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China Space Military:Recon, Satcom, Navi, ASAT/BMD, Orbital Vehicle, SLV, etc.

After Yaogan-30 03 above, Yaogan-30 04 is scheduled to be launch 25 Jan 13:01 to 13:51 BJT.

2018. CREATED: 22 JAN 14:21 2018
Weibo report already launched.


Video link ->
From CAST,



On January 25 at 1339 hours, the CZ-2C carrier rocket successfully launched Yaogan-30 Group 04 satellites in the manner of an one rocket 3 satellites. The satellites had then entered preset orbit.

The CZ-2C is the only gold medal rocket that has successfully carried out its mission in three inland launch centers. Since returning to Xichang Satellite Launch Center on September 29 last year, the CZ-2C rocket has carried out 4 missions and all are successful.




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As per planned. 60 days for first batch is up. The second batch move in and would stay for 200 days.

Recent photo.



200 days is up !!! They will be "back to earth" shortly after handover to new batch of volunteer.

200 days on "moon": China life support lab breaks record
Source: Xinhua| 2018-01-26 14:06:33|Editor: Jiaxin

BEIJING, Jan. 26 (Xinhua) -- Two men and two women volunteered and spent 200 days in a simulated space lab in Beijing, setting a world record for the longest stay in a self-contained "cabin."

The biomedicine students from Beihang University, the second group of volunteers staying in Yuegong-1, also known as Lunar Palace 1, completed the second phase of its 365-day on-ground experiment Friday.

The first group of volunteers, who had previously stayed in the cabin for 60 days, re-entered the cabin Friday to the replace the second group, starting the third and final phase which will last 105 days.

The experiment was designed to see how the Bioregenerative Life Support System (BLSS), in which animals, plants and microorganisms co-exist, works in a lunar environment, as well as the physical and mental conditions of humans in such an environment.

Water and food can be recycled within the system, creating an Earth-like environment.

A successful 105-day trial was conducted in 2014.

Liu Hong, chief designer of Yuegong-1, said the purpose of the new program was to test the stability of the BLSS when "astronauts" take turns living in the cabin.

"The longer-than-ever stage, during which time three unexpected blackouts happened, has challenged the system as well as the psychological status of the volunteers, but they withstood the test," Liu said.

The stage has broken the record set by an experiment of the former Soviet Union, in which three people stayed for 180 days in a similar closed ecosystem in the early 1970s.
It looks like China is getting a new space-based strategic weapon


"Xuntianzhanfu" heaven touring tomahawk :enjoy:
Space View‏ @bjspaceview
We are delighted to declare that SuperView-1 03&04, the second 2 SuperView satellites are scheduled to launch in the morning, 9 January 2018 (Beijing Time) in Taiyuan satellite launch center.

From CAST, parent company of Space View.
Pictures taken by superview-1 03, 04 satellites launched 9 Jan 2018.


Forbidden City, Beijing.

Kunming Dianchi International Convention and Exhibition Center, Kunming.

Dadonghai Beach, Sanya

Taipei 101, Taipei.
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by Admin January 31, 2018


Chinese researchers have proposed a new design for hypersonic aircraft that could reintroduce the biplane to modern aviation.

In a scientific article published by Science China Press, four Chinese researchers propose the creation of a “high-pressure capturing wing” (HCW), which could be used to help aircraft with large volumes achieve hypersonic speeds.

Using a biplane-like design, the hypersonic craft’s lower wing would serve as a common compression surface, while its upper wing would serve as the HCW – acting as a kind of supersonic surfboard that would help increase the plane’s lift.

The Chinese researchers created a scaled test model of their revolutionary design, confirming that a two-winged craft offers opportunities for aerodynamic performance improvement.

The authors believe their present study will promote further research in the aerodynamic design of high-speed aircraft, which may ultimately lead to the development of a new class of hypersonic planes.

Biplanes – fixed-wing aircraft with two wings stacked one above the other – were among the first kind of planes to take to the skies. The Wright Flyer, the first successful powered aircraft, was a biplane. The biplane configuration became largely obsolete by the late 1930s.

CZ-2D Launches Zhangheng 1

China's Chang Zheng (Long March) 2D orbited Zhangheng 1, an ionospheric research satellite, from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on February 2, 2018. Liftoff of the Y13 vehicle from Site 43 Pad 603 took place at 07:51 UTC. The 730 kg CAST2000 series satellite, along with six small cubesates, were aimed toward a roughly 500 km x 97.5 deg sun synchronous orbit.

