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China should shed expansionist mindset: Modi

You have changed the subject completely and are using vulgarities. Useless.

Nope I did not, I just show an example that we don't take your Indian craps seriously but reversely you Indians are so sensitive about what we said about India such as this chinese blogger had freaking out the entire India with his article. If you Modi said anything in Indian's soil, we're not bind to pick up his words unless he dare to confront us in face to face and said such none-sense.
Nope I did not, I just show an example that we don't take your Indian craps seriously but reversely you Indians are so sensitive about what we said about India such as this blogger had freaking out the entire India, if you Modi said anything in Indian's soil, we're not bind to pick up his words unless he dare to confront us in face to face and said such none-sense.
Why can't you pick up the word? It's reported on international media.:-)
Modi is a man who can directly look into eyes of 'dragon' and say "Enough is enough".

That is why we are electing him as our PM.
We haven't had any bloodshed on any of our borders for over 30 years.
Meanwhile, India has regular bloodshed on their border with Pakistan, and their border with Bangladesh.
In fact, just a short while back on India's borders some soldiers had their heads cut off, and their bodies cut to pieces. Not to mention soldiers regularly being shot, border security personnel, and even cattle traders and other civilians. They seem to shoot at anything that moves, soldiers or civilians alike.
Last but not least, China is ranked FAR above India on the Global Peace Index:
Global Peace Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Our diplomatic spats are just that... diplomatic. We aren't cutting heads off soldiers and mutilating their corpses, we aren't shooting cattle traders or civilians like the BSF does.
Funny you say that, because last time I checked, Pakistan is your closest ally and you always supporterd them in times of wars. We have been attacked many times. As for information, China don't reveal what is happening to that extent India reveals.

India has been reluctant to part with any portion of the disputed territory since the 1950s.
It rejected a swap offer made by China's former Prime Minister Zhou Enlai in 1960, asking India to recognise China's control of Aksai Chin in the west as a quid pro quo for China's recognition of the McMahon line.
After rejecting that offer, India initiated a "forward policy" to control the disputed territories in the Himalayas.

We offered a peaceful swap offer, India responded with the military option of the Forward Policy. Which was the trigger for the Sino-Indian War.
1962 is really a thorn as it made both countries enemies for some time and still is reason behind mistrust. That I agree with.
Funny you say that, because last time I checked, Pakistan is your closest ally and you always supporterd them in times of wars. We have been attacked many times. As for information, China don't reveal what is happening to that extent India reveals.

India and Pakistan give out opposing statements on what goes on in the border, the only thing we know for sure is that they are very bloody borders, with not only civilians but soldiers getting killed on a frequent basis. And being beheaded and mutilated too.

And read the article on the Sino-Indian border conflict.

Zhou Enlai offered a peaceful swap offer, to recognize AP in exchange for recognition of Aksai Chin. This was a massive compromise, borne out of the dire situation we were in, being surrounded by two enemy superpowers, while also collapsing from the worst famine in our entire history.

It was India that rejected any idea of compromise, and started the Forward Policy against us, in which Indian military outposts were set up far north of the McMahon line, in the Eastern sector where India does not claim any land!

Now that is military expansionism. China on the other hand, after winning the war, voluntarily pulled out of AP, to give India another chance to consider the very fair swap offer which was previously rejected in favor of the militaristic Forward Policy.

Of course, to this day India still refuses to even contemplate the very fair offer of a territory swap that was proposed by Zhou Enlai.
Maybe we are not handling things correctly, I would like to know how China would react under these two different circumstances: :-)

1. Millions of Indians start crossing over the border of China illegally and start settling deep inside every major city of China, start creating slums, start to take away small jobs and put extreme pressure on its economy & resources? Add to that, what if the illegal Indians look & speak like Chinese and can't be distinguished easily once they are inside China? Also add to that thousands of Indians involved in smuggling of cattle & goods including contraband & weapons, and involving in petty crimes inside China, and there is no action from Govt. of India to prevent that.

How would China handle such a situation?

Then please look to the inaction of the Government of India, as the aforementioned thing happen in and across the borders of China on a daily basis, both by her own citizens and refugees from other states (like that of Kim Jong Un). If a nation cannot properly handle the flow of human traffic both in and across its borders then that speaks volumes of its own incompetence, NOT of the so-called "fault" of the countries from which the illegal citizens originated. That is why the United States does not hold Mexico accountable for the hefty illegal drug and alien traffic that threaten its southern states. The fact that India is a sovereign nation and wants everybody else to know this fact would automatically place such obligations into its own hand.

