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China slams Japan for attempting to turn India against it

@bloo. my post #36 resumed pretty much what I have to say about ADIZ and Gwadar, it's pointless for me to write a long argument to counter yours at #71, you can believe what you want only future will enlighten which of us is right.

Kiss is a troll/ douche. Hes a waste of space on the forum.

Anyways, it seems India has invited Japan To EX Malabar.

IF you have better argument, then put its on the table, call other "troll" won't help your cause. :lol:
@bloo. my post #36 resumed pretty much what I have to say about ADIZ and Gwadar, it's pointless for me to write a long argument to counter yours at #71, you can believe what you want only future will enlighten which of us is right.

IF you have better argument, then put its on the table, call other "troll" won't help your cause. :lol:

Well what you have to say remains moot regardless of when you decide to quit the argument, any ways lets just agree to disagree(even though you're in denial).
India has China to thank for Japan‘s investment,though measly by any standard,in her infrastructure projects。
Long Live Pak-China Friendship
Bājīsītǎn zhōngguó yǒuhǎo wànsuì

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China holds rare naval exercise in Indian Ocean

4 February 2014, Beijing

After conducting rare exercises in the Indian Ocean, a flotilla of three Chinese warships has entered the West Pacific Ocean to start a drill there.

The warships from the Nanhai Fleet are China's largest amphibious landing craft Changbaishan and destroyers Wuhan and Haikou.

The ships conducted 10 exercises, including anti-pirate, joint search and rescue, and damage control drills in the Indian Ocean from 29 January, state-run Xinhua news agency reported on Monday. The report did not mention the location where the drills took place.

Exercises based on defence and settlement of emergencies were also conducted to test the command system's response and soldiers' combat skills.

Changbaishan is China's largest landing ship by gross tonnage and is equipped with an advanced weapons system.

Both Wuhan and Haikou have participated in major drills and escort missions in the Gulf of Aden.

The flotilla passed along the Lombok Strait, Makassar Strait and the Sulawesi Sea to enter the West Pacific Ocean.







This is a clear warning to Japan that China intends to choke off the Japan's most important oil supply lines from Mideast to its homeland, once it commences the hostility against China.

Strait of Malacca (马六甲海峡) is the common route for ships less than 200K tonnes. But it's narrow, shallow, and has become increasingly dangerous because it's too crowded and too prone of pirates. Many of Japanese supertankers take the routes from Persian Gulf to Indian Ocean, then either (A) thru Sunda Strait (巽他海峡) , South China Sea, Bashi Channel, then turning northeast to Japan's homeland, or (B) thru Lombok Sela (龙目海峡), Makassar Strait (望加锡海峡), Celebes Sea (苏拉威西海), out to the western Pacific Ocean, then turning north to Japan's homeland.

This time the round route Chinese South China Sea Fleet's warships are taking is exactly along these two most important strategic sea routes Japan depends on for its very energy survival. That is why this training is said to be the near-real-war exercise. This is the most serious warning signal China is sending to both Japan and the U.S., that China is really intending a BIG war if they continue down the current provocative route and behavior. It' will not be a small skirmish as Japan and the U.S. are planning or dreaming at all!

The Indian keep on making all those funny nonsense comments to show your real ignorance. The more comments they make the more stupid and more ignorant it makes them appear.

China always shows its goodwill to its neighbours. But Indian abuse China’s kindness. They continue to inherit their western colonists’ belligerence and creeping colonial expansion. They stole land from China and they are the true thieves, robbers and bullies of the Asia.

The PLA - People's Liberation Army's duties are to liberate all the ethnic groups in the Kashmir region and India's Northeast who are the brothers and sisters of Chinese.
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Training in the Indian Ocean is sending a message to the regime in New Delhi that the Indian Ocean is our backyard.

Hopefully we do more bilateral and multilateral military exercises with Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh in the Indian Ocean.

You will see more activity by the PLAN in the Indian Ocean.

The final goal is establishing military bases in the Indian Ocean to counter the bellicose behaviour by the regime in New Delhi that seeks hegemony over peaceful South Asian states.
India and Japan must co-operate against nazi CCP and stop the genocide of minorities in territories of modern day PRC by liberating them.
PLAN - People's Liberation Army Navy's nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine Type 094 submarine.

The Type 094 submarine is capable of carrying 12-16 of the modern JL-2s with a range of approximately 8,000-12,000 km, and is capable of targeting some of the Western Hemisphere from close to the Chinese coast.

There are six JIN-class SSBNs (Type 094) are currently operational, and two more are under construction at the shipyards before China proceeds to its next generation SSBN (Type 096) over the next decade.










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