Zhangheng 1 is also known as the China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite. It was created by the Chinese Academy of Space Technology. It will measure the correllation of seismic activity with ionospheric and electromagnetic activity, among other tasks. The satellite is named for Zhang Heng, who studied earthquakes during the East Han Dynasty nearly 1,900 years ago.

It was the fifth DF-5 based CZ launch of 2018.
Breaking news by the Minister of National Defence:

China successfully tested emerging technology aimed at destroying missiles in mid-air in Feb. 5 2017.

View attachment 451967

It is neither the first test nor the first success one, but it is the first time that Government publish announcement about GMD test.

Jan. 11, 2010:
新华社北京1月11日电 中国11日在境内进行了一次陆基中段反导拦截技术试验,试验达到了预期目的。这一试验是防御性的,不针对任何国家。

Jan. 27, 2013:

July 23, 2014:
Jan. 11, 2010:
新华社北京1月11日电 中国11日在境内进行了一次陆基中段反导拦截技术试验,试验达到了预期目的。这一试验是防御性的,不针对任何国家。

Jan. 27, 2013:

July 23, 2014:

Were they all conducted by the same missile system (DN-1/2/3)?
China once again succeeded in the land-based mid course anti-missile interception technology test

2018 年 06 月 06 日 09:05:54
Source: Department of Defense released comprehensive

The original title: China successfully conducted mid-base anti-missile interception technology test

On February 5, 2018, China conducted a pilot technology test on the mid-base of anti-missile intercept in land-based territory, which achieved the expected goal. This experiment is defensive and does not target any country. The company is located in:

Previously China conducted three tests

On January 11, 2010, China conducted a pilot land-based mid-section anti-missile interception test in China. On January 7, 2010, the United States announced that it will sell the "Patriot" missile system to Taiwan. Some experts speculate that the Chinese missile test is very It may be related to arms sales by the United States to Taiwan. However, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said the trial is defensive and not aimed at any country.

On January 27, 2013, China again conducted a land-based mid-section anti-missile interception technology test in China, which achieved the desired goal. This experiment is defensive and does not target any country.

On July 23, 2014, China conducted a ground-based ABM technology test in China, which achieved the desired goal.

Depth Interpretation: Land-based Anti-missile Interception Technology in the Middle

Land-based anti-missile interception map

Source: 中 新 网 Posted on January 28, 2013

REVIEW: On the evening of the 27th, reporters learned from the Information Department of the Ministry of National Defense that on January 27, 2013, China once again conducted a pilot technology test of anti-missile interception in the middle of the land-based territory. The experiment achieved the expected goal. This experiment is defensive and does not target any country. So the land-based anti-missile intercept is a concept of what? Its technical difficulties where? What are the elements? Ben Wang organize the following information for users reference.

Ballistic missile flight in three phases

The first phase is the process by which a missile is launched from launch pad into the atmosphere and the missile is flying out of the atmosphere. This phase is a flight in the atmosphere and is commonly referred to as a missile ascent.

The second phase is that the missiles that fly out of the atmosphere and fly outside the target area in the atmosphere are commonly referred to as the mid-flight.

The third stage is the process of reaching the target area near the target area, returning to the atmosphere and hitting the target. The process is generally referred to as re-entry into the atmosphere or reentry section.

Interception technology for three different flight phases

In fact, the current ABM technology is mainly aimed at intercepting these three different flight phases:

Interception technology for the ascent section is the ascent section interception technology. From the stage of the missile flight, the earlier the interception effect will be, the development trend of the international anti-missile technology is to intercept it as early as possible. If it can intercept in the ascent section Is the best, but the difficulty is the greatest. At present, the typical ascent section intercepting technology is the ABL airborne ABM system that was tested by the United States on a Boeing 747 aircraft.

The second is in the middle of the ballistic missile flight, that is, in the atmosphere to implement interception technology, which is what we call the mid-land anti-missile interception technology. The blocking effect at this stage is also better.

Finally, it is aimed at the last stage of the missile flight, that is, re-entry into the interception of the technology, commonly known as the last paragraph interception technology. The last stage of interception is actually implemented in the atmosphere of interception. At present, what we see most should be the last stage of interception techniques such as the United States, "Patriot 3", Russia's S-300 and S-400. These missiles all have the capability of intercepting the last stage of the missile in the atmosphere, and they all fall into the category of the last stage of anti-missile technology.

