At 09:00 on May 11, 2018, the Apstar-6C satellite was successfully positioned at 136.5° E in the geostationary orbit. Apstar-6C satellites were developed by the Communications Satellite Division of China Academy of Space Technology and have a design life of 15 years. They are equipped with C, Ku and Ka transponders.

Lunar Palace 1 opens to public to mark China Space Day
China Plus Published: 2018-04-24 09:39:51

A look inside a cabin of Lunar Palace 1 that grows plants. [Photo: China Plus]

This Tuesday is marking China's third Space Day.

To mark the occasion, "Lunar Palace 1," a bioregenerative life support system at Beihang University in Beijing, opened to the public during the weekend.

Our reporter XYee has more.

A main goal of "Lunar Palace 1" is to explore how a space mission could be totally self-sustaining over a long period of time.

"Lunar Palace" includes two separate cabins specially for growing plants.

And a third includes 4 bedrooms, a bathroom, a sitting room, a waste-treatment room and a room for raising insects.

Du Yao, who is taking part in the project, says 8 volunteers need to live in the closed "Lunar Palace 1" with no input for 365 days in three batches.

"Currently, oxygen and water are 100% self-supplied in Lunar Palace 1. 80% of the food is self-supplied. Certian seasonings like salt, oil and sugar are imported from the outside."

Du Yao says the volunteers harvest grain, vegetables and fruit, while an inedible material has been used to raise mealworms as a source of protein.

Human waste, food residue and other byproducts are treated by bio-techniques and used to help with plant cultivation.

Those visiting "Lunar Palace 1" this past weekend were in awe of what the volunteers have been able to accomplish.

"I can't imagine so many plants can be cultivated there."

"It's very difficult to for a closed ecosystem with people there to sustain. It's amazing that Lunar Palace 1 is so sophisticated and volunteers can live there for such a long time."

"The waste treatment process is pretty good. All the nutrition the plants need can be extracted from this process. "

"365 days being cut from the outside world, it's hard to imagine."

The 500-cubic meter module is China's first and the world's third bio-regenerative life support base.

Experts say it plays a significant role in the Chinese Space Program, as it is providing insight into a potential manned outpost on the moon, as well as future manned missions to mars.

Liu Hong is one of the leaders of the "Lunar Palace 1" project.

"Currently, the experiment stays on the earth. It's just a closed system, without considering the different gravity and radioactivity in space. In the following step, we will work on mini Bioregenerative life support system in space stations, the moon probe or maybe Mars probe."

The current experiment started in May of last year.

The first four volunteers lived inside for 60 days, the second four for 200 days.

The original 4 are now inside for 105 days.

They're due to be released from their self-imposed captivity next month.

For CRI, this is XYee.
China's 'Lunar Palace' breaks record after 365+5 days
By Guo Meiping
2018-05-15 15:19 GMT+8


Started on May 10, 2017, the 365-day project lasted five days longer than planned. The delay, which was intentional, was meant to test the volunteers’ psychological states in unexpected situations.

Placed in Beihang University in Beijing, Yuegong-1 has a total area of only 150 square meters, consisting of two plant cabins and the comprehensive cabin. The volunteers successfully grew fruit and vegetables such as strawberries, soybeans and carrots in the laboratory.

The first batch of volunteers take the oath in front of the "Lunar Palace" on May 10, 2017. /Photo via VCG

Eight volunteers, all students from Beihang University, were divided into two groups. Two men and two women entered for an initial stay on May 10, 2017. After 60 days, they were relieved by another group of four, who stayed 200 days. The second group of students came out on January 26, 2018, and the initial group entered again, and stayed until Tuesday.

After leaving the cabin, the four volunteers were sent directly to the hospital for a health check. “We will be isolated again,” a female volunteer told CCTV. “We will go through different physical examinations, and will be free after a one-week observation period.”

The experiment is designed to test a bioregenerative life support system (BLSS), in which animals, plants and microorganisms co-exist in a sealed environment, simulating a lunar base. It also examines the physical and mental conditions of humans in such an environment. Oxygen, water and food are recycled within the BLSS, creating an Earth-like environment.

The Yuegong-365 project could strengthen China's knowledge and technical know-how, and help the country's scientists understand exactly what will be required for humans to remain on the moon in the medium and long terms.

A monitoring room next to the cabin. /Photo via VCG

According to Professor Liu Hong, chief designer of Yuegong-1, the purpose of the project was to test the stability of the BLSS when "astronauts" take turns living in the cabin.

“Eighty percent of the food could circulate inside,” Professor Liu said in the monitoring room near the cabin. “So in the future, if we want to live on the moon, Mars or anywhere that’s not the Earth, the technology can increase our chances to survive.”

“The experiment showcased our technology, which can support the astronauts, or volunteers, staying inside (the cabin) for a long duration,” she added.

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