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China slams Philippine leader for Hitler comparison


Mar 21, 2013
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United States
5 February 2014


Philippine President Benigno Aquino warned the world against "appeasement" of China.

China's state news agency has branded Philippine President Benigno Aquino a "disgrace" for his comments warning the world not to appease China like Europe once appeased Nazi Germany.

Benigno Aquino told the New York Times that the world must learn a lesson from 1938, when the UK and France allowed Hitler his claims to Czech territory.

China claims parts of the South China Sea which the Philippines disputes.

The spat is the latest in a war of words between China and its neighbours.

Aquino exposed his true colours as an amateurish politician who was ignorant both of history and reality”

Mr Aquino called on the world to do more to support his country against China's claims to its nearby seas.

"At what point do you say: 'Enough is enough'? Well, the world has to say it. Remember that the Sudetenland was given in an attempt to appease Hitler to prevent World War II," Mr Aquino said.

The Sudetenland was part of what was then called Czechoslovakia before the UK and France agreed to allow Hitler to take it.

The comments quickly drew the ire of China's official state news agency Xinhua, which published an article calling Mr Aquino "ignorant".

The remarks "exposed his true colours as an amateurish politician, who was ignorant both of history and reality", the article said.

China claims ownership of large parts of the South China Sea, including the Spratly Islands and the Scarborough Shoal, which lie off the coast of the Philippines.

China says its claim stems from 2,000 years of historical convention, but the Philippines and Vietnam, among others, dispute this.


War of words

The remarks are the latest in a war of words between China and the other countries in the region with which it has territorial disputes.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe caused controversy at the economic forum in Davos last month, when he said that China and Japan were "in a similar situation" to Germany and Britain just before the outbreak of World War I.

He said that strong trade ties did not in themselves preclude the outbreak of war.

Mr Abe went on to criticise China's annual double-digit increase in military spending, saying it was a major source of instability in the region.

In response, Xinhua referred to Mr Abe as the "disgraced Japanese prime minister".


Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (r) was also criticised by the Chinese press

BBC News - China slams Philippine leader for Hitler comparison
I don't know why Chinese Media is crying over it....
What did he say... the Truth>>> Hitler was greedy just like Chinese are.. so
How many countries are the Chinese going to 'slam'? I see them slamming at least one a day! :cheesy: Looks like it's turned into a hobby! :lol:
How many countries are the Chinese going to 'slam'? I see them slamming at least one a day! :cheesy: Looks like it's turned into a hobby! :lol:

just the japanese. So are you happy?

india will fall apart into 20 more states; and you will be seeing the eruption of fully blown civil wars not just in the red corridor
the pinoys will run away with tails between legs when the hear the roar of these hovercrafts

the vietnamese will try to fight but neither the russians nor the yankies are essentially helping them so in the end they will cooperate with us on development of SCS!
world always repented for "Appeasement policy like decision from leaders like Chamberlain"..they need a "Churchill"(or Shinzo Abe) to face a greedy opponent.but for that,it always take a great defeat like Allied defeat to Nazi Germany in 1940.

just the japanese. So are you happy?

india will fall apart into 20 more states; and you will be seeing the eruption of fully blown civil wars not just in the red corridor
the pinoys will run away with tails between legs when the hear the roar of these hovercrafts

the vietnamese will try to fight but neither the russians nor the yankies are essentially helping them so in the end they will cooperate with us on development of SCS!

and in the midst,China will gloom with heavenly "SMOG"... :lol:

go to bed kiddo,its late already...
world always repented for "Appeasement policy like decision from leaders like Chamberlain"..they need a "Churchill"(or Shinzo Abe) to face a greedy opponent.but for that,it always take a great defeat like Allied defeat to Nazi Germany in 1940.

We need someone to face the greedy India

1948 - Indian aggression and annexation of Hyderabad

1949 - Indian aggression and annexation of Kashmir

1949 - Indian aggression and annexation of Manipur

1961 - Indian aggression and annexation of Goa

1962 - India aggresion in south Tibet in its "Forward policy"
world always repented for "Appeasement policy like decision from leaders like Chamberlain"..they need a "Churchill"(or Shinzo Abe) to face a greedy opponent.but for that,it always take a great defeat like Allied defeat to Nazi Germany in 1940.

and in the midst,China will gloom with heavenly "SMOG"... :lol:

go to bed kiddo,its late already...

moron you are right in bringing the war monger abe along with your indians' pathetic loser class!
go for some more weeds, it will be a long night for you chillam-chasers!

We need someone to face the greedy India

1948 - Indian aggression and annexation of Hyderabad

1949 - Indian aggression and annexation of Kashmir

1949 - Indian aggression and annexation of Manipur

1961 - Indian aggression and annexation of Goa

1962 - India aggresion in south Tibet in its "Forward policy"

There are some more like Nepal

Condemn Indian Aggression in Nepal - The Petition Site




"A virtual vassal state to larger India, ...."

Bhutan votes in second-ever general election despite monsoon rains (PHOTOS) | GlobalPost

Free Bhutan - Topix
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That's a rich thing to say for the leader of a country that ruthlessly killed unarmed Taiwanese civilian fishermen in disputed regions and had the audacity to call themselves the "victims" of China.
Stupid Comparison by Aquino. Now the Philippines will have an even harder time negotiating in the SCS.