Source: PLA Daily

The interception of the middle and the interception of intercept shells, height, range, different goals

As for the interception, the interception altitude is tens of kilometers, usually 20-30 kilometers, and the radius of the interception area is also tens of kilometers. Ballistic missiles in the middle of the atmospheric flight altitude is very high. In general, the interception height and extent of the interceptor hurdle are much greater than those of the interception hurdle and are usually over a few hundred kilometers. Therefore, the interceptor used in the interception of the interception and the last paragraph is completely different.

There is a big difference between the middle-level interception technology and the last-level interception technology. The targets intercepted are quite different. The last stage of interception for a variety of targets, can be for long-range ballistic missiles, but more for short-range ballistic missiles, such as "Scud." The middle interception missile is aimed at the long-range or even intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Interception of interception in the middle of the missile is a "small missile"

The middle interceptor missile is actually composed of a large booster rocket and an interceptor warhead. We all understand that the rocket is the rocket launch, sending the warhead to the atmosphere.

So what is the warhead? In fact, the mid-range warhead is equivalent to a small "missile," but the warhead looks different from a typical missile in that it is in outer space and has no air resistance, so the appearance is not like in the atmosphere Flying missiles so "stress", do not need to do aerodynamic considerations.

Although the appearance is different, but "sparrow is small, all-inclusive." This "small missile" has motivation, tracking, target recognition and other systems, along with its own anti-personnel component. The power system should promote the warhead and eventually target the target. The guidance system captures the physical characteristics of the target missile, especially the infrared characteristics, tracks it, identifies and guides the powered warhead and the target to collide and destroy it.

Data Figure: October 1, the capital of all walks of life to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of People's Republic of China General Assembly held in Beijing. This is the Red Flag-12 surface-to-air missile unit passing through Tiananmen Square. Xinhua News Agency reporters Li Xiao fruit photo

The technical difficulty of intercepting a weapon system in the middle is to intercept warheads

The middle-section intercepting weapon system consists of booster rocket and warhead, and the technical difficulty is intercepting the warhead. Because they can not be large and heavy, interceptor warheads have a miniaturized structure. At the same time, warhead flight precision demanding, there must be very sensitive target capture guidance system. In addition, the command system computer computing power should be strong, fast.

Of course, booster rockets also need to have certain requirements, preferably quick-fire rockets, so as to send the ABM interceptor warhead into the atmosphere in the shortest possible time. In addition, the booster rocket control accuracy requirements are quite high, if the error exceeds the range of warhead guidance system can capture, can not achieve interception effect.

Anti-missile interception in the middle is an actual combat system

Anti-missile interception system in the middle, not only missiles, but also a strong early warning and monitoring network, is an actual combat system.

Ballistic missiles from launch to enter the middle of the flight time is very short, if you want to intercept in the middle, it is necessary as early as possible to find each other's launch of the ballistic missiles at the same time to be tracked above it, calculate the flight trajectory, so as to calculate the most Good interception point, followed by the middle interception missile launched to the interception position, release interceptor warhead. In this way to complete a complete interception process.

Therefore, to form a perfect middle-range anti-missile interception system is a very complex project and requires a powerful missile warning and monitoring system. At the heart of this early warning and monitoring system is the missile early warning satellite, as well as some remote monitoring and control radar, Have efficient and quick command system.

After the information obtained by the information system enters the command system, it should be processed rapidly by the computer to design intercepting elements for the intercepting section and design intercepting bombs. The intercepting bombs enter the space with enough accuracy to release the warhead and warhead to capture the target bombs The projectile propulsion system propels the interceptor warhead, which, guided by the guidance system, reaches precisely near the interception target and destroys the ballistic missile to be intercepted. (Source: Xinhua)

Data Figure: The U.S. land-based mid-section anti-missile system (GMD) fired interceptors, which were previously only tested by the United States and Japan.

Photo Picture: Interceptor Launch with U.S.-based Mid-Ground Missile Defense System

Japan's Self-Defense Forces Patriot-3 air defense missiles.