What if India was created after a partition of China and there is a highly contested piece of land in their border, India has launched multiple full-fledged wars and limited wars, almost all unprovoked except one. India is also majorly supporting insurgency and terrorist activities inside China, India is also giving shelters and providing training camps and weapons to terrorists from both inside & outside India, India is involved in several bomb attacks inside major Chinese cities, its capital, and economic hubs like Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Guangzhou, etc. India has also sent trained terrorists with deadly weapons to attack China's Parliament and other major centers, and to kill innocent civilians indiscriminately.
On the border regular exchange of fire & shelling is a regular affair, India is also involved in beheading Chinese soldiers; such is the hatred, and each & every peace effort initiated by China has been sabotaged by Indian army & RAW by fresh acts of violence.

How would China handle such a situation?

And you think India hasn't been doing things like that to China already? Please read up on how they gave verbal and political support to those wanting Tibet to be a secessionist state. So this argument is implying that India is a victim since it cannot cope with the same situations it imposes onto other nations? Simply unbelievable.

Funny you say that, because last time I checked, Pakistan is your closest ally and you always supporterd them in times of wars. We have been attacked many times. As for information, China don't reveal what is happening to that extent India reveals.

Really? Please do tell when exactly did China support Pakistan in the 1947, 1965, 1971 wars.
Modi is a man who can directly look into eyes of 'dragon' and say "Enough is enough".

That is why we are electing him as our PM.

Once he learn Brahmaputra river can to purify his soul, then he will back down and bow to the Dragon :lol:
MAO could have used that the most,but even he dosnt belive the BS.

in 1960, water was not an issue, both China and India are under developped countries, we didnt need water as much as today. and how Mao could ever think to use Tibet water when we could hardly even to get there? But now, we have $$$$, we have mastered the civil engineering technology for water and Tibet is not beyond our reach as 1960s. And you don't have to believe my BS but I believe one person is death serious ..and his name is Brahma Chellaney.

As for this Modi, he just don't know who he's dealing with, a bad politican just try to win some votes, you Indians think that you hold South Tibet as solid ground but we Chinese hold the foundation of your entire NE...we certainly not on the weak position of the bargain.
So many hypothetical situations. :no:

The point is, India should handle its border issues how it sees fit, and we should do the same.

Only this? Reply to my two full paragraphs is only a smiley?? :pissed:
Those hypothetical situations are real for us, now tell me how China would react to such a situation, else we will start sending illegal settlers in China, @ 1 million people a year to find the answer!! :D

The fact that we have had no cross border bloodshed for 30 years, the fact that we've been actively trying to reduce our population growth, and the fact that we're constantly reducing our "defence spending as a percentage of GDP", points to us not being expansionist.

Deng Xiaoping's reforms cut the PLA by millions of soldiers. What expansionist country actively tries to reduce its population, reduces its military spending as a percentage of GDP, and cuts millions of soldiers from its military?

All our recent disputes were solved by diplomacy. Hong Kong was returned by diplomacy, and our land dispute with Tajikistan was solved by an exchange of territory.

We are the ones benefiting the most from the global status quo, by FAR. No other country in the world is increasing in relative strength as fast as we are.

Why would we want to rock the boat? If anything, it's the established great powers who are unhappy with the decline of their relative power, and who would benefit from altering the global status quo.

The USA for instance launched three separate invasions against three different countries, in the past decade ALONE.

On a serious note, we do believe recent activities of China do indicate a shift towards expansionist policies, with the increase in China's economic and military power, China is acting more like a bully, just read the post # 18 & 29 of @Genesis in the thread below, it seems not only the Govt., but people of China are also becoming more & more aggressive than being peaceful.
China should shed expansionist mindset: Modi | Page 2

Just saw the film "IP Man 2" a few days back, unfortunately China is becoming more like that American boxer than their own Master IP. :-)
Only this? Reply to my two full paragraphs is only a smiley?? :pissed:
Those hypothetical situations are real for us, now tell me how China would react to such a situation, else we will start sending illegal settlers in China, @ 1 million people a year to find the answer!! :D

On a serious note, we do believe recent activities of China do indicate a shift towards expansionist policies, with the increase in China's economic and military power, China is acting more like a bully, just read the post # 18 & 29 of @Genesis in the thread below, it seems not only the Govt., but people of China are also becoming more & more aggressive than being peaceful.
China should shed expansionist mindset: Modi | Page 2

Just saw the film "IP Man 2" a few days back, unfortunately China is becoming more like that American boxer than their own Master IP. :-)

it only looks that way to you, to us, that part is China, why should we give it to you? Are you going to give it to us? We won't give it up for the same reason you won't.

Bully is relative, am I a bully if I ask a poor thief to give back what is rightfully mine?

We are rich and powerful now, why should we act the same way as when we were poor, we didn't do it pre opium war, and we are not going to do so now.

IP man is about standing up for ourselfs, if we gave it to India, then that would be not standing up for ourselves.

Now if we claimed new dehli, or Manila, than yea, that's expansionist, but to claim China is, is claiming a pond as an ocean. Only done by rubes that have not read history and see what real expansionist governments are.
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