To any dumbfucks agreeing with this. When has it ever been acceptable when another head of state to call another head of state "Hitler" or making comparison with the country with Nazi Germany? The answer is no.

This is straight up insulting the country as a whole & when they start to become more aggressive with their claim. Do not blame them for doing so.
Stupid Comparison by Aquino. Now the Philippines will have an even harder time negotiating in the SCS.

To any dumbfucks agreeing with this. When has it ever been acceptable when another head of state to call another head of state "Hitler" or making comparison with the country with Nazi Germany? The answer is no.

This is straight up insulting the country as a whole & when they start to become more aggressive with their claim. Do not blame them for doing so.

I wonder will he be invited to the APEC forum in Beijing come October?
Philippine leader likens China’s rulers to Hitler
By AGENCE FRANCE PRESSE | February 5,2014


Philippine President Benigno Aquino delivers a speech during a forum in Manila

MANILA, February 5- Philippine President Benigno Aquino has warned China’s efforts to claim disputed territories are like Nazi Germany’s before World War II, drawing a fierce Chinese response on Wednesday branding him ignorant and amateurish.

In an interview with the New York Times, Aquino called for world leaders not to make the mistake of appeasing China as it seeks to cement control over contested waters and islands in the strategically vital South China Sea.

“At what point do you say: ‘Enough is enough’? Well, the world has to say it — remember that the Sudetenland was given in an attempt to appease Hitler to prevent World War II,” Aquino told the New York Times in Manila on Tuesday.

Aquino was referring to the failure by Western nations to back Czechoslovakia when Adolf Hitler-led Nazi Germany occupied western parts of the European nation in 1938 ahead of World War II.

Aquino’s comments come less than two weeks after Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe raised the temperature in a parallel territorial dispute with China by appearing to compare Sino-Japanese relations with the run-up to World War I.

Japan and China are at loggerheads over the sovereignty of disputed islands in the East China Sea, raising fears about a military confrontation between Asia’s two biggest economies.

China also claims nearly all of the South China Sea, one of the world’s most important waterways as it is home to vital shipping lanes and is believed to sit atop lucrative deposits of natural resources.

But the Philippines, as well as Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and the Taiwan, have overlapping claims to some of the waters, and those disputes have for decades made the South China Sea another potential trigger for military conflict.

China has been steadily increasing its military and coast guard presence in the sea in recent years to assert its claim, causing diplomatic tensions to rise and stoking concerns in the Philippines about perceived Chinese bullying.

The Philippines says Chinese vessels have since 2012 effectively occupied a rich fishing area called Scarborough Shoal, which is about 220 kilometres (135 miles) off its main island but 650 kilometres from the nearest major Chinese land mass.

The Philippines launched legal action with a United Nations tribunal last year, asking it to rule the Chinese South China Sea claim is invalid. China has refused to participate in the UN process.

Anger in China over Nazi comparison

China’s foreign ministry did not immediately react to Aquino’s comments on Nazi Germany but an angry commentary was released on the state-run Xinhua news agency.

“Philippine President Benigno S. Aquino III, who has taken an inflammatory approach while dealing with maritime disputes with China, has never been a great candidate for a wise statesman in the region,” the commentary said.

“But his latest reported attack against China, in which he senselessly compared his northern neighbour to the Nazi Germany, exposed his true colours as an amateurish politician who was ignorant both of history and reality.”

The commentary also insisted China’s claims to the South China Sea were legitimate, and that war references by Aquino and Abe were not warranted.

“Despite lame comparisons by Philippine and Japanese leaders, the international community cannot ignore the fact that China has long chosen a path of peaceful development,” it said.

Aquino warned in the New York Times interview that China may pursue further territorial conquests if it succeeded in taking control of areas also claimed by the Philippines.

“If we say yes to something we believe is wrong now, what guarantee is there that the wrong will not be further exacerbated down the line?” he said.

Later in the interview, he said: “You may have the might, but that does not necessarily make you right.”

Aquino’s media office confirmed on Wednesday the New York Times had correctly reported the president’s comments on the dispute over the South China Sea, which the Philippines calls the West Philippine Sea.

“The president’s statement affirms the country’s position on the importance of upholding the rule of law with respect to resolving territorial claims in the West Philippine Sea,” presidential spokesman Herminio Coloma said.

“It is a principled position that draws from historical lessons, including that which he cited in the interview.”

Philippine leader likens China’s rulers to Hitler | Capital News
there seems to be no reactions from any country about the presidents comments condeming it, all the major news sources are just reporting,china reacts angryly.why is that ?
Pretty funny to find a nation that glorifies Mao being offended over a Nazi Germany comparison!

I think The Philippines leader didn't say "NO OFFENSE" when he made that comparison. Had that leader been on PDF, a Chinese mod would have banned him for life.
Who begged for US's protection first ?? its China, not VN, retarded ! :laugh:

And what happen to Chinese troops in 1990 when no more US daddy protection ?? 11 Chinese troops got killed in Gaven reef and China general dare not say a word :lol:

I notice you post this picture sometimes. What is wrong with this meeting?
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