Russia S-300V air defense missile system

2018年02月06日 09:05:54











来源:中新网 发布于2013年1月28日

















中段拦截导弹实际上是由一个大型的助推火箭和拦截弹头这两部分组成。 助推火箭我们都理解,就相当于运载火箭,把弹头送到大气层。




















Jan. 11, 2010:
新华社北京1月11日电 中国11日在境内进行了一次陆基中段反导拦截技术试验,试验达到了预期目的。这一试验是防御性的,不针对任何国家。

Jan. 27, 2013:

July 23, 2014:

Naval rail gun; Mid-course Anti ballistic missile test; Rim-Driven Propulsion Nuclear Attack submarine; what's next? It is just barely into 2018.
Hubei opens 1st trial 5G base station
Source:Xinhua| 2018-02-05 21:49:04|Editor: Mengjie


An engineer debugs radio frequency unit at the trial 5G base station in Wuhan, central China's Hubei Province, Feb. 5, 2018. The first trial 5G base station opened in Hubei on Feb. 1. The province will be among the first in China to conduct mass trials of 5G technology.(Xinhua/Xiong Qi)
Chinese taikonauts maintain indomitable spirit in space exploration: senior officer


BEIJING, Feb. 7 (Xinhua) -- Chinese taikonauts have "maintained an indomitable spirit while carrying out space exploration," said Zhang Youxia, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, Wednesday.

Zhang made the remarks at a seminar while listening to reports delivered by Chinese taikonauts Jing Haipeng, Liu Yang and Deng Qingming about their work over the years.

The Taikonaut Corps of the People's Liberation Army celebrated its 20th anniversary last month.

Over the past two decades, 21 taikonauts were selected from the ranks of air force pilots. They have completed six missions, conducted over 100 experiments in space and orbited the earth for a total 68 days and nights.

Zhang called on the military and the armed forces to learn from taikonauts.

About 750 representatives from China's central and state organs, armed forces and youth attended the seminar in Beijing.
Is China's space laser for real?
It's not a Death Star super laser. It's a space broom.

By Jeffrey Lin and P.W. Singer Yesterday at 11:50pm


It's not this.
China's space broom isn't the Death Star super laser. It's an orbiting satellite with a laser only powerful enough to heat up pieces of space junk, so that they change course burn up in the atmosphere.

In a recent article in scientific journal Optik, a faculty member at China's Air Force Engineering University proposed building a laser-armed satellite, a "broom" to do battle with the pernicious problem of space debris.

Laser-armed satellites, naturally, generate a lot of attention, and so the proposal of Quan Wen and his co-authors has made its way into several splashy headlines. But it's more than hype. The concept addresses a real (and growing) problem: there's something like 17,852 artificial objects orbiting earth (PDF), and an estimated 300,000-plus pieces of space debris larger than a marble. At the fast orbital velocities up in space, even large craft like the International Space Station have to maneuver out of the way of small objects to avoid catastrophic damage.

Quan's research looks at the efficacy of a hypothetical laser operating near the infrared spectrum. It would blast away targeted space debris for a couple minutes, at a rate of twenty bursts of laserfire a second. That amount of energy would be sufficient to vaporize part of the object's mass. Contrary to public imagination, space laser brooms like the one proposed don't actually vaporize space debris, but rather "burn off" a chunk. This would create sufficient kinetic force from the chemical combustion to change the object's orbit. With that change in direction, the debris will quickly reenter the atmosphere and burn up. Because of atmospheric distortion, it's much more effective to zap space debris with a satellite than, say, a ground-based laser.

Of course, for now it's all theory. The laser broom would need to be actually mounted on a satellite and lofted into orbit to test its true efficacy. And even then, it'd still face some legal grey areas (technically speaking, space debris are still the property of owners of the satellites they originated from, which is very, very difficult to track) as well as major suspicion about the idea of implementing a weapon-like technology up in space.

Like many others, China's space program has both civilian and military applications. (The AoLong 1 satellite, for example, has a robotic arm for mechanically de-orbiting space debris that has has potential as an anti-satellite sabotage technology.) And so there's an obvious question: can the space laser broom be an anti-satellite weapon? It's certainly possible, though a cost-effective laser broom would need to be small—just big enough to take care of small debris. To quickly deal serious damage to enemy spacecraft, one would need a much larger space laser weapon; perhaps an orbital battlemoon?

Popular Science

Peter Warren Singer is a strategist and senior fellow at the New America Foundation. He has been named by Defense News as one of the 100 most influential people in defense issues. He was also dubbed an official "Mad Scientist" for the U.S. Army's Training and Doctrine Command. Jeffrey is a national security professional in the greater D.C. area